How I Built Kinobody to a Million Dollars Per Year
Kinobody was built to empower you to conquer your fitness goals in a unique and enjoyable way. But it’s not all about having an amazing body. It’s about having the fulfilling life to go along with it!
In this post, I wanted to share some of my key strategies that led to the success of Kinobody so you can apply them, take action, and build the life of your dreams.
Lets begin!
How I Set Out To Create Kinobody
You want to bring something unique to the world. I didn’t want Kinobody to be just another spin off of another fitness brand. In fact, I didn’t like the majority of fitness sites in the world, so I knew I had to create something that truly resonated with me.
So begin by asking yourself:
How can you make something unique?
What do I want to see that’s not already out there?
I was tired of all the bodybuilder nonsense of trying to get huge, bulking diets that just led to inevitable fat gain, living in the gym, and struggling to get lean.
My goal was to create a physique that was awe inspiring. One that’s strong, powerful, and fully capable. A physique that resembles the lean and chiseled Hollywood actor look, but is still very strong and athletic.
And most importantly, I wanted to craft a strategy to achieve my goals while also fully being able to enjoy the process and live an awesome life. I wanted to be able to eat great meals, enjoy a few drinks on the weekends, not live in the gym, and just simply enjoy my life.
You Need To Offer Value
Kinobody evolved from creating very high-quality content.
It’s not about putting out tons of garbage content just to try and get visitors to your site.
Express your passion and truly create the quality of content that makes people want to stick around and stay for more. I actually didn’t run any advertising to Kinobody for 5 years! It was built strictly off the hustle and providing tons of value…
Kinobody was built with integrity!
It’s not about the money either. I’d turn away more money in a heartbeat to have integrity and to feel good about what I’m doing. In fact, I’ve turned tons of money away by not doing affiliate marketing and by not promoting supplements.
What really matters to me is for those who go through my programs (such as Superhero Bulking, or Aggressive Fat Loss which are pictured below), get more value than what they paid for.

*Your results may vary. Testimonials and examples used are exceptional results and are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

*Your results may vary. Testimonials and examples used are exceptional results and are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.
In other words, “Teaching you how to fish” and providing you with all the tools needed to be successful, such as awesome support with private Facebook groups, forums, and exclusive program material.
The Most Important Thing That Helped Build My Life
Now lets not forget for a second, building the confidence to pursue the life of my dreams all started with conquering my fitness goals. This is what really helped me to step out of my comfort zone and go after the life of my dreams.
Building my body taught me that if I have a goal, and I’m willing to work for it, I can have it. This develops unshakable self belief that will be your greatest asset to staying motivated and going after what you want in life, with absolute conviction.
Again, whatever you truly want out of life, always remember you can go after it!
Take these tips and apply them to what you’re most passionate about. Absorb all the information, learn, and most importantly, don’t forget to invest in yourself.
Your Kino Question For The Day: How has the article helped you with success? Let me know in the comments below.
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Lol this seems more like an advertisement and a salary brag than a true “How to make money off a blog.” I recommend Steve Pavlina or Scott Young for that information. I also credit Reverse Pyramid Training and Intermittent Fasting to a Swedish gentleman named Martin Berkhan. Props to Greg for spreading the IF message and helping others, but I would not call his work unique. If Martin from did the same thing (Youtube, Snapchat, blog, etc) he could easily double this $1 mil figure. The man knows his science and changed the world with his blog. A pity he stopped….
@Akira1643:disqus – It surely wasn’t a full blown breakdown of how he built his business but he did clearly say a few valuable things I took away — focused on integrity, value, being unique and not doing affiliate promos or selling supplements. Those are valuable insights.
MB did not invent IF… Brad Pilon was discussing it long before him as were many others.
I strongly disagree about Martin having the same success as Greg even if he did the same thing. It takes a very confident individual to put yourself in the public domain and it requires WAY MORE than just knowledge to succeed.
Greg has figured out how to make his information ENTERTAINING and INSPIRATION, something many of the “super smart guys” like MB failed to do (if they were even trying).
Hello Vince,
Thank you for the reply. Any business major could have told you you had to offer value and differentiate. This article is a puff piece. But Greg didn’t go to college so I guess he thinks it’s valuable advice? I appreciate reminders, but it’s more of a not-so-humble brag.
To me Martin B. did a great deal to popularize IF. Go to any Pro IF site and his method is mentioned as the “Leangains Method” among other IF styles. I do know that Brad’s “Eat, Stop, Eat” was a seminal book in the IF community.
At the end of the day Greg is a salesman (and entertainer/motivational speaker judging by the language you used). I do agree that sales and entertainment are two different skill sets that many programmers, researchers, etc lack. However, Martin was not afraid to put pictures of his body online or to speak his mind bluntly (he has an article titled “Fuckarounditis”). I also believe he is pretty fluent in English and understood the “Bro Culture” in bodybuilding.
Side note – Selling supplements isn’t the opposite of having integrity. Christopher Walker from Testshock does it. Greg and Chris are good friends.
My point with all this is that Martin could have done this. For some reason he just didn’t want to. I will always knock Greg on his Donald Trump style of fitness promotion compared to say Menno Hensleman’s Bayesian Bodybuilding or Chris Walker from Testshock or Leangains science based approach.
But whatever appeals to the masses I guess….I can’t argue with the cash Greg is pulling in. That’s just a fact.
Thanks for the reply.
You’re right, value is basic advice. however, Knowing about it and delivering on it… in the year we live in right now… are two separate things. Guys who truly “get it”, like Greg, are winning and inspiring more than anyone else.
I know Greg and his confidence can come across as ‘not so humble’ be I reassure you that he’s one of the most passionate, teachable and appreciative guys you’ll meet. For a super young guys, he’s navigating very well and I’m sure, just like all of us, will learn some lessons the hard way.
I liked Martin… but guys like him and many other researchers could influence and inspire SO MANY more people if they got outside of their comfortable box and saw selling and marketing in a more positive light. You can sell with integrity and I understand it can turn many people off but at the end of the day you have to find credibility in the content you’re sharing and what your true intentions are, which only that person knows.
Nice chatting.
When someone is impacting and inspiring more people, there is a very good chance they are offering more value.
I wish more of the “evidence based science guys” understood this but I also realize they are likely deep in the trenches researching. Th