Kinobody Fitness Systems

Transformation: Jonathan M.


Jonathan M.

Name: Jonathan M.
Transformation Time: 60 days
Program: Bodyweight Mastery Program


*Your results may vary. Testimonials and examples used are exceptional results and are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

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Read about Jonathan‘s journey…

What Kinobody program did you follow to achieve your transformation?

I followed Bodyweight Mastery Program.

What kind of workouts were you doing before following the Bodyweight Mastery Program? (And were you getting any results?)

I did the Arnold’s blueprint to cut, 6 workouts a day in the gym and about 2 hrs each session back in summer. There were definitely some results but i practically couldn’t do anything else after the workout session and such a time investment would be impossible in school time. I then followed WSP by kinobody in summer and shredded 15 lbs to 150. However, due to Christmas and new year meals i went back up to 157, thus i chose to pick up BMP and try it out, and it was really fun.

What did you like best about the Bodyweight Mastery Program?

Little workout time required, strength training instead of fatigue training, intermittent fasting that allows me to eat big and lose weight.

What was the most significant change for you after using the Kinobody workouts?

Definition and strength. I think i need more work on balance though.

How is your life better after following the Bodyweight Mastery Program?

More time to do other stuff.

What advice would you give someone who is about to follow the same program?

Just do it! Its super convenient and you can get great results without using weight.

Click Here to read more about the Bodyweight Mastery Program that Jonathan used to achieve such dramatic results.
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