From Dad Bod to Ripped in 5 Months

Dad Bod to Ripped

In this podcast, I talk with one of my followers who has undergone an incredible transformation! He went from a dad bod to ripped in only 5 months!

The initial transformation was posted by Michael himself on Project Beach Ripped (the exclusive Facebook group for people following my Aggressive Fat Loss or Warrior Shredding Program).

After posting his results, the entire group went crazy and started asking him questions about his “dad bod to fit” transformation…

So naturally, I had to get Michael on a podcast.

In five months, Michael definitely went from dad bod to fit! He went from 201 lbs to 156 lbs, while building some strength and muscle in the process. He actually followed my Greek God Program, while eating at an aggressive deficit, similar to my Aggressive Fat Loss Program.

Here’s what Michael P. had to say about following Kinobody:

“Thanks to the info on Kinobody I was able to go from dad bod to ripped, block out all the noise of the Bro-scientists, and understand that the key to weight loss is simple energy balance (calories in vs calories out) and that’s it’s much more important finding a method that fits your lifestyle than doing what other people tell you works.

Intermittent Fasting for me is that lifestyle. It’s effortless now. Plus I think looking at photos of Greg’s physique everyday helped keep me motivated and gives me something to aim for.”

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What Michael was doing before following Kinobody (0:50)
  • Michael’s experience with Intermittent Fasting (6:10)
  • The key to making low calorie dieting effortless (9:36)
  • What to do when getting burnt out from a low calorie diet (11:00)
  • What Michael’s day to day diet would look like (12:50)
  • How Michael’s training was using the Greek God Program (16:23)
  • Tips for someone that is starting a cut and wants to go from dad bod to ripped (20:25)
  • How to overcome the obstacles that make fat loss challenging (22:25)
  • How to handle family and friends telling you, you’re losing too much weight (27:36)
  • And a lot more on how you can go from dad bod to shredded just like Michael!

Watch The Video Here

Thank You For Listening!

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  1. Chris on June 14, 2015 at 3:19 pm

    Hey ive the intermittent fasting programme. But I play rugby, and it involves strenous pre season activities such as running and circuits. How do I tailor the caloric deficit? Do I increase it and by how much?

    • Chris Wong on June 14, 2015 at 8:08 pm

      wouldn’t know man. Don’t know how much you’re playing

  2. David Pollard on June 7, 2015 at 7:11 pm

    That was a really good podcast. Quite an inspirational story from Michael as well. It got me thinking about IFing on holiday. Don’t think I can pull it off during a work week. Keep up the good work Greg, especially on those podcasts.

  3. Tom on June 3, 2015 at 3:39 pm

    How his workout/diet strategy differences from your warrior shredding program? Can someone achieve simillar effect following only WSP?

    • Chris Wong on June 6, 2015 at 5:48 pm

      it’s the same with the diet, if you were trying to lose fat. yes definitely. it’s just tailored differently, the GGP is meant for lean bulk to get to that Greek God physique where as WSP is for cutting then you’d build up to Warrior physique

  4. Mike on May 29, 2015 at 8:59 am

    Hey Greg!

    I’m going to start following your Greek God Program but I really don’t want to drop Squats, Deadlifts and some king of horizontal rowing (even if I do very low volume on those).

    Therefore, how would you modify workout B to include all those in addition to the Weighted Chins, the Curls and the Rear Delt Flyes?


    • Chris Wong on June 6, 2015 at 6:03 pm

      It’s best to only pick 5 exercise in a workout for best muscle and strength gains.

  5. Mario on May 29, 2015 at 3:24 am

    Great interview and real-life experience. Have forwarded to several guys who are on the fence.

    Question, Greg. I prefer to have a spot when working heavy chest. This isn’t always convenient and sometimes the workout becomes about getting a spot. That can be defocusing and throw off rest periods, etc. All other lifts I can perform safely and independently.

    I am wondering if you have ever advised substituting dumbbells for the bar on heavy chest day? Any big drawbacks?

    • Chris Wong on June 6, 2015 at 6:05 pm

      No drawbacks at all. usually would sub if you stall on Barbell but you could do DB first then if you stall rotate to Barbell. you’ll still make great strength gains !

    • Raza on June 8, 2015 at 5:30 pm

      It’s not ok to curl in the squat rack. But it IS ok to bench there:

      Be like smart Omar, not YOLO Omar.

  6. Ed on May 25, 2015 at 5:22 pm


    If I can handle lower calories while maintaining strength, will this lead to faster fat loss, say 1500 calories per day? My weight is 163 at 5’8″ with waist of 31. I want to get waist to 30 in next 4-5 weeks. Figure my maintenance calories are around 2200.


    • Chris Wong on June 6, 2015 at 6:10 pm

      yes you’ll drop fat faster. if it’s enjoyable to you then go ahead.

  7. Marcin on May 25, 2015 at 7:06 am

    Hello Greg,
    I have one question for you considering Aggresive Fat Loss 2.0 program.

    You recommend there going (in my opinion) really low in calories, like 11xTarget-Body-Weight, so well more than recommended (eg. By Dr Layne Norton) “healthy limit” of around 500 kcal deficit.
    Do you think it won’t slow down my metabolism and put me into real big hunger once I achieve my goal weight? I done some aggressive fat loss before, and even on a 500 kcal diet I experienced tremendous hunger after reverse dieting – I couldn’t satisfy my appetite, and my metabolism was a bit slowed down – won’t it happen in much more extent doing your program, and going so low on calroies?

    Frankly, I am really afraid of going ore than 500 kcal on deficit, so I don’t know if aggressive fat loss is for me – I don’t want any yoyo or super-hunger once I’m done ;)

    Your take on this?
    Best regards

    • Chris Wong on June 6, 2015 at 6:13 pm

      No you’re suppose to find your new maintenance after your cut. you’re never gonna be hungry if you can do Intermittent fasting

  8. Marcin on May 25, 2015 at 5:51 am

    I have one grueling question that keep me wondering – wouldn’t an aggressive cut like one you propose in AFL program lead my metabolism to ruin?

    I mean it is said (eg by Dr. Layne Norton) that going more than 500 kcal/day deficit will make your metabolism slow down and eventually prepare you for a huge toto effect after the diet, or at least make you super hungry for months after diet goal is done.

    You advocate in AFL to go as low as 11xTargetBodyWeight, but that means a tremendous calorie deficit, isn’t it better to just stick with max. 500 calorie deficit and apply all the principles of AFL? I’m afraid to mess my metabolism as a bonus to losing its fat and then it’s no fun of eating like a pig and still be hungry (done that once :D).

    Your take on this?

    • Greg on June 23, 2015 at 3:18 am

      No this is nothing to worry about. Layne Norton is heavily criticized for his stance on a ‘damaged metabolism’. The research doesn’t support it in the least. When you are able to do an aggressive diet, and feel completely satisfied, you’ll be amazed at how well your body responds.

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