How to Use Kino Rep Training to Pump Up Your Workouts
Imagine building a body that has size, strength and muscle density; a body that radiates a dominant presence anywhere you go.
This physique has a taut upper chest, a ripped back, massive arms and explosive legs.
This isn’t a pipe dream. Plentiful of Kino Warriors wake up daily to this majestic life of what seems to be nothing more than a parallel universe.
Well, I’ve got some good news for you. This can be your reality. With the right training style, building an amazing body is right around the corner.
However, we need to train smart. Thankfully, I’ve developed training protocols to help develop the physique of your dreams as effectively and quickly as possible.
Reverse Pyramid Training
The caveat is that you need to follow the proper training approach. If you’ve been following Kinobody, you’ve probably heard of reverse pyramid training. This is the bread-and-butter to our training style at Kinobody. Reverse pyramid training focuses on strength training which incorporates getting stronger on compound lifts.
This style is by far the best approach to obtaining a strong, dense physique. Reverse pyramid training builds myofibrillar hypertrophy. Myofibrillar hypertrophy increases the number of contractile proteins in your muscles. This type of hypertrophy builds strength and overall muscle mass.
We accomplish this by training with low reps and heavier weights. This is low volume training and is the best way to train. By putting your muscles under max tension, your myofibrils will increase.
On a side note, there are fast-twitch and slow-twitch fiber types. Fast-twitch fibers are responsible for building an athletic, explosive physique equipped with a lot of strength. You build this from low-volume training. Slow-twitch fibers are meant for endurance activities and you get this from increasing the volume in your training (more on that later).
Myofibrillar hypertrophy is the foundation of a dream body. It’s hard to lose. You can go on vacation and take some time off from the gym; when you come back, the muscle is still there. However, to achieve the ultimate physique of a Greek god, we’re going to need to add some size and volume to your muscles.
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Enter Kino Rep Training
With myofibrillar hypertrophy, we grow our muscles by adding myofibrils. But what if we wanted to increase the size of the muscle that we already have?
We accomplish this by what we call Kino rep training. Kino rep training increases the volume to your workout to spur maximum muscle growth. As a byproduct, you increase the fluid in your muscles, which results in an increase in muscle size. This is called sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. This will give you added mass, but with no additional strength.
As aforementioned, reverse pyramid training should be the foundation of your training regimen. Kino rep training shouldn’t be used as your main training protocol. It should make up about 20 percent of your training. You’ll never reach your maximal muscle potential if all you do is Kino rep training.
Kino rep training is performed by starting with lighter weight, doing about 10-15 reps (for legs, sometimes 5-8 reps depending on the exercise). Then increase the weight consistently across four or five sets. You’re going to aim for the higher end of the rep range for your first few sets while the weight is light. Once you reach your fourth or fifth set, the weight should be heavy enough that you are barely hitting the lower end of the rep range. (Or you fail before you reach the range at all.)
Kino Rep Training Continued
You will only rest between 60-90 seconds between each set. Shorter rest periods work best for Kino rep training, giving your muscles a pump and a full look in your muscles. By starting light, you pre-fatigue the muscles. This means that you don’t have to lift as much to reach muscle failure.
Kino rep training adds muscle by simply adding volume to your training. It increases the mind-to-muscle connection with the body. Since you’re lifting lighter weights and doing more reps, you’ll be able to laser in on your muscle, which is going to allow you to really feel and squeeze the muscle. This will gain you more muscle when you lift your heavy lifts via reverse pyramid training.
High-Volume Training
Kino rep training is high-volume training. High volume training is mainly for advanced lifters after they’ve achieved enough dense muscle and have reached a plateau on strength gains. Also, this will boost your stamina and conditioning quite a bit. Although the bulk of Kinobody’s training style comes from low-volume training, high-volume training has its own place in the Kino-sphere.
