Achieving The Warrior Physique Part 1 – Diet

Brad Pitt Shirtless Snatch

How to Achieve the Warrior Physique

For a complete course on getting absolutely shredded, I recommend my warrior shredding program. This will allow you to effortlessly drop body fat while building strength in the gym and getting more chiseled than ever. This is the program I use when I want to cut down to very low body fat without going crazy.

In my last article on Dual Pyramid Training I touched briefly on the two different types of kinobody physiques. I also outlined a very effective workout strategy for building the Superhero Physique.

I now wish to switch sides and discuss the perks of the “Warrior” physique, which is the basis to my Warrior Shredding Program, and what it takes to achieve it. Displayed above is Brad Pitt from the movie Snatch displaying a chiseled and tatted up physique.

What Is The Warrior Physique?

The warrior physique standards entail having a trifecta of strength, definition and proportion.

Following my Warrior Shredding Program strategy I was able to build crazy amounts of strength on movements that best enhanced my physique. The Warrior Physique is perfect for people who want that sleek warrior look that really makes your aesthetics pop.

To achieve such condition you need to master eating at a caloric deficit and building a great deal of strength. Below is a picture of me when I followed this program.

In this picture I was around 172 lbs at 5’10. I could incline dumbbell bench 100 pounders for 5 reps and I could perform chin ups with 100 lbs attached for 5 reps (using my high quality weight belt). My waist was around 31″, chest 42″, arms 15.5″.

What it takes to become a warrior?

Getting into warrior shape is no easy task. It requires a unique blend of strength training, dieting, cardio and supplementation. In today’s article I am going to cover diet only.

1.) An Effective Dieting Strategy

Getting into such a ripped state requires one to withstand low calories 5-6 days per week. In addition, as one becomes increasingly leaner, dieting becomes increasingly more difficult.

This is due to less fat availability and lower levels of leptin which lead to increased hunger and a reduction in spontaneous activity. Using myself as an example, I can maintain 13-15% body fat rather easily without having to think twice about it. This is including plenty of carbs daily and junk foods a few times per week.

At this body fat percentage my appetite regulation is very in tune. If I overeat, my appetite will down regulate and I’ll become more energetic. So it becomes rather effortless to maintain my weight. This is known as body fat set point. There are a few genetically blessed individuals who maintain single digit body fat easily without any effort.

** If you are overweight you are guaranteed to be above your body fat set point. It is likely that you are highly sensitive to the food reward pathway and therefore easily overeat on junk foods. If you stick to natural foods only; animal protein, veggies, nuts, fruits…. You will probably shed weight easily until you reach your body fat set point. Combine eating natural foods with skipping breakfast and eating 2-3 meals per day and fat loss should become effortless.

2.) Dieting below body fat set point

Now when I venture below 12% body fat things become rather interesting. I can no longer use my appetite and impulses to guide me. I have to be much more methodical with my food intake. Taking things into the single digit range is even more tricky. In order to do this I need to use very subtle calorie deficits and aim for a rate of fat loss of about 0.5-1 lbs per week. You can lose fat in the single digit body fat range faster than this but it is an awful experience. If your goal is to maintain single digit body fat then your best bet is to take those last 4-8 pounds very slowly. Keep in mind that your body is happy at a certain body fat level. For me this happens to be 13-15% body fat. It takes a effective approach for me to cut into the lower body fat range. Below I will share some of my most effective strategies for doing so:

3.) Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is one of my favorite methods for dropping fat and maintaining a lean physique with ease. By engaging in a 15-18 hour fast and consuming 2-3 meals per day, creating a calorie deficit becomes so much easier.

The fasting phase becomes hunger blunting, especially when combined with black coffee consumption. As well, by fasting you are able to eat much bigger and more satiating meals while staying in a calorie deficit. Dieting no longer feels like dieting, it’s as if you are bulking.

Another advantage of intermittent fasting is that it makes dieting so much simpler. I am all about enjoying life and letting your physique pursuits enhance your life and not detract from it. Having to carry around, cook, clean and prepare several meals per day is a pain in the ass. Intermittent fasting helps with this tremendously.

4.) High Protein Intake

Recently there has been a trend in the fitness industry challenging the need for a high protein consumption. Most of the research suggests that 1.8g per kg (0.8g per pound) is the maximum amount needed to support optimal muscle growth in resistance training athletes and prevent lean body mass loss on a shredding diet. While this may be true I actually recommend a higher intake of protein for quite a few reasons.

Protein is the most satiating of all nutrients. Therefore a higher protein intake will help keep you fuller on a diet. As well, protein has the highest thermogenic cost of all macronutrients. Therefore you’ll likely expend more calories with a higher protein intake.

If you look at most individuals who maintain muscular and ripped bodies year round they tend to consume quite a bit of protein. I am hard pressed to find a fitness model that doesn’t consume at-least 1 gram per pound of body weight. Furthermore look back to evolution and the foods we evolved on.

Most of our ancestors thrived on a very high intake of protein. I’ve experimented a wide range of protein intakes from 0.7 grams per pound of bodyweight and all the way up to 1.25 grams per pound of body weight. I’ve always felt better with the higher intake of protein, 1-1.25 grams per pound. Stronger morning erections (good predictor of testosterone), better satiety, better recovery, more energy…..

Therefore most of the diet plans I create have about 1-1.25 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. For overweight clients this is lower (1 gram per pound of goal body weight) due to a lower percentage of lean body mass.

5.) Fats and Carbs

Fats and carbs have a very important role in the fat loss game. Many diet guru’s like to drastically restrict the intake of either fats and carbs. Some coaches prefer to keep fats low on training days and carbs low on rest days. I don’t find this approach to be optimal. I prefer a balanced approach to these two macronutrients for several reasons.

Fats play a very important role in hormone regulation, testosterone, fullness and taste. Dramatically limiting fats on training days just so you can fit in a few more carbs is ridiculous. Better to enjoy food, feel satisfied and maintain ample testosterone levels. On the other hand drastically restricting carbs on rest days is a nightmare for many people. A very low carb intake leads to a drop in leptin and low seratonin levels. This can make people irritable, destroy sex drive and cause sleeping problem.

What I recommend? Keep protein and fat intake constant throughout the week. Carbs can increase on training days or refeed days but not at the expense of fats. Generally I don’t recommend carbs or fats falling below 25% of total calories on any day.

6.) Food Choices

Food choices play an important role in overall satiety. Whole food protein is ideal; chicken, beef, fish, cottage cheese/greek yogurt and egg/whites. Added fats should be included as necessary to achieve the proper intake of fat. Nuts, avocado’s, cheese, coconot oil and olive oil are great sources of added fats.

For carb sources I like fruits (apples and bananas), potatoes, yams, oatmeal, beans and rice. As well, cruciferous veggies should be consumed with meals freely without regard for calorie content.

7.) Refeed Days

If your ultimate goal is fat loss then I recommend staying in a 20-25% calorie deficit 5-6 days per week. So that means 1-2 higher calorie days per week. There is a trend in body composition coaching to include 3 reefed days per week on a diet.

The problem with this is that in order to make this strategy work at any decent rate you need to go very low in calories 4 days per week. Most people would prefer to eat at a moderate 20-25% deficit 5-6 days per week than have to eat at an extreme 35% deficit 4 days per week. Save the three high calorie refeed days per week when you are re-comping (maintain weight, build muscle and lose fat).

This is the only time I’ve seen this strategy work effectively in my experience.

Kinobody Fat Loss Transformations




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 If you’re looking to develop the physique of a warrior, make sure to check out my Warrior Shredding Program here.