How to Drink Alcohol While Dropping Fat, Building Muscle & Improving Health
Drinking Alcohol and Fitness
In this video and podcast you will learn how to drink alcohol while dropping fat, building muscle and even extending your lifespan.
If you want the full guide, you can access it for free here.
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Hi Greg,
Non related question. In one of your previous YouTube videos you advised to focus on 4 key exercises: incline chest press, chin ups, bicep curls and shoulder press. If I do these exercises 3 times a week on non consecutive days in the 2-5 rep range would you say that I am over training and putting too much strain on the tendons as I am not allowing much time for the tendons to recover as I am hitting the same area 3 times a week. Cheers.
yes. there’s too much stress on them if you do them like that. Pick up the Greek God Program for muscle build. It’ll explain on how the workout is structured, you’ll gain muscle without any fat gains
Hey Greg,
Steve Reeves was one of the best nalural bodybuilder. He trained 3 times a week but he preferd full body workout.
What is Your opinion about fbw?
What do You think about Paul Wade theory, that calistenic is the best and the healthier for our bodies?
I don’t think full body is optimal. It becomes too demanding on the body as you get more advanced.
i don’t think bodyweight training is magical. I think weights are more effective for building muscle because of the versatility and simplicity for progressiver overload.