The Kinobody Morning Ritual Routine
I believe that everyone should have a morning ritual routine. It will completely and absolutely transform your life. How you spend the first 30 minutes of your day, will in fact, shape the rest of your day.
Just by doing a simple morning routine, you will be more focused throughout the day, you will be more productive, you will take action when required and you will stick to your plan effortlessly. Each and everyday, you will move closer and closer to the man (or woman) that you want to be.
Moreover, you will carry yourself with a calm, confident and powerful aura that will feel incredible and will support your goals and dreams. Very few people have this aura. And when you notice people that have it, well you can’t help but want to be in their company.
But before I share with you my powerful morning ritual routine, I am going to catch you up to speed on the concepts and inner workings of the mind and how to reshape yourself into the person that you want to be.
This Is Why Most People Never Reach Their Goals
One simple reason why people never achieve the goals they want in life – whether it’s to start a business or grow their existing one, transform their bodies or become more confident socially – it’s not because they don’t know what to do.
Most people know what they have to do to get to their goals, one way or another. But something is stopping them from taking action and something is holding them back.
Perhaps you haven’t accessed a part of your brain that is laser focused on taking action and conquering goals?
Perhaps, you are living in fear, fear of failure, fear of judgement or even fear of achieving your goals.
The #1 Driving Force Is Actually Not Success
The bottom line is that the number one driving force is not to succeed. It’s not to achieve everything you want in your life.
The number one driving force is homeostasis. To keep your current identity intact.
Most often, what people want in life, contradicts their present identity and self image. It doesn’t matter if you want to look like an absolute greek god and be strong and chiseled in the future. What matters is how you see yourself right now.
If you see yourself now as fat, out of shape and weak, well you will constantly be defined by that negative perception. You must lose yourself. Let go of any identity that you’re carrying with you. Open your eyes like this is the first day of your new life.
This requires you to carefully observe your mind and tune into all of the negative thoughts and stories that are playing in your head. When you’re able to pull away and witness these thoughts, they lose all power they have over you.
You can then reshape yourself each and everyday. Create a brand new you. But you can only do this once you’ve lost the old you.
This Is The Kinobody Morning Ritual Routine
Each and every morning you are going to listen to Practicing The Power of Now for 20 minutes. You are going to listen to the audiobook in complete stillness, not while you are distracted.
You are going to quiet your mind and allow yourself to reach a state of deep presence and peace. This 20 minute drill will imbue your entire day with positive energy, peace and joy. You will become more grounded, centered and confident.
You will learn to dissolve any fear, anxiety, stress or negativity that you feel. “No fear, no distractions, the ability to let that which does not matter truly slide” (Fight Club).
You are then going to go about your day carefully observing your mind and watching how often it escapes the present moment. You will see just how often you project happiness into the future, complain about the present moment or let the past and your victim story define you now.
You will also witness how often our mind procrastinates and creates false rationalizations, excuses and reasons not to do the things that we need to do. Don’t be shocked or upset. This is a good thing. By observing these mental processes, you will be able to gain control over your mind and your life.
Each and everyday, you will become more and more present. And over the course of the next three weeks your entire life will transform. For probably the first time in your life, you will have complete control over yourself.
How To Shift Your Consciousness With Tolle Meditation
Think of this 20 minute drill as a supercharged form of meditation. Meditation has a tremendous and profound benefits backed by science. I will not address them here, because it’s beyond the scope of this article.
That said, I have found listening to Tolle to be definitively more powerful than meditating. In the process of listening to Practicing The Power of Now, you experience a shift in consciousness, as you learn to transcend the ego and enter a state of deep stillness.
You also begin to have deep realizations while gaining perspective on your entire life. Moreover, you learn and develop the skill of moment to moment presence. So instead of just doing traditional meditating for 20 minutes per day, you learn to bring more consciousness, more present awareness into your everyday life.
Don’t just listen to the entire audiobook just once. Listen to it over and over again. Every time you listen to it, you will have new realizations and learn to become more present and more in control of your own mind.
How Will This Transform Your Physique?
When you learn to become present, the entire journey to your goals will become filled with ease, joy and lightness. It will no longer be a chronic obsession to arrive, to attain and to make it. You will truly enjoy each and everyday that unfolds as you work towards your goals.
Furthermore, you will have complete comfort in yourself. Your emotional state and self confidence will no longer be tied to how you look that day or any external validation. You will simply just be.
This will be truly liberating! You will be able to experience true joy and peace right now, no matter what is going on around you.
When you become truly present, you will dissolve false hunger and cravings. You will be in touch with your bodies real physiological hunger. If we can master the ability to eat according to our bodies true needs, not the desires of our mind, getting and staying lean becomes rather automatic.
Now it’s up to you to put this drill into practice and to completely transform your life. I will be doing a follow up article on the next step to supercharge the morning ritual routine. So stay tuned and make sure to get your free bonus below!
