Name: Claudio S.
Transformation Time: 30 days
Program: Warrior Shredding Program
- Weight – 149 down to 144
- Waist Measurement Stats – 32 to 31
- Bench Press (Flat or Incline) Stats – 605 to 858
- Weighted Chin Ups – 132 to 198
*Your results may vary. Testimonials and examples used are exceptional results and are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.
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Read about Claudio‘s journey…
What Kinobody program did you follow to achieve your transformation?
I followed Warrior Shredding Program.
What kind of workouts were you doing before following the Warrior Shredding Program? (And were you getting any results?)
I started caring about my diet about three years ago and tried everything from atkins diet to low carb (wich is horrible for my hormones… bye bye morning wood)
At about November 2015 I started counting my macros. But even though they were not calculated well enough, I still dropped a few pounds, since i was doing Boxing, Thai boxing and Krav maga six days a week.
What did you like best about the Warrior Shredding Program?
I LOVE Chocolate! SO after my body and mind got used to the fasting, my mood went up to the roof, since i was able to eat chocolate every day (though I tend to switch it up for Pop Chips or some ice cream every now and then).
In addition the health benefits just blew me away. Get a cold? No problem, it´s over way quicker than normally.
In addition to that i feel way more energized (at least when i had my first sips of coffee ._. )
What was the most significant change for you after using the Kinobody workouts?
I was blown away by how much training is REALLY necessary. You don´t have to spend hours upon hours in the gym…
What I am still wondering about is, that I really enjoy lifting now. I haven´t participated in a normal gym for years, since I never really felt the need to lift more. It always struck me as being boring.
I do admit though, that I miss my martial arts quite a bit and since the first month is over, I will try to incorporate my training into my week again, though I now know, that it is not absolutely necessary to loose weight.
How is your life better after following the Warrior Shredding Program?
If the last paragraphs were not stating the obvious improvements, here a quick summary:
– More energy
– Even more enjoyment in food (never thought that´d be possible)
– Higher sexdrive indeed
– I am learning to love myself (absolutely NEVER been that way in my entire life)
– To be honest it´s quite enjoyable to have even more self esteem
– CHOCOLATE anyone?!
– ´nuff said.
What advice would you give someone who is about to follow the same program?
JUST DO IT! (heh.)
This is so much easier to say in german…
Be consistent
Be honest with yourself
Be patient
Be happy about small changes
Be yourself
Be open for new things
Any final notes?
Well, thanking Greg would be great and all, but I´d be much happier doing that in person, since it´s more… personal?
I really enjoy this programm and I can see myself gaining and earning a physique, that I thought I´d never have, but always wanted.
Aside from the massive improvement of my quality of life, I have to be a little more patient (can´t wait to somewhere around summer start the Greek god program and then I can finally eat more *_* ).
This is in fact the very first online programm i spent my money on and it´s a blast to follow.
If by any chance Greg pays a visit to germany, i´ll give him a proper beer!