High-volume training is better for certain exercises. We have found it to be very effective for the biceps, triceps and medial deltoids (you know, those smaller muscles that do well with isolation exercises). Adding fullness to these muscles will give you a brawny appearance by increasing the fluid/glycogen in your muscles (sarcoplasmic hypertrophy).
Now, most people will not utilize this correctly. When most people do high-volume training, they end up doing way too much weight, sets or reps. This tends to be what the majority of bodybuilders do. As naturals, we can’t do this. There’s only so much volume we can handle without hurting our recovery. That’s why Kino rep training is so damn effective for Kino Warriors (natty’s for life!).
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Recovering CNS and Training Lagging Muscle Groups
Reverse pyramid training is great, but it drains the central nervous system. You are lifting heavy weights for multiple reps and sets.
Kino rep training, on the other hand, allows you to do most of your reps and sets with lighter weight. This leaves fuel in your CNS for upcoming workouts. (This is gold for leg training.)
Legs are such a big muscle group and grow rapidly. Training them the wrong way will end up making them too bulky and exhausting your nervous system. Kino rep training prevents the lower body from getting too big, giving it a nice, sleek appearance. By replacing reverse pyramid training with Kino rep training on our legs, we prevent overtraining them and leave us with plenty in the tank to hit our next workout… hard.
Furthermore, Kino rep training helps build the lagging muscle groups. So if you have a muscle group that isn’t growing or just isn’t caught up with the rest of the pack, then Kino rep training is a lifesaver. To rebalance your muscles, add an isolation exercise at the end of your workout targeting the muscle that’s lagging, and use Kino rep training to increase the volume without sacrificing your recovery.
Most noteworthy, we’ve found that the shoulders respond the best to Kino rep training because you can’t really go too heavy on exercises that hit your medial and rear deltoids. For example, doing the lateral raise, which targets your medial deltoids, is perfect for Kino rep training. Lateral raises are a movement that can’t be done with too much weight — and you only risk injury if you do so. Certain movements are just biomechanically better for lighter weight and more volume. This is the beauty of Kino rep training.
Tension and Volume
The two components you need for muscle growth are tension and volume. The problem with the bulk of your training coming from volume is that your body never gets to fully recover. Bodybuilders seem to respond best to high-volume training as the bulk of their training protocol due to drugs and steroids. When you’re on drugs, your muscles don’t need as much recovery.
As natural lifters, we’re going to need the rest and recovery drug users get to omit.
Kino Rep Training Example
Cable Face Pulls: 4 sets x 15 reps (Kino rep training)
- 80 pounds x 15 reps (rest 60-90 seconds between each set)
- 90 pounds x 15 reps
- 100 pounds x 15 reps
- 110 pounds x 15 reps
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts: 4 sets x 10-12 reps (Kino rep training)
- 40 pounds x 12 reps (rest 60-90 seconds between each set)
- 50 pounds x 12 reps
- 60 pounds x 12 reps
- 70 pounds x 10 reps
Kino rep training is something that you can do three days a week at the end of your workout (unless training legs) on accessory lifts or lagging muscle groups. You’ll only need to hit one or two exercises doing this. If you’re training legs, then you will do Kino rep training for the bulk of your workout to make sure your legs stay trim and your body stays refreshed.
Kino rep training is by far the best complimentary exercise strategy you can use in your workout routine.
Achieve Greek God Status
We utilize this training philosophy in our Greek God Program. The Greek God Program will build you the ultimate Kinobody physique. You’ll build the dense muscle we talked about initially through reverse pyramid training and then, once you become accustomed to the lifts, you’ll add in Kino rep training.
Kino rep training is powerful because it’ll give you an extra 20 percent of muscle gains. That’s going to make a massive change in your appearance!
The Greek God Program details how to use Kino rep training and applies it to your training routine. It will teach you how to do MEGA training, in which Kino rep training is at the forefront. MEGA training is known as minimum effort growth acceleration and maximizes muscle growth. Utilizing Kino rep training through this will give you the icing on the cake and make your body literally reach Greek God status.
Best of luck in your training!