Why Low-Volume Training Is Ideal for Muscle Growth
Working out should add value and freedom to your life, not restrict and suffocate you.
Most workout programs out there are designed to make you miserable (not intentionally… well, not all the time). You end up spending hours in the gym and doing too much volume. This wreaks havoc on your body.
When you work out, you should be able to still enjoy life and have plenty of time outside of the gym to accomplish all of your biggest aspirations. After all, the gym is meant to enhance your life, not destroy it.
So why is it that many people end up giving up on their dreams just to lift weights and look good? Well, it’s because they aren’t following the proper training protocol. You can look great and still have the time to live the life of your dreams. That’s the beauty of low-volume training.
Low-volume training is the bread and butter of the Kinobody philosophy.
Benefits of Low-Volume Training
For starters, low-volume training gives you the freedom to have abundant time on your hands to do whatever you want. Start that business, move up in your career, read books, pick up hobbies, watch more movies, spend time with your friends and family. Literally, whatever you want!
Low-volume training is the limitless pill of the gym.
Low-volume training is exactly what it sounds like — it’s reducing: the number of days you work out; the amount of time you work out; the number of sets and reps you do; and the selection of exercises you perform. It’s the opposite of what most fitness gurus have you believe.
With low-volume training, you’ll have higher quality workouts. No more wasted time in the gym. Instead, you utilize every second you’re there.
One of the best advantages of low-volume training is that you’ll be able to hold onto muscle with more sustainability. That’s because low-volume training requires lifting with heavier weight, which targets your myofibrils. This creates myofibrillar hypertrophy. This type of muscle growth is easy to maintain and hard to lose. If you take a few weeks off from the gym and then come back, you won’t notice much change in your physique.
This is the low-volume training dark horse. With high-volume training, you’ll notice a drastic difference if you take off a few weeks — or even a few days — from the gym.
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Not only does low-volume training buy back your time, but it also enhances your results in the gym. When you train with low-volume, you’re giving your body ample rest and recovery essential for muscle growth. The body grows while in rest mode, not while it’s on the battlefield of the weight room.
The human body needs a lot more time to replenish than you think. When you lift weights, you deplete your muscle glycogen. Your central nervous system (CNS) also takes a toll. In short, you’ll either burn out or injure yourself if you go too hard, too often.
A lot of these guys that have huge, ripped physiques are usually on steroids and drugs. These guys can get away with using massive amounts of volume. But for the natural lifter, the human body just isn’t capable of doing a whole bunch of volume without impairment.
(So don’t listen to these gurus that tell you you need to work out five to six days a week for hours on end with lots of sets and reps; this will demolish your body.)
Aside from low-volume training and rest, supplementation can also speed up the recovery process. Our all-natural pre-workout, Kino Octane, not only gives you smooth energy, it will aid in recovery from your training. If you want to increase your gym results and recovery time, Kino Octane is your icing on the cake!
How To Do Low-Volume Training
Low-Volume Training For Big Lifts
There’s a right and wrong way to do low-volume training. Low-volume shouldn’t be done on the smaller muscles with accessory lifts. Low-volume training should be done on your compound movements. These are the movements that break down the largest muscle groups. Think bench press, barbell shoulder press and weighted pullups. All three of these movements target large muscle groups and build up your overall physique.
Here’s the big caveat to low-volume training: The intensity has to be high.
This is to help make up for the time you’ve spent recovering out of the gym. You need to use heavy weight (80 percent of your one-rep max) and should barely be able to hit the last rep of your first set. This also means that you need to consistently increase the weight you’re lifting. This is the recipe for constant weekly gains.
It feels great to make quick strength and muscle gains. Instead of working your body to the bone with endless volume, work out efficiently by increasing the weight slowly over the coming weeks. Hit consistent PRs. How many gym goers do you know hit PRs each week?
This will no doubt make you feel like a real-life superhero with superhuman strength. (This is especially true when you combine low-volume training with Kino Gains, a muscle-building formula designed to pack on muscle in the right areas. Unlike most supplements in the industry, Kino Gains is all-natural and contains no artificial sweeteners or toxic chemicals.)
Reverse Pyramid Training
The best way to do low-volume training is through a concept called reverse pyramid training.
Reverse pyramid training is where your first set is your heaviest weight with the lowest reps. (Example: 80 percent 1RM for 4-6 reps). Then you go down the pyramid by reducing the weight and increasing the reps. (70 percent 1RM for 6-8 reps, 60 percent 1RM for 8-10 reps). It’s the opposite of standard pyramid training.
The reason why RPT is so effective is that it allows you to hit your first (heavy) set without muscle fatigue. You’re fully fresh when you perform your heaviest set. Standard pyramid training doesn’t allow you to do this because you end up exhausting your muscles as you work your way up to your heaviest set. By the time you reach your heaviest weight, your muscles are already fatigued.
Through reverse pyramid training, you only perform one extremely heavy set. This takes a huge load off your neural recovery because lifting heavy requires near maximal muscle fiber stimulation. You do it once, and then you’re done lifting extremely heavy for that exercise… that is, until the next workout.
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Low-Volume Training Schedule
With low-volume training, you should spend no more than two or three days in the gym.
That doesn’t sound like a whole lot, but when you’re lifting the amount of weight you would on a Kinobody program, you’ll be grateful for the rest.
Work out on nonconsecutive days with at least one rest day in between each workout. This maximizes muscle growth. Your CNS takes about 48 hours to recover. However, local neurons will take three to four days to fully recover. Not only should you allow at least one rest day between lifts, but you should also hit each muscle group every four to five days.
This will fully recharge your body for each workout. You’ll be able to hit every big lift with max intensity and effort. This philosophy is different from commonly accepted knowledge, but it’s the best training advice you’ll ever hear.
Should You Ever Do High-Volume Training?
There’s a time and a place for everything — high-volume training is no different. High-volume training should be performed on accessory lifts and at the end of your workout. This is meant to add size to your muscles. It’s ideal for the smaller muscle groups — arms, deltoids, lower legs — and not ideal for the big muscle groups — chest, back, shoulders and upper legs (if you want additional lower body mass).
This training style is for isolation. Although it’s high-volume training, it can still be done quickly to keep your workouts relatively short. Add more reps and sets, reduce the weight and limit the rest periods in between the sets. Again, this is accessory work; it shouldn’t take more time than your reverse pyramid sets.
Low-volume training is no doubt the best training style for a natural human being. With low-volume training, you’ll gain more muscle and strength, recover faster and save time in the gym.
To fuel your low-volume training, combine Kino Octane with Kino Gains. Kino Octane will help you recover from your workouts faster, with ingredients like thiamin and biotin. Plus, the clean energy you get from Octane is lethal. As for Kino Gains, it contains creatine monohydrate, which has a multitude of studies linking it to increased testosterone and ATP production.
Low-volume training, along with the proper supplements, should net you the body of your dreams. Happy training!