How Actors Get Shredded For Movie Roles
How Actors Lose Weight for Movie Roles
What’s the actors diet to prepare for movie roles?
There’s no secret that when actors need to get shredded for the movie screen they adopt low calorie diets. Why? Well because low calorie diets work, if you can just battle through them. In fact, one of the first diets I ever did was the shake salad diet. This involved eating a protein shake for breakfast, a protein shake for lunch and a big chicken salad for dinner.
The shake salad diet is a fail proof way to get ripped. That said, you couldn’t pay me enough money to endure the diet for anything longer than a week. Funny enough, I still get asked by people today if I recommend that diet for fat loss. Honestly, I don’t.
Going extremely low in calories works, but you’re not going to lose fat that much faster than a reasonable calorie deficit. So the results of extreme dieting, just plain and simple, aren’t worth the added pain and torture.
This is partly because the law of diminishing returns kicks in, as you drop calories, the rate of fat loss doesn’t drop as much as expected. But worse, with this further reduction in calories, you are more susceptible to muscle loss, drained sex drive and brutal hunger pangs. Not to mention the risk of slipping off your diet and binge eating is considerably higher.
Extreme Dieting vs Aggressive Dieting
If you want to lean down while maintaining muscle and getting that chiseled look like Ryan Reynolds (featured above), then extreme dieting won’t work. Simply, it’s way too catabolic. Instead what you want to do is aggressive dieting. Let me explain:
Let’s say that you are an average male that burns around 2700 calories per day. You could go on an extreme diet and eat only 1200 calories of pretty much just lean protein and veggies. This would put you in a massive 1500 calorie deficit per day allowing you to drop about 3 lbs per week. This is precisely what Matthew Mcconaughey did for Dallas Buyers Club to play an aids victim.
That said, you’re going to be downright starving, your sex drive will plummet and muscle loss will be inevitable. So you really have to ask yourself, is losing fat a little faster worth all those side effects? Obviously not! Well unless you’re a masochist. Or if you’re getting paid millions of dollars to lose weight on a strict deadline.
I prefer an aggressive approach to quick fat loss, but not extreme. I’d recommend capping the calorie deficit at around 700-1000 below maintenance. So in this instance, you’d have an extra 500 calories to work with, brining you from 1200 calories to a much more enjoyable 1700 calories.
These extra calories help immensely
These extra 500 calories will allow you to bump your fat intake up 20g and add an extra 80g of carbs each day. These extra macros would make you much more satisfied, training, sleep and sex drive would improve and you’d experience much better muscle retention.
And guess what, you’re still going to lose plenty of fat. If you wanted to drop 30 lbs, it would take you 15 weeks compared to 10 weeks on the extreme 1200 calorie diet. You might think to yourself, an extra 5 weeks of dieting, that sounds terrible! Well not when you’re eating in a way that is satisfying and enjoyable compared to constantly being on edge and hungry.
What’s more, you’re going to look significantly better with the aggressive approach. This is because you will have maintained more muscle so you would have a more favorable ratio of muscle to fat mass. On top of that, because you took fat loss a little slower, your skin would be tighter, giving your muscles even more definition.
My Aggressive Fat Loss Approach
Since so many people have been asking me for a rapid fat loss protocol, I decided to create the best possible and most enjoyable program for aggressive fat loss. I will say that this isn’t the fastest way to lose body fat. The quickest way to drop body fat is with a protein sparing modified fast (PSMF). Lyle Mcdonald wrote a great book on this type of diet.
That said, I just couldn’t bring myself to write my version of a PSMF. Why? Well because I believe in leading by example and practicing what I preach and I could just never stick to a full blown PSMF. I need my carbs and my fats and I just value my sleep, sanity, sex drive and workout performance way too damn much.
So this is the closest thing to rapid fat loss you can do, without all the pain, torture and sacrificed muscle. So if you want an AGGRESSIVE strategy for dropping body fat and want to get shredded for summer time, then check out my new program today:
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Is cutting to 1500 calories going to effect my muscles while loosing body fat? I am 16, 6″1 and 12 stone currently.