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hey, I’m not much of a body builder (work out 5-10 times/month) but I fully agree with Greg – Eckhart’s stuff is transforming. I personally find many ‘good habits’ becoming part of me kind of automatically. And, as Greg said – go for the audio!
thanx for this information….awesome article…can u tell me which boots are suitable for better exercise…thanx
I have both Practicing the Power of Now and Practicing the Power of Now books. I’ve gone through Practicing the Power of Now a few times already, and it really shifted my consciouseness. Planning on buying the audio version, but is it still necessary since I already have the book? And why do you recommend Practicing the Power of Now compared to The Power of Now, which I believe is more complex?
Audio is a night and day difference compared to the book! Get the audio! Practicing the power of now is the essential teachings and meditations, it’s better at teaching you how to become present.
Ok then! Thanks
I see many people allowing themselves to be defined by others or by their own perception of themselves. This still happens to me long after having re-read the book. Personally, it helped me understand that : who I think I am ( character ), who people think I am ( personality ) and who I really am ( me as a Being ) are different terms.
But then, after having shed off all the perceptions of myself, who am I ?
I am this moment. ( way of the peaceful warrior comes to mind )
Greg. You should pick up this book “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One” by Joe Dispenza. If you’re into being the best version of yourself, which I know you are. You won’t regret it, I promise. I picked up a copy a few weeks ago, and can’t stop reading it. In short, it’s basically about doing everything you mentioned in this article, but taking it to the next level. Let me know what you think.
Wow! I love the title of the book and everything you mentioned about it so far. Will pull the time to look into it. Thanks :)
Greg, i have 18 years old, 168 lbs at 6’2. I’m very skiynny. I want to build a body like Chris Hemsworth in Thor. What workout routine is good for my goal? How many calories should i eat per day?
Here is 2 pictures with me:
Looking good man! I’d start by building a ton of strength with my greek god program, then I’d go to superhero bulking. Phase 1 and Phase 2 for 3 months, Superhero phase for 3 months. After 6 months start this cycle again. It’s a good idea?
After 3-6 months I’d move on to my greek god program.
Hey Greg, this Practicing The Power of Now, where can I obtain this? Thanks.
You have to buy it – either through itunes or amazon. Make sure to get the audio version.
I liked the article and i would try meditation, but where can I find Tolle´s meditation?
You have to buy it – either through itunes or amazon. Make sure to get the audio version. It’s called Practicing the Power of Now.
Awesome Greg, picked up the podcast a few months ago now basically to use it as motivation to make a change…. Finally caught up, and have been following your warrior program for 4 weeks now. I’m 31, at 5′ 8″, started at 178lbs with around 23% bodyfat….. Now I’m at 148lbs and 15% with definition starting to show. Now I’m concentrating on my strength while I continue to get to my goal. Will Definately check out Tolle, as you have been on the nail so far man! Thanks buddy!
Very awesome dude! Hit me up with your before and afters at the 12 week mark.
Hey Greg, first wanted to say well done with this great article- very helpful and motivational!!!! I just wanted to ask two quick questions.
Is cardio needed to get down to 9% in 6 months (from 15%) Could I just lower my calories on rest days in stead of doing the cardio; what would be the difference between the two?
If cardio is necessary, how many calories/day and how many days a week?
You definitely don’t need cardio. If you did cardio you could just eat a little more.
hello greg,
great article, were can i find the meditation you are talking about. I went to youtube but there are just conferences with Tolle.
You have to buy it – either through itunes or amazon. Make sure to get the audio version.
Echt Hammer Artikel!
“Most often, what people want in life, contradicts their present identity and self image.”
This had a huge impact on me when I first head you say it on the podcast. Even if I was familiar with the concept of self-image I never thought about it that way.
Keep up the awesome work! You’ve grown by leaps and bounds over the last year.
Thanks Radu!
Hi Gregg,
I’m following your Superhero program and I started Intermitent fasting last week. I eat at 1:00 PM, at 6:00 PM and then again at 9:00 PM. I lift 3x a week which I do at noon. I was wondering when you train how many hours you have into your fast?
I usually train around the 14-16 hour of fasting.
Fantastic article Greg – for someone who was top 1% in their state (Vic, Aus) for English I unashamedly believe that you write much better than myself, and have an innate flair for writing. This has triggered me to listen again to Tolle’s phenomenal book, as I did whilst walking through a rainforest earlier this year.
Like Thomas above, I too have transformed my body with your philosophies & GGMBP from a 63kg distance runner to 75kg (9% BF), and have foremost loved the extra confidence I feel within myself in social settings.
Greg, I do have one slightly off-topic question: I was a pretty handy AFL (Australian Football) player before retiring at 16 years old to concentrate on studies. There is a lot more running involved in AFL than NFL, if you weren’t familiar with our code. My friends at my old club are encouraging me to return, especially now that they see I have developed some strength and lean muscle, and the pre-season training begins in 2 weeks. In line with your program though I have not done any cardio apart from a bit of walking on rest days or the ~fortnightly sprint. I know you probably won’t condone my return to AFL, but do you think I would still be able to practice your muscle-building & nutrition principles and continue with the GGMBP if I were to play AFL this coming season? Have you many clients that are playing football of any code? I suppose I do really miss the camaraderie of the game, and it is almost like a religion in Australia (I suggest you watch a few youtube clips on it – you’ll find it entertaining!)
