Interview with Fitness Model Tony Do

Tony Do fitness model

Tony Do Interview

Q1: How did you get started in fitness?

How i got into fitness is a funny story actually, i’m sure many of the readers have a similar story. I started out when i was 16, and unless you have been living under a rock, i’m pretty sure everyone has heard of the Twilight series. In that series, the character Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) got into phenominal shape. When i saw New Moon and heard everyone’s reaction when he took his shirt off, that was where the motivation sparked. I pretty much started out just wanting “Six pack Abs”. Looking back on it, i had no idea what i was doing, but being consistent with eating cleaner and working out everyday paid off!

kinobody before picture

^ Before I started working out and changing my eating habits.

Q2: Where does your motivation come from?

My motivation comes from the constant progression that i see in my body and reaching my goals. I remember when i first started i told my sister “I will have six pack abs one day” she just laughed, but look at me now! haha. Also seeing my peers work hard and transform their bodies motivates me to work even harder. I also am debating on competing in Mens Physique competitions in the next few years, so having that to get into shape for is a motivator itself.

Q3: What workout routine has worked best for you?

As i said earlier, when i first started i had no idea what i was doing. Being consistent got me in shape after 6 months to a year, but eventually i needed further guidance. I stumbled upon Kinobody and Fitness Black Book one day, and their views on lifting really opened my eyes because it was very different from mainstream fitness. I ended up following Gregs “Build Muscle Like a Greek God” routine and Rustys “Visual Impact Muscle Building” program. Those two programs along with other various programs on the Kinobody site got me to solid lean physique that i had wanted.

Q4: If you had to pick only 3 exercises what would they be?

Man this one is a tough one, but i would probably choose

– Incline dumbbell presses
– Weighted chin ups
– Weighted Dips

Q5: What is your diet like? 

I used to do the whole 6+ meals a day, but recently this summer I have gotten into the whole Intermittent Fasting deal. After reading Greg’s “Intermittent Fasting for Maximum Muscle and Minimum Fat” and “10 AWESOME reasons why i fast everyday” articles, i had to give it a go, and i love it. I usually fast from 8PM to 12 or 1 PM the next day. First meal is usually my post workout meal. I try to eat as cleanly as possible, but cheat on occasion. Main foods are meats (Chicken, Steak), eggs, brown rice, whole grain tortillas, veggies, fruits, etc. IF is awesome because you can have massive meals!

Q6: What is your favorite form of cardio for fat loss?

When I was cutting down i use to do a lot of HIIT, and maybe one steady pace cardio session a week. I feel like HIIT is where it’s at though.

Q7: What is your supplementation like?

Protein powder- MTS Whey, Trutein

Pre Workout- Citadel Nutritions “Tier 1” Shoutout to you guys.

Creatine- Optimum Nutritions Creatine Monohydrate

BCAA- When training fasted. (Amino X)

Multi Vitamin

Those are pretty much the only supplements i have ever used, brands may change, but what i take has always been the those listed above.

Q8: Who do you consider having the best physique?

Greg Plitt, hes number 1. Taylor Lautner in the Twilight series had a pretty sick physique. Greg O’ Gallagher, Scott Herman, Jeff Seid, Ryan Reynolds, Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale. Those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head, but there are many more with awesome physiques!

Q9: What do you do for abs? 

I train my abs 2-3 times per week. 2 days of the week I do higher rep training, and 1 day of the week i use weights with it. The staple ab workouts that I did are Hanging leg raises (feet to bar) Side to side oblique V ups, and Renegade Rows. I usually throw in a bunch of various ones but those are the staple ones.

