Brad Pilon on Fat Loss


Interview with Brad Pilon

I am thrilled to have Brad Pilon on the Road to Ripped Podcast for the second time! Brad is one of my favorite fitness influencers of all time.

It was after reading his Intermittent Fasting book, Eat Stop Eat, five years ago, that I decided to utilize intermittent fasting as a tool to improve health and support a lean physique year round.

Before then, I was scared that going several hours without food would starve my muscles, boy was I wrong! Intermittent fasting has been one of the most effective and important strategies I have ever employed.

I’ve been fortunate enough to hang out with Brad Pilon on a couple occasions and he’s one of the most affable guys in the fitness community! So getting Brad on a podcast makes for an incredible conversation.

In This Episode We Discuss…

  • Why we have this overweight issue – Why so many people struggle to drop fat and maintain a lean body. It may seem overly simplistic to address this question, but this is where we must start! Brad Pilon cracks down as to why so many people struggle with losing weight and achieving the body they want.
  • Why ‘restrained eating’ makes dieting so much harder. This is the problem with categorizing foods in two categories, good foods and bad foods. Brad discusses the research on restrained eating and why it makes losing fat so much harder.
  • How to break out of obsessive eating and be able to enjoy your favorite foods while losing weight!
  • The importance of gut health for staying healthy and maximizing fat loss. How antibiotics are in almost everything and how this impairs gut health. Brad then lends his insight on the three best methods to support great gut health, this will have a subtle but noticeable effect on improving fat loss.
  • Finally, Brad Pilon weighs in on the importance of enjoying life and being stress free on the implications of health!

Bonus Tip: Ever struggled to enjoy dessert without having seconds or thirds? Well I show you my simple trick that will stop you from going for multiple servings of your favorite foods. It’s crazy but it works!

Watch The Video Here


Thank You For Listening!

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  1. Tom on February 11, 2015 at 8:09 am

    Hey man,

    It would be awesome if u could make podcast with Chad Howse.

    Really like your website.


  2. Ilham on February 4, 2015 at 7:19 pm

    Hey Greg,

    When is the second part going to be released? Can we expect it anytime soon? Can’t wait.

  3. Abdulmouhsen on February 4, 2015 at 3:37 am

    Hey Greg nice episode
    Just hoping you could answer these questions
    1) I was just wondering can your greek god program be used to achive a physique similar to that of brad Pitt on the movie fight club ?
    What I mean is can someone who needs some muscle to achieve it use the program to gain muscle and then maybe use the underground guide to cut if needed ( I’m already at the right bodyfat percentage just need to build up hopefully while gaining little to no fat ) ?
    Also would Maybe reducing the sets to two per exercise and keeping lateral raises rest pause style work in case I need a slight cut ?

    2) kinda related to my first question would the strength and density or underground guide be better suited for a short cut ? I know warrior is your cutting program but I actually don’t need to lose fat just asking in case I gain a little while gaining muscle.

    3) for someone whose 6ft1 would you mind giving me some measurments to aim for if my goal is the fight club physique ( I do have a genetically very taut waist though )? Strength would also be appreciated. I’m asking this because some of my muscle groups ( mainly shoulders,back and legs ) are almost at the required level and my shoulder to waist ratio is there since I have a very small waist, but some other groups need a little work.

    Thanks again

    • Greg on February 7, 2015 at 1:51 pm

      1) Provided that you get down to 6-7% body fat, then yes, definitely. Although overtime you’ll surpass that level of muscle size. Yeah you could drop down the sets to 2 and do a nice cut.

      2) Yeah you can do either while cutting, might just have to drop some exercises down to 2 sets.

  4. Prabh on February 3, 2015 at 7:28 am

    Hi, 17 years height is 5 feet 11 present im curious about increasing my height at least 1 or 2 inches by optimizing my hormone levels just like chris did..can i really grow in height at this age..chris grew 2 inches when he was 19…plz reply..

    • Greg on February 13, 2015 at 1:14 am

      Yeah the thing is that Chris had a pituitary tumour which meant his hormone levels were shocking low. So it’s doubtful that naturally increasing your hormones will give you an increase in height. 5’11 is a nice height, I suggest you stop resisting what you are and begin to accept yourself. Or you will never become enough, you will always want to change something

  5. Tomsic on February 2, 2015 at 9:39 am

    Great interview – been a fan of Brad’s for a while, and love his simplistic yet science-based approach on IF. Looking forward to part 2!

  6. Robert Diffin on January 30, 2015 at 8:23 pm

    Awesome interview – great content!
    So much bare truth…refreshing!

  7. AF on January 30, 2015 at 4:11 am

    Hey Greg cool episode !
    I just had a couple of questions I was hoping you could answer.

    1) I heard that your planning on releasing a bodyweight program and i was wondering if you have a release date planned yet ? It would be great if you could release it around the beginning summer ( around June ) so that we could use it while traveling.

    2) will your bodyweight program be a full program or a elite monthly workout and if it is an elite could I purchase it specifically ? Also for other monthly workout the abs month workouts for instance ?

    3) I recently saw the movie blade trinity and was actually pretty surprised at how good ryan Reynolds looked in that movie. I have pretty similar insertions to him and he’s also closer to my height than most actors so I was wondering if you have any idea what measurments he might have had ?

    And also how should I go about setting my goal strength and measurments to achieve a similar build at 185 cm ( around 6ft1 )

    Thanks again.

  8. Florian on January 28, 2015 at 10:02 am

    great podcast

  9. Herman on January 27, 2015 at 9:41 am

    The podcast RTR Episode 102 w/Brad Pilon ends at 39 minutes with no proper ending. It just ends – like it was cutoff.

    • Greg on January 27, 2015 at 12:11 pm

      Yeah I split this episode in two actually! The second part will be coming soon.

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