Kinobody Fitness Systems

The Best Extreme Fat Loss Diet Plan

The Aggressive Fat Loss Program is unlike any other diet strategy out there.

It’s no secret: there are tons of extreme fat loss diet approaches in the world of fitness. On one end you have the extreme ‘crash diet’ approaches where you drop fats or carbs entirely, or go so low in calories that you’re practically starving yourself.

I dislike those approaches, because while you may be losing fat (if you can even stick to the program more than a few days), but in the process you’ll be downright starving, your sex drive will plummet, your sleep quality will be diminished and muscle loss will be inevitable.

So you really have to ask yourself, is losing fat a little faster worth all those side effects?

To me, it’s NOT… Which is why I created an alternative approach. It’s much better to go at dieting with an aggressive fat loss approach instead of one that relies on extreme fat loss . It’s a dieting strategy designed to drop body fat as quickly as possible (just a few weeks) without being miserable in the process…

I call it the Kinobody Aggressive Fat Loss Program.

About the Strategy

Extreme Fat Loss Diet Plan to lose fat fast

The Aggressive Fat Loss Program utilizes an Intermittent Fasting style approach with a couple additional unique strategies that will enhance your fat burning throughout the program.

I recommend Intermittent Fasting (“IF”) to all my clients, and after following the program, even the biggest skeptics end up swearing by it. The fat loss potential – and how easy IF is to work into any schedule and actually STICK to – makes it the ideal choice for an aggressive fat loss strategy.

Outside of that, there are a couple tactics I recommend in the course to blunt hunger and even fight cravings throughout the day, all while getting even more ripped.

Best of all, the meals are structured in a way that actually helps keep you full, helping to reduce (or eliminate) the hunger pains, unlike so many other dieting programs out there.

What results are possible?

The results for this extreme fat loss diet program vary, of course. It depends on where you’re starting from and what you’re trying to achieve.

I’ve had a number of clients drop up to 2 pounds of pure body fat per week.

An example is my brother Bryden. He had a school trip coming up and wanted to lean down and get ripped, so I gave him this program.

Safe to say… His results were noticeable. 

Who is the Aggressive Fat Loss Program for?

This is the closest thing to rapid fat loss you can do, without all the pain, torture and sacrificed muscle that most other programs come with.

So if you want a more aggressive strategy for dropping body fat and want to get shredded for summer time, then this is what I’d recommend.

Who is this Extreme Fat Loss Diet Not For?

If you don’t have a want or need for rapid fat loss, or you’re at a point where a more gradual approach will get you to where you want to be (in time for summer, for example), then you may not need a strategy as aggressive as this. This program is brutally effective, but it’s not a walk in the park.

But if you want to experience rapid fat loss with the most effective dieting strategy out there, then Aggressive Fat Loss is for you.

What to do next?

If this sounds like what you’re looking for and you have a need an extreme fat loss diet plan for summer or a special event (or any other reason you’d want to drop fat in a hurry), then I’d recommend following my Aggressive Fat Loss Program.

Click here to check out the Aggressive Fat Loss Program for yourself:


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