Kinobody Fitness Systems

Brad Pilon on Fat Loss


Interview with Brad Pilon

I am thrilled to have Brad Pilon on the Road to Ripped Podcast for the second time! Brad is one of my favorite fitness influencers of all time.

It was after reading his Intermittent Fasting book, Eat Stop Eat, five years ago, that I decided to utilize intermittent fasting as a tool to improve health and support a lean physique year round.

Before then, I was scared that going several hours without food would starve my muscles, boy was I wrong! Intermittent fasting has been one of the most effective and important strategies I have ever employed.

I’ve been fortunate enough to hang out with Brad Pilon on a couple occasions and he’s one of the most affable guys in the fitness community! So getting Brad on a podcast makes for an incredible conversation.

In This Episode We Discuss…

Bonus Tip: Ever struggled to enjoy dessert without having seconds or thirds? Well I show you my simple trick that will stop you from going for multiple servings of your favorite foods. It’s crazy but it works!

Watch The Video Here


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