How Women Can Build the Body of a Goddess


How Women Can Build an Incredible Body

In this episode, we flesh out what it takes to build an incredible – fit, toned, sexy and feminine body. You’ll learn why most fitness advice doesn’t work and how you can finally achieve the body you want!

We’ll be sharing a lot of the concepts and strategies that have gone into the recently launched Goddess Toning Program. These are the exact protocols that make this course so effective and separate it from everything else!

Oh and even if you’re a guy, you’ll find this episode wildly useful, just take a look at the topics we cover below:

  • What is the body of a goddess?(5:45)
  • What is muscle tone and how to build it? (9:45)
  • How strength training can increase muscle tone? (11:30)
  • Is cardio a useful tool to drop body fat? (15:00)
  • Why your cardio workouts can cause you to gain weight
  • Why you don’t need pre and post workout supplements (20:50)
  • The one question you need to ask yourself to drop fat (22:40)
  • Can interval workouts boost your metabolism? (26:00)
  • How strength training can help you burn more fat (28:30)
  • The best ‘cardio’ to increase fat loss (30:00) 
  • The best exercises for women to build a great body (35:00)
  • How to create amazing abs (41:00)

Watch The Video Here


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  1. Gabriella Neves on August 31, 2015 at 11:06 pm

    I’m a woman and I took your physique survey and it told me to start the warrior program.
    However, I just watched your video on the goddess program and that seems like a better fit since I’m a woman. My goal is to lose 18 lbs. which are mainly in the midsection, hips and thighs. So which program should I chose? Thank you!

  2. Tracey on February 16, 2015 at 12:29 pm

    Hey Greg, I bought the Goddess Program…is there a FB group? Thanks!

  3. Matt on February 11, 2015 at 2:13 pm

    Firstly, holy shit, that girl in the picture at the top of the screen, my god, she’s, uh, ridiculously good looking.

    Secondly, this was a great damn podcast, can’t wait to introduce my gf to the goddess program! She enjoys exercise but has always done the light weight/cardio stuff, I think she will love this for a change.

    And just one question, recently I moved to a new apartment and the gyms within my vicinity kind of…suck. Badly. So I picked up an adjustable bench from powerblocks and a set of the elite 90s Dumbbells. I don’t have a pull-up tower or station yet but I plan on getting one of I can find space; can I still do greek god program Greg? And what adjustments should be made? Feels like most exercises can easily be swapped to DBs but not sure what you think is best in lieu of Chins or pullups in the meantime

    • Greg on February 13, 2015 at 1:04 am

      Yeah that can work man. But you’ll have to use a rep range progression in the program. SO set 1 – 4-6, set 2 – 6-8 and set 3 – 8-10. When you can do the top reps of a set, you increase the weight next workout. You can do bent over dumbbell rows or seated cable rows instead of pull ups.

  4. BiH on February 10, 2015 at 6:36 pm

    Greg, where do you put bar when doing incline bench, middle of the chest or bellow nipples? I cought myself few time that I’m lowering bar slightly lower than nipple line, is that cheating and does it take off accent from upper pecs? Cheers

    • Greg on February 13, 2015 at 1:08 am

      You want to put the bar around middle chest or a little higher than your nipples.

  5. Scott Walley on February 9, 2015 at 1:31 am

    Hey again Greg!

    What you were saying about metabolic rate caught my ear – Trying to follow the WSP, and what I notice is that during the time at the gym, I can do the sets, and yeah there’s effort because the weights are heavy… but I’m NOT really feeling like I’m pushing myself ie: Not really feeling breathless, a vastly elevated heart-rate, pouring with sweat, etc.

    Would you suggest decreasing the rest time in-between sets? or somehow increasing the intensity?

    • Greg on February 9, 2015 at 12:53 pm

      No you missed the point! I was explaining why you can’t really boost your metabolism. The strength workouts aren’t meant to burn as many calories as possible, that’s a stupid way of going about fat loss. It’s to help support a great body and ensure that the deficit results in fat loss only.

  6. Abdulmouhsen on February 8, 2015 at 2:42 am

    Hey Greg
    I have a question that I was hoping you could answer
    I’m about to start the chest and back specializations from the greek god program and was wondering if this would be a good routine.

    Workout A:
    Incline bench : RPT
    Flat bench : RPT
    Lateral raises : rest pause
    Triceps exercise : straight sets
    Calves : Straight sets

    Workout B:
    Pull ups : RPT
    Rows : RPT
    Rear delts : rest pause
    Bicep exercise : straight sets
    Deadlifts + legs extensions ( super set ) : 3*4-6 ( same weight for all sets ) and 8-12 ( straight sets ) for leg extensions.

    • Greg on February 9, 2015 at 12:53 pm

      Yeah that looks good! If you’re doing pull ups and rows (I’d just do 2 sets each, that’s plenty).

  7. Mike on February 6, 2015 at 2:01 pm

    Hey Greg!

    Just wanted to thank you for breaking down the podcast in the description, both here and on your youtube channel, it makes them a lot more accessible!

    Thanks and keep banging them out!

    • Greg on February 7, 2015 at 1:50 pm

      Thanks man! I’ll try and keep doing this.

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