Warrior Shredding Transformation with Nicholas Pardon


Warrior Shredding Transformation Story

If you would like to achieve a transformation like Nicholas Pardon, then learn more about The Warrior Shredding Program. 


In this episode, I sit down with Serial Entrepreneur Nicholas Pardon, a client and warrior shredder, who went through an unbelievable physique transformation while balancing a super busy life. What’s more, before starting the warrior shredding program, Nicholas was spinning his wheels following the prototypical fitness approach of 5-6 small meals per day while living in the gym.

Since following the Warrior Shredding Program, Nicholas has started to live an amazing lifestyle around big satisfying meals, fun social outings while dropping fat and seeing serious strength gains. In fact, he’s been so ecstatic about the program, he has gotten many people in his office to start doing it with incredible success.

Over the last couple years, Nick and I had several email exchanges and even talked on a video call, and it dawned on me that I need to let people hear his story. What else, since following the program for over a year now, he has picked up some amazing tips that he’s going to share with you on the podcast.

No doubt listening to this podcast will help insurmountably on your fitness journey!

Here’s the full blown list of what you’ll discover: 

  • How Nicholas was able to build serious strength and dense muscle while dropping fat
  • How to go 2-3 weeks without working out while looking just as good
  • How to stay lean year round while getting stronger and building muscle (say no to bulking)
  • The two meals and one snack intermittent fasting strategy for effortless fat loss
  • Nicholas’s favorite main meals for staying full and dropping fat
  • Nicholas’s favorite small meals (snack) for fitting into his diet
  • How to make your nutrition and exercise routine maintainable (otherwise you’ll never succeed)
  • What to do if you over-blow your calories one day. It’s not what you think
  • Why losing fat and building muscle is the opposite to most things in life
  • How to determine if the Warrior Shredding Program is for you

Watch the Video Here


Warrior Shredding Program

The program Nicholas followed is my Warrior Shredding Program. You can learn about the course by hitting the link here – Warrior Shredding Program. This is my full blown course to training, nutrition and psychology for dropping fat, building strength and getting chiseled.

Thank You For Listening!

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  1. Carlo on December 5, 2014 at 9:14 pm

    Hey Greg, who’ll look better someone who has “Godlike” lifts and 10-12%BF, or someone who has “Great” lifts but 8-10-% BF?

    • Greg on December 7, 2014 at 2:42 pm

      Hmm it really depends what look you like more. The first guy will be noticeably bigger and cut. The second guy won’t be as big but he’ll be more defined.

  2. max on December 1, 2014 at 10:14 pm


    you are always talking about potato wedges, do you buy a specific product? im also in Canada and the McCain’s stuff is all pre-fried, which cant be right (or ..?).


    • Greg on December 3, 2014 at 3:11 pm

      Nah I usually buy a bag of russet potatoes and cut them up myself.

  3. Trent McCloskey on November 29, 2014 at 5:11 pm

    My eyes lit up as well hearing the both of you converse back and forth! Great show and amazing transformation Nicholas!

    I find it so fascinating when you can finally strip away the unessential and learn to love what you are doing everyday……the best results come forth. After following Kinobody for a couple years now, I already know I will never change the training or dieting concepts for as long as I’m alive!

    You truly cracked the code Greg, keep up the awesome work! I do believe over the next several years people will finally catch on….hopefully haha

  4. AM on November 29, 2014 at 2:57 pm

    Love your podcasts, a tip to make them even better is to have most of your questions ready beforehand. So you don’t go off topic, and so the interviewee doesn’t keep repeating the same thing over and over again. Which kinda happened, a few times. Also, limit some of your interviews to 1 hour MAX or 30-45 minutes ideally, especially with the “successful transformation” podcast interviews.

    No hate, love your work. Have supported it, by buying warrior shredding program. Just some constructive criticism.

  5. Mike on November 29, 2014 at 9:44 am

    Hey Greg!

    I’m about to finish 2 months into your Full Body routine and I want to improve my Pullups, so I’ve decided to follow it up with your “Hacking the Pullup” routine. I have a few questions though:

    1. The variation we’re supposed to use is the overhand grip, correct?

    2. How do you suggest we grip the bar, thumbless or thumb over? I’ve been reading thumbless is better, but won’t your hands slip when you add weight doing thumbless?

    3. What do you think of the following approach to it?

    Weighted Pullups – Hacking Program
    Weighted Dips – RPT
    Incline Dumbbell Press – RPT
    Incline Curls – RPT
    Cable Curls – SPT

    Squat – RPT
    Romanian Dealift – RPT
    Calf Raises – SPT
    Abs 1
    Abs 2

    Weighted Pullups – Hacking Program
    Dumbbell Shoulder Press – RPT
    Rope Extensions – RPT
    Cable Crossovers – SPT
    Lateral Raises – SPT


    • Greg on November 29, 2014 at 1:54 pm

      1. OVerhand, yes!
      2. Thumbless is ideal. No you won’t slip.
      3. Looks good to me. I’d say go for it.

  6. Joseph on November 29, 2014 at 5:08 am

    The road to ripped podcasts are great , with a lot of concentrated knowledged . The bad side is , it is tough to find what you are looking for. For example I had litle time and I wanted to listen only to the ”what to do if you overblow your calories” part. But I had to search the entire episode for it.

    • Greg on November 29, 2014 at 1:57 pm

      Yes that’s a downside. I could add the time stamps to the bullet points in the future episodes. Let me know if you think that would be valuable.

  7. Alan on November 28, 2014 at 7:35 pm

    Hey Greg,

    I just purchased the greek god program. Now, if my goal is to look like you did when you where at your most shredded 7% bodyfat, should i use the warrior program or can i also get to my goal with the strength n density part of the GGMBP?
    Im agrresively dieting @ 1600 cals. If i use the strength n density, can i incorporate the agressive fatloss protocol from your program?
    Also, not much ab work any advice or links? Sorry for being a pain. Im slowly buying all your programs so not trying to get anxious n mixed up. Thanx Coach!!!!

    • Greg on November 29, 2014 at 2:41 pm

      You can do the strength and density routines while doing the aggressive fat loss protocol. That will work pretty well!

      There is an abs workout in kinobody elite. Also look at the FAQ – there’ an abs routine in their of the greek god program.

  8. Mark M on November 27, 2014 at 1:18 pm

    Hi Greg,
    Great interview with Nicholas. The guy had some very good points about the program. I’m forwarding this podcast to a few friends so they have a better understanding about what I have been trying explain to them.


  9. Radu on November 26, 2014 at 4:49 pm

    Awesome transformation Nicholas! Keep it up man!

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