The Difference Between Winners & Losers


What Separates Winners from Losers?

Christopher Walker is back for the 100th episode of the Road to Ripped Podcast! We wanted to make this episode special and express our ideas on what separates the winners, those that succeed, from the losers, those that never can seem to catch a break.

This wildly engaging episode will help you break free from any negative traps and soar to your goals in 2015. We will show you the concrete differences between winners and losers and how to craft yourself into a winner, no matter what is in your way.

The most powerful moment in my life was the moment I realized that I am the causal point of my experience. I am in complete control of my life experience, my success, my happiness and my fulfillment.

Once I realized this, my entire life transformed! So join us, on this powerful episode to transform your life and take what is yours.

Watch The Video Here


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