The Truth About Coffee & Why It May Save Your Life
Why You Should Drink Black Coffee
The reality is… Black coffee is one of the healthiest beverages you can consume. The research is clear on this!
I actually use black coffee strategically in my Aggressive Fat Loss Program to blunt hunger and to make intermittent fasting downright effortless.
The key to doing this, of course, is to only drink black coffee while in the fasting window. Drinking coffee after breaking your fast will reduce sensitivity to caffeine.
I also recommend NOT drinking coffee for the first 1-2 hours of the day. That way, you’re only using coffee when you really need it to blunt appetite effectively. This tip will make intermittent fasting much easier!
What’s more, some research shows you’re better off waiting an hour or two before drinking coffee, since cortisol levels peak in the morning.
I also recommend drinking coffee slowly and limiting yourself to 1-4 cups per day. Drinking coffee slowly will allow for maximum appetite suppression than if you were to just slam it all at once.
Benefits of Coffee
This article by Kris at Authority Nutrition does a very good job at showcasing the benefits of drinking black coffee. To summarize, here are some of the key points:
- Coffee blunts appetite and has little to no calories
- Coffee is a nootropic and boosts cognitive performance and focus
- Coffee increases the metabolism
- Coffee boosts workout performance and excites the central nervous system
- Coffee drinkers outlive non drinkers and have a reduced risk of mortality
- Coffee reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, Type 2 Diabetes, Liver Disease
- Coffee is a great source of antioxidants
- Coffee boosts dopamine levels and makes you feel amazing
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If I used to workout with drinking coffee an hour before, and I workout after finishing work(thats always in my feast window), and i feel weaker without coffee, would u recommend me to avoid it because it’s in my feast window, or keep drink ot cos it boosts my workout
For some reason, when I drink tea and milk (note I have no problem with milk alone), after a few weeks I start to get weird headaches and feel a bit inflamed. Even black tea has this effect eventually. I start to feel really fucked up. With coffee–none of that. But it has to be good coffee, not instant crap.
The combination of IF and coffee have me flying high. I feel amazing: really happy, focused and my memory and ability to do math in my head have increased. I fast for 24hrs and sometimes almost forget to eat, bec I’m not hungry. If this could be packaged and put it in pill form, somebody would have gotten rich.