Kinobody Fitness Systems

How to Customize Your Kinobody Journey

Where Should You Begin Your Epic Journey?

The first step to building a downright aesthetic physique is and always will be getting lean.

It’s tempting to want to begin the Superhero Bulking Program since it’s new and exciting, but unless you have a slim waist and low body fat, adding more muscle won’t do much to improve your physique.

*Your results may vary. Testimonials and examples used are exceptional results and are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

My Superhero Bulking course beautifully addresses how to gain muscle while staying lean or even slowly dropping your body fat. That said, if you have more than a few pounds of fat to lose, I would recommend doing a deliberate cutting program.

This is where my Warrior Shredding Program would be the most logical path. Learning how to eat in an enjoyable way that promotes single digit body fat levels (over time) is the first step to physique mastery.

*Your results may vary. Testimonials and examples used are exceptional results and are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

Keep in mind, while cutting it’s imperative that you focus on building up your key lifts. As you strip off the fat and build strength, you’ll reveal incredible muscle tone. This will create the ‘Warrior Effect’.

The next step would be to methodically eat more calories to support muscle growth while working on brining up your key lifts to a whole new level – incline bench press, weighted chin ups, standing presses and heavy curls.

This is what my Greek God Program is honed in on: gaining godlike strength and supporting amazing muscle proportion and density while staying lean. It’s only once you’ve build up a solid base level of strength and muscle mass should you consider my Superhero Bulking Program.

*Your results may vary. Testimonials and examples used are exceptional results and are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

Can you cut with the Superhero Bulking Program?


The short answer is yes, you can… But here’s how:

If you want to cut with the Superhero Bulking Program, I’d suggesting dropping the reverse pyramid training sets from 3 per exercise down to 2. This will ensure you don’t overtrain on a calorie deficit.

As well, you’ll need to follow the nutrition protocols from either my Warrior Shredding Program or Aggressive Fat Loss program.

By reducing the sets down to 2 per exercise, you’ll stay clear of overtraining. Essentially, with the Superhero Bulking Program, you will work through different phases each honed in on one to two key muscle groups. This protocol works incredible for advanced muscle gains.

Furthermore, when you’re cutting, specializing on 1-2 muscle groups is very effective at making physique improvements while getting leaner. It’s very difficult to gain muscle on a cut. That said, when you focus hard on 1-2 muscle groups, you CAN make physique progress while leaning down.

This is a strategy I have been using for months with my personal coaching clients and it works gangbusters. I’ve even followed the Superhero Arm Phase while cutting from 10% body fat down to 8% body fat. During that time, I made noticeable improvements in the size and development of my arms, despite dropping weight.

Want A Complete Program To Get You To Your Goals?

After reading this, if the Superhero Bulking Program sounds right for you, then pick it up today! The doors will be closing August 27th for a few weeks before the official release (and more expensive release at that).

Click here to grab your copy now.

BUT – don’t feel like you have to start here if it’s not the best move for you. My Warrior Shredding Program and Greek God Program are incredible at helping you chisel down and build strength while staying lean. If it makes more sense to begin with either of those, then start there.

Read more about the Warrior Shredding Program here.

Read more about the Greek God Program here.

If you have any questions about what would be the best program for YOU, leave them in the comments below!

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