V abs Workout Article 


  • Age – 19
  • Height – 5’7
  • Weight -146 lbs
  • Waist (relaxed around bellybutton) – 30 1/2″
  • Chest (relaxed around nipples) – 38 1/2″
  • Arms (Flexed) – 15 1/6″

Lifts (Weight and Reps)

  • Incline Dumbbell Press: 90 lbs per hand for 8 reps
  • Weighted Chin ups: BW + 70 lbs for 4 reps
  • Shoulder Press: Standing Press with 115 lbs for 6 reps
  • Curls: Standing Barbell with115 lbs for 4 sets of 5

My Comments

Tony Do started off as a typical 16 year old teenager with no abs and no muscle. After seeing Taylor Lautner get into incredible shape Tony became truly inspired! He knew what he wanted and he went after it with hunger and with belief in himself. This really sets Tony apart from everyone else! Most people are ‘talkers’ not ‘doers’ and Tony Do is definitely a ‘doer’.

Tony understood that transforming his body was going to take hard work, dedication and the right workout routine and diet. As a result he did his homework and came to the right place, KINOBODY! Everything else is history and fast forward a couple of years later and Tony Do has the body of Taylor Lautner! In addition Tony Do has some serious lifts at a bodyweight of only 146 lbs! Way to go Tony.

If people want to learn more about you and follow you where can they go?

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  1. Mike on April 4, 2014 at 5:02 pm

    I like how in the “before” picture he’s a small child.

  2. Thao T. on August 17, 2012 at 2:03 pm

    omg lol :D did u really say all those things tony? it sounds a lil too “smart like” 4 u…. gj tho….

  3. Drew on August 13, 2012 at 9:26 am

    So inspiring. Hopefully in one more year I’ll look like that. Does that preworkout supplement really work? I heard wonders about it

    • Greg on August 14, 2012 at 12:00 pm

      Citadel definitely seems like a solid company! I’m sure it’s one of the more effective pre workout supplements on the market.

      • Tony Do on August 14, 2012 at 1:10 pm

        I mean, it does it’s job! I’ve tried numerous pre workout drinks and to me, Citadel is just as effective as any of those other big named brands, except for you know exactly what is in the product!

  4. David on August 12, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    The sentence ‘Most of the year… junk foods on a weekly basis.’ really made my day. I’ve been reading a lot and watching videos and they make it seem very hard to gain a nice physique. Eating 3 times a day is the same I do now, maybe I should change some things on my plate and 3 times a week isn’t that much.

    OK, I’m convinced to start the process but I will not use any supplements, let’s see how far I get.

    Thanks for your extensive reply!


  5. David on August 11, 2012 at 11:16 pm

    A question to you guys: Is this fitness body lifestyle worth it? Day in day out one must attend gym, measure his food on a scale, taking vitamin pills.

    – More attention from people
    – Getting nicer chicks.
    – Healthier? To some degree maybe.
    – ??

    – Not eating what you want when you want.
    – Valueable time spend lifting weights
    – Spend a year traning and give in all those gains after about 2 months without training.

    I’ve watched hundreds of videos but I can’t figure out why people are willing to put in all this effort in something that adds little value?

    Let’s be honest, if there was a button I could push to get your type of body I would hit that button in an instant. Training for about 2-3 years just seems too much.

    • Greg on August 12, 2012 at 2:11 pm

      Nothing worth achieving comes easy my friend! The real value in transforming your physique isn’t the end result but rather the will power, confidence and self awareness you gain during the process. Success breeds success! When you can master one area of your life you will have so much more confidence and drive to improve other aspects of your life including work and relationships. In addition people who are in great shape and look good tend to get treated better and respected more. So in essence by devoting time and energy into yourself (your fitness and health) you can improve every other aspect of your life in some way.

      Now at first people may start working out and eating better for superficial reasons (ie. lose weight so you can fit into some clothes or build muscle and attract chicks…). However once the results start to come then your motivation takes off and you fall in love with fitness and health. It becomes a game of self improvement. Levelling up your character through gaining strength, stamina, building muscle and losing fat. How many people are constantly improving at something on a weekly basis? Very few. The confidence and power this gives you is instrumental.

