Kinobody Fitness Systems

Kinobody Case Studies – Shea & Jacob

Kinobody Transformations

I always love to share real world physique transformations! Nothing brings me more joy and satisfaction than when I can tangibly see the positive impact I have had on someone else. This is precisely why I do what I do, you know, fitness blogging… Being able to reach out to as many people as possible and improve their life is a very beautiful thing. And something I don’t take lightly.

So I would now like to share two really remarkable transformations. It is my hope that these case studies help instill confidence in yourself.

Case Study #1 – Shea (4 month transformation) 

Starting weight – 230 lbs

Finishing weight – 187 lbs

Total fat loss – 43 lbs

Program – Warrior Shredding 

Kinobody Fat Loss

Shea is actually my cousin and after hitting rock bottom at a hefty 230 lbs, he decided it was time to take his health and fitness seriously. He was not happy with the way he looked and didn’t feel great about himself either.

I sent him an early copy of my warrior shredding program and after tearing through the program his guilt, resentment and unhappiness was replaced with a burning desire to get into the best shape of his life!

Once he got started on the plan, he had absolutely no problem sticking with it! The intermittent fasting was one of the easiest and most natural things he has ever done. Skipping breakfast and revelling in big meals at night while dropping fat was nothing short of a dream come true for him.

Shea is by no means someone who stays lean effortlessly. His natural instincts and genetics seem to constantly push him to consistent weight gain no matter what. He’s a true hedonist in that regard as he has very little control when it comes to food. That was of course until he was finally ready to listen and heed to my teachings.

When I designed the warrior shredding program, the idea was to make the most enjoyable program to drop fat and get ripped while building strength and dense muscle. With the emails I get each day and all the feedback, I am quite confident that I have accomplished this goal.

Shea Gained Strength While Dropping 40+ lbs 



One of the craziest aspects of Shea’s transformation is the fact that he gained a bunch of strength during his intense cut. In fact, he took his bench press from 165 lbs for 4 to a beastly 205 lbs for 4 reps. He also built his chin ups from a mere 2 reps to 10 strict reps.

Shea isn’t at his goal yet, he wants to drop another 20 lbs of fat and then use my Greek god program to gain 10-15 lbs of solid muscle. No doubt that he will accomplish his goal. I have never seen Shea so happy, confident and motivated in all my life and I am honored that I was able to help.

Case Study #2 – Jacob (3 months)

Starting weight – 160 lbs

End Weight – 135 lbs

Total Fat Loss – 25 lbs

Program – Kinobody Coaching 

“Before I was on the verge of being REALLY fat, unhealthy, and unhappy. Now after 12 weeks I feel better and look better than I have ever felt before! It’s insane how simple and easy the program is to follow. Literally anyone can do it. I HIGHLY encourage anyone to take the program and follow the advice. You will be on your way to being absolutely ripped!”

It was a pleasure to work with Jacob! Five days into the program he was completely psyched and was already getting comments from people saying he looked much better. In just over two weeks of the program he had dropped 7 lbs and 1.5 inches off his weight while increasing his lifts.

Jacob is what I call a fast responder. As soon as he shifted to the eating and training plan, fat was literally melting off. For some people the changes are more subtle and that’s completely fine. It’s not a race :). Currently Jacob is focusing on building muscle while getting even more ripped. Can’t wait to see where he’s at in three more months.

Oh and his lifts increased big time! 

Bench press: 95 lbs x 6 –> 140lbs x 8 reps

Standing press: 65 lbs –> 105lbs x 8 reps

Chin-ups: 1 rep –> 15lbs x 6 reps

Will my programs work for you? 

I get a lot of questions about who the warrior shredding program is for and if it works for people who have a lot of fat to lose.  I have set it up so you can tweak the nutrition plan depending on how lean you are. When you have more fat to lose you’ll use bigger weekly calorie deficits than if you’re on your last 5-10 lbs.

This ensures that it works well for people that are 5-15 lbs away from being super shredded and those that have a lot of weight to lose before they will ever see their abs. With that said, the real power of the program is behind the intermittent fasting, meal set up and training program. It’s so damn easy to follow and downright effective that there’s no way you can’t get results.

Furthermore, it will be one of the few cutting programs that you’ll follow while being able to gain strength, sleep like a baby at night and maintain a high sex drive while getting leaner than ever before. Remember, no amount of muscle definition is worth sleepless nights and bonor problems. Don’t ever forget that :)

Now don’t get me wrong, the kinobody programs will take patience and commitment but it will likely be the easiest cut of your life. There are benefits to having me coach you personally but it is quite expensive and it’s only for people that are very dedicated and will follow the program to the absolute tee. I don’t take on many clients but if you want to see if there’s a spot open you can apply here 

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