So i mean like protein shake for breakfast protein shake for lunch a apple and then a meal and a slow digesting food before bed to make 1500 calories
Hi Greg, great work on your youtube videos and website. Here is my question, is IF enough to slow down the metabolism? I never though such a short fast would cause this, but numerous doctors and nutritionists have advised me against IF or a full day fast. Because of this, I had stopped (started again) using IF and gained tons of weight back. Do you think the weight gain is a result of metabolic damage from low calorie / fasting diets? Like I said, I don’t believe IF had anything to do with my recent weight gain, but my doctor seems to think otherwise.
Thanks again!
– Matt
I really strongly suggest you read Eat Stope Eat. And even send a copy to your doctor. It’s backed by plenty of research. But no, shot term fasting won’t reduce your metabolism. Heck, even a 3 day full fast was shown to not reduce the metabolism.
[…] Read the post on getting shredded – […]
Greg how many calories should I save in order to be able to eat out without wondering how many calories I ate, typically food that I don’t eat on a daily basis and is it bad if I reach lower or over calories limit.and how would I know if I reached the limit. Thanks
I can’t answer this question. There’s way too many factors at play. But I don’t recommend using huge cheat meals. Exercise moderation and you’ll be fine. Use intermittent fasting and you’re set.
im following you worrier plan and dieting eating only 1400-1500 cl a day but lts say my friends go out to have a burger would it be ok that i have one to?
Yeah once in a while it’s fine. Or if you work it into your calories then that’s fine.
sorry anather thing sometimes i get a bit dizzy any explanations
No I’m not a doctor. Make sure you’re drinking enough water and don’t let yourself go too hungry.
thanks you have been a great help!
Hey Greg,
When following your Greek God program, what cardio recommendations do you have? Could I mix it up on the treadmill on a couple of my off days and maybe throw in some type of a barbell complex or hybrid training circuit? I want to burn off the last bit of lower belly BF I’m about 10% right now.
Don’t do barbell complex or training circuits. It will fuck up with recovery. I’d suggest doing some walking or intervals.
Greg, just to comment one last time triggered by Edgardo’s question…
As I travel internationally all the time it is tough for me to use the progressive loading approach by adding small increments of weight for a variety of reasons. Many hotel gyms do not feature a consistent selection of equipment — they tend to have more “Smith machine” set ups and machines and fewer barbells due to liability concerns.
So I have had good success by instead using basic dumbbells — which tend to be available everywhere though sometimes there is a KG/LBS issue. I then “progressively loading” using pre-exhaustion and more reps and larger weight increments (since dumbbell work does not lend itself to small incremental increases).
I know this is not ideal because perhaps the volume tends to be higher than optimal. But I try to follow your principles as closely as I can under the circumstances and it is paying off with every workout and every week I stay on track with the macros. If you have any ideas for refining this approach I would be grateful.
Hey Gunnar, that’s a great method you’re following. It works quite well. Keep up the great work.
hey greg, hello!
I am like 20-22% body fat, 172 pounds .. I wanna lose weight and look ripped, my question is, If I purchase extreme fat loss program, what else would I need? I mean, which workouts?
I don’t really like heavy-lifting or weight-lifting at all.. Do you like, calisthenics or just strength workouts what could I follow from? or what would you suggest?
Thanks in advance…
You can follow whichever workout you want with the aggressive fat loss program. That said, I would suggest following a routine of strength training so you maintaing muscle while getting ripped. I have a couple bodyweight workout articles on my blog, I would give those a shot.
Hi Greg,
How do you recommend I measure my fat percentage? I have no sense of where I’m at. Is that calipers thing ok to purchase and reliable enough to use?
I’m 174cm and about 69kg. I do have some visible abs but not really ripped yet. I’m not sure whether I need to gain some weight or just maintain and lose fat. I do a calorie deficit on rest days (2000 calories) and on training days I aim for 2700 calories. I’ve been doing this for about 2 months but I think I need to modify it as there’s not much change. I haven’t lost any fat. Are my calories too high to start with? Thanks.