      Now I will agree with you in that some people can become obsessive and take things to far. Their passion for fitness and health becomes obsessive and starts to negatively impact other aspects of your life. This is mostly the ‘bodybuilding crowd’ who eat 6 perfectly portioned meals per day and train every single day. I don’t recommend this approach. Most of the year I only workout 3x per week for 45 minutes. In addition I only eat 3 meals per day and I will enjoy junk foods on a weekly basis.

      • Tony Do on August 12, 2012 at 4:03 pm

        ^^ What Greg said! I train everyday because i like to train everyday. But maybe you should give it 6 months to a year and you will understand all the above.

  6. zech on August 10, 2012 at 5:29 pm

    Another Twilight-inspired physique? That’s crazy! Tony’s dedication and progress is admirable. I’m 16 at the moment, 5’8″ 140 lbs with same level of leanness in abs as the pic under Q6…thing is I don’t quite have that level of upper body mass. Would slowly gaining weight/strength be the way to go? Thanks !

    • Greg on August 12, 2012 at 1:49 pm

      Building your upper body strength is going to be 80% of the equation. If you looked at Tony’s lifts he’s got some very respectable strength. You’re not going to reach his physique if you don’t get stronger. The other 20% of growth will come as a result of higher volume training triggering further muscle growth (increase glycogen and fluid storage in the muscles).

    • Tony Do on August 12, 2012 at 4:05 pm

      The upper body mass will take a bit of time to add my friend. Leanness is one thing, but leanness with a good amount of mass is another thing. A different challenge all in itself. Keep it up though, i wish i started out lean when i began.

      • Tom on August 28, 2012 at 3:43 pm

        Regarding upper body mass/strength what seems to be the best way to achieve this? Is it just with time? I’ve been going to the gym for about a solid year have gotten some decent muscle size but when it comes to strength it seems as if i’m progressing quite slow or not much at all to what I would like. I mean my bench, squat, curl, db presses, etc. aren’t up to par as i would like but than i can do BW exercises quite well maybe should add weights to the BW exercises for strength? What do you two think?

        • Greg on August 28, 2012 at 7:39 pm

          What is your current routine? Are you tracking all of your workouts? Are you using a progression system?

          • Tom on August 28, 2012 at 9:15 pm

            I started off with the one body part a day split for the majority of my training but recently the last month and half have switched to the ‘build muscle like a hollywood style’ split- plan on using this split it seems to be ideal.

            Used to train towards the higher rep range from 10-12 with increasing weight but felt I was sacrificing on the form or the spotter would be doing more of the work. Thus i’ve cut down the weight to something I know that I can do myself but for about 6 reps – 8 if you push it with around 3-4 sets.

            So i’m not sure if i should go with higher weights keep the form strict and do lesser reps to build strength? Basically i know once you start handling the heavier weights properly your body will definitely start to increase exponentially.

            Using the progressive overload method try and work up the weight each week but seem to really have plateaued on the weight/strength still struggling with same bench weight- curls -db press?

          • Greg on August 29, 2012 at 9:51 am

            Workout to workout at best you will increase 1-2%. If you are bench pressing 200 lbs then you should be able to add 2-4 lbs for the next workout successfully. Unfortunately with dumbbells you usually have to increase the load by 10% which is impossible to do after only one workout. This is one of the reasons I prefer barbells over dumbbells. The best thing you can do is get a pair of 1.25 lbs plates and add those every workouts. With weighted chin ups and weighted dips you can just add a 2.5 lbs plate to the belt every workout.

            If you choose to stick with dumbbells you may need to work within a wide rep range. Ex: 5-8 reps. When you can do all sets with 8 reps then increase the weight and start back down.

          • Tom on August 29, 2012 at 5:20 pm

            That’s a good way to look at it i’ll def take the advice and switch over from the DB and aim at adding the 1-2.5 lb increase each session will let you know how it goes thanks!

  7. Keith on August 9, 2012 at 6:21 pm

    Great interview Tony. And, I know you said Taylor Lautner motivated you to get in shape but your physique has seriously surpassed his.

    Great job man, keep up the good work.

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