Thanks a lot for your awesome work Greg, I will continue to follow you and spread the word in Melbourne!
Well first off, thanks for the complements on my writing. Super appreciated!
Yeah you can follow my course and play AFL. I assume this is rugby. I actually played rugby in highschool, it’s very popular here in Canada.
Thanks Greg. Dude, AFL and Rugby are actually very different and you can see the result of this in terms of the physique distinction (Rugby generally ~10-40kg heavier). Much faster-paced than Rugby, but I love Rugby too.
Check out a quick highlights video of AFL:
Woops my bad!
Hey Greg,
One more word about strengh, endurance and crosfitt.
I think we can’t say generally that low rep high weight is better than high rep and low weight.
It all depand on our purpose.
If you want mass and strengh – low rep is good. If you want also endurance, general agility you need to do more.
You are very stron Greg, but what is your 5 km run time, how is Your strengh endurance?
Strengh is only one thing. You training is the best for strengh ang mass, but not to be generally agile, fit like marine.
Crosfitt is Cardiovascular and Respiratory endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance, and Accuracy.
It’s universal.
We cant say that streng h training is better than crosfitt. Ii si diffrerent. We do it for difrent perpouse – THATS IT.
In the future, try to keep the comments relevant to the posts. My 5 mile time, I trained for a few weeks and did 22:30 5km time a few years ago. But strength isn’t just one thing. Strength is the foundation of everything. Well, relative strength I’ll add. High reps won’t build agility. Agility is better developed from strength training, since agility is power production combined with movement efficiency.
But if you are extremely strong relative to your weight, you will be an athletic bad ass. You will be explosive and powerful and you will have great muscular endurance. Yep! If I can get you to do 100 lbs pull ups for 5 reps, well then automatically 20 bodyweight pull ups would be a joke. If I can get you to bench press 300 lbs, well doing 20+ reps with bodyweight will be easy as hell.
And building your aerobic endurance can be improved very rapidly. But building strength and mass takes years.
Hey greg awesome post man really thought provoking and inspiring
I was wondering I own the superhero program but I’m actually following the greek god program first to build my strength up before following it and was wondering for the specialization routines is it possible to focus on two at a time in a phase like method after the main strength and density routines?
For example,
Strength and density 1 8 weeks
Strength and density 2 6 weeks
Chest and back specializations 6 weeks
Shoulders and legs 6 weeks
Arms 6 weeks
And then following the superhero program although if I’m happy with the results I might try to recomp using the 3 day split first.
Also one more question for the strength and density routines Im looking to add a little more leg work so I was wondering if this would work
Workout A :
Incline RPT
Shoulder press RPT
Laterals normal sets
Triceps normal sets
Calves normal sets
Workout B :
Chin-ups or pull-ups RPT
Rear delts normal sets
Curls normal sets
Sumo or Romanian deadlifts RPT
Hack squats or front squats RPT
My goal is something like this ( no homo lol )
Thanks for the badass content and sorry for the long question.
Ps : would aiming for the measurements in the greek god program help me achieve my look of would the ones in the new physique calculator you released be closer. Thanks again
Yeah you can do two specialization programs at a time, as long as it’s not on the same day obviously. And the workouts you crafted together would work well. Even just building up to one heavy set of sumo deads in the 3-5 rep range, followed by 2-3 sets of front squats, pistol squats or bulgarian split squats would be perfect.
Thanks for the reply greg appreciate the feedback. Thanks for all the badass and inspirational content
Love this article Greg..
I’m a huge believer in Meditation and its a staple to my daily habits..
I’m going to give your method a go starting tomorrow.. See what other benefits I can reap from taking this meditation to another level.
Awesome Connor. Let me know how it goes :)
Is it expected to not “get it” at first? I consider myself a pretty intellectual and well read guy but I found Power of Now initially lost me. Probably a sign that I could stand to strengthen my abilities to be present. Did you find this on first listen as well?
Reading it, it never really clicked. It was only when I was listening to it, after about 15-20 minutes, all of the sudden it started sinking in. Your conceptual mind doesn’t really internalize it. It’s a deeper level understanding. Almost a shift in consciousness. Tolle’s work isn’t to be interesting or to feed the mind, it’s to get you to become more still, present and at peace.
Probably the strongest article i’ve read yet!
sometimes i forget you and I are the same age, your wisdom is mind blowing, not only in fitness, but in the mind as well!
The greatest of respect to you, you have had the biggest and most positive influence on my life, and for that i am deeply thank full!
i’ve transformed my physique from a scrawny 58kg, to now, 76kg at a bodyfat around 10%, with strength that make everyone in the gym looks twice, and complement me on it.
besides that, i’ve never thought about happiness the way you teach it, before i thought i was happy, but i guess i was just not miserable.. After starting the learning of Tolle, i’m able to see what happiness and clarity is really about!
i wish you the best of luck with everything you do, and hope you keep doing what you’re doing, because i’m sure that i’m not the only one, whos life you have changed for the better, and i’m sure you will be able to help so many more!
Wow! Thanks so much for sharing this Thomas. Really means a ton!! Stuff like this makes me want to continue pouring myself into creating the best possible work to share :)