If you still have fat to lose I’d suggest straight cutting. 69kg is lighter, you’re not going to drop fat averaging around 2300 calories per day. You’ll need to be around the 1800-2000 calorie range. I don’t really recommend trying to measure your body fat. Instead, go with the mirror test. You’ll know when your satisfied with your level of leanness.
Ok thanks. Is that maintenance at 1800-2000 calories? That sounds better as I normally struggle with 2700 calories with IF. Also for my height what is my ideal weight?
1800-2000 is for cutting. Maintenance would be higher. Probably around 75kg
Hey Greg,
I’ve been trying a while now to get the line down the chest and the separation between my as and my chest(Lower pec area) I know that comes with low BF% but I am about 12% and seeing no cut in the middle of my chest. What do you suggest I do to get the square shape and the separation?
Thanks for all your help
You’ll probably need to get down to 9-10% body fat and build more chest mass.
Greg – great stuff as usual. What do you recommend. I am 5’7″ currently around 150 lbs and started your Greek God program. Think I am starting to see gains in strength and even definition . However I do also want shredded abs for the summer. I can see a faint 4 pack but would like a defined 4-6 pack . Can I combine some of the GG program and the Warrior program and get some decent results ? What combo do you recommend? Thx
Yah you can follow the strenght and density program while doing the warrior shredding diet.
Hi Greg,
Today is my 2nd day of following your Aggressive Fat Loss program. I’m male, 35 years old, 175cm and 85 kgs
Beside the program, what is the best exercise for me, cardio or weight lifting? And how many days should I do the exercise? Could you give me the best plan for fat loss?
Well your best bet is going to be strength training that is what will allow you to maintain muscle while you drop body fat. I’d recommend following the workout from Kinobody Elite (month 1).
That works very well with the aggressive fat loss diet. Otherwise you can follow this routine –
Hey Greg, if we wanted to stay lean year round, what are your thoughts on cutting down to 7-8% and then slowly clean bulking to 10%, and then keep repeating this process?
Sounds like a good strategy to me! You’d need to make sure to lean bulk slowly so its’ about 3 months to go from 7-8% to 10%
Hi, Greg. I have been in this Paleo-oriented “the-more-heathy-fat-the-better” mindset for 3+ years.
But I have to say that since I have been following your recommendations in the last two months I have gotten a lot leaner. I have lowered my fat intake (no more Bulletproof coffee in the a.m.) and raised my carb intake (sweet potato and parboiled rice) I have gotten a lot leaner. Protein has been tougher to increase to optimal levels but I am getting that dialed in also.
Still, I am fascinated by the theory that fat calories are simply different than other calories. I would really appreciate your comments on this article:
Great to hear about your awesome results. Keep rocking it.
And the article is implying that overfeeding on just fat and protein will result in little to no fat gain. One persons results isn’t enough to be able to project that on everyone. Besides, carbs play a much greater role in muscle hypertrophy than fat so if you’re going to be eating high calories to build muscle, it would be absurd to go very low in carbs.
Can I do the Warrior Shredding Program with Rusty’s Visual Impact Frequency?
Greg, I’m 15, 135 lbs and 17% Body Fat, I only need to lose 10 lbs or so to get to my target body fat percentage, which is around 10-11 percent, is it possible to make that happen in just over a month?
It will probably take 6 weeks if you take it strictly and are very committed.
Hey Greg,
Purchased your Aggressive dieting program yesterday. I have a few questions.
1. I am 5’8″, weigh 165, and have a 33 waist. My goal is to drop enough to get six pack coming in. I have 12 weeks until a beach trip. Chest is 41 and shoulders are 49. Been putting on decent strength last 6 months. With this approach what do you think I should keep my calorie count at per day and do you think I could achieve the goal of getting to the six pack?
2. My wife wants to do this with me as well. She is 5’5″ and weighs around 160. What do you think she should take in calorie wise per day on this program?
3. Is bread ok on this diet or should we try and eliminate?
1. I’d suggest around 1700 calories per day. Yes you can definitely achieve the goal of a six pack.
2. I’d suggest around 1400-1500 calories for your wife if she is moderately active.
3. As long as calories/macros are matched it will be okay
Hey Greg! If your pretty lean should you use the extreme fat lose program? Also, when should you stop cuting and go back to normal calories?
If you’re around 9-12% body fat then you can use it. I wouldn’t do it if you’re a legit 7-8% body fat. That said, a lot of times people think they’re 6-8% body fat and really they are more like 10-12%. You should have veins on the lower abs and be extremely lean if you’re 8% or less.
After you get to your desired level of leanness then you can bring the calories up.
Hi Greg!
I have a question regarding kinobodyelite. I joined kinobodyelite on march and does that mean that i’ll only be a member for march and should sign up again in kinobodyelite to be a member for april and so on? or you will just bill us $10 a month once we’ve joined kinobodyelite? When i log in to the kinobodyelite, only the workouts for march appear.
It will automatically rebill you unless you decide to quit. April is up now :)
Hey greg , I’ve been working out for a couple of years and normally I would look really good by now but I don’t. I’ve lost a pretty good amount of weight but I really want to get ripped. I just really don’t know what to eat. The problem is my parents cook the meals so I eat what they cook and I’ve asked them to cook more healthier, but they don’t like the taste of it. So do you have any advice for me ?
You can make delicious food that tastes very good still. Just make sure you’re eating a good serving of protein with dinner and watch the serving carbs and fats. Most dinners that aren’t cooked to be healthy usually have way too much fat. So you might have to cook your own carbs to watch the calorie intake. Either bake a couple potatoes or cook some rice and have that with veggies and a big serving of meat.
Hey Greg,
Would you recommend going on the PSMF diet while using the Shred 360 supplement from ASR Research?
Well I wouldn’t encourage a full blown PSMF diet, it’s way too strict and the extra rate of fat loss isn’t worth the pain. Go with something slightly more balanced like my aggressive fat loss program. And yes you can use Shred 360, it’s quite effective.
Thanks Greg!
On a side note, what is the lowest body fat percentage that you’ve ever gotten to and how long were you able to maintain it for?
Thanks again!
I got to around 6-7% body fat and I maintained it for around a month.
Hey Greg I just started your shredding program this week. Just bought it last week actually. I was just wondering, is there any benefit to doing cardio on an empty stomach? Do you burn more fat doing this or does it not make any difference?
At the end of the day it won’t really make a difference. It’s the total deficit created for that day. You could do 3 hours of fasted cardio but if you overeat you will gain fat.
Hi Greg,
how often should i workout while cutting? 2 or 3x per week ?
thanks man.
Three times per week is ideal.
Hey Greg, I’ve been following this program for about 2 weeks now and i was originally following your warrior and was down to 181 and then with this program I’ve dropped down to 176, and I’m 5’9″, and it Says in your warrior program I need to be down to 165 or so for 10% body fat, and I feel great so far! I have 2 questions:
1) if I hit my macros, and have plenty of caloric room, can I have a bowl of 1-2 cups of ice cream (250-500 cal) a couple times a week if I stay under my caloric deficit? I’ve been testing this out and I wanted to know if that would still be acceptable
2) I know I can only follow this aggressive for about 3 more weeks and I hope to be around 172, so I should be around 12% I think, so how slow should I drop fat per week so I can maintain my body fat once I get down to 10%? Or what weight should I start to slow down?
Sorry for the long post, been really wondering about those questions, thank you Greg
Awesome to hear about your results man!
1) Yes, that is completely fine.
2) Yah when you’re around 10% I’d recommend maintaining for a week or two, maybe going for a recomp, then going for about 1 lbs of fat loss per week.
Hello Greg,
What is the minimum grams of fat needed on a daily basis for high testosterone, sleep and recovery?
I’d suggest at-least 0.33g of fat per pound of goal bodyweight. So if you want to be 180 lbs, I wouldn’t go below 60g of fat
Hi Greg,
Would the strength workouts from The Warrior Shredding Program still be good for this style of dieting?
Yes for sure! As well, the first workout from kinobodyelite is also very well suited for it –