The Jamie Dornan Workout for 50 Shades of Grey
In this article, I will be teaching you the Jamie Dornan workout and how to achieve the ‘look’ that Jamie Dornan is sporting in the upcoming and highly anticipated film, 50 Shades of Grey.
But first, why would one want to look like the character Christian Grey?
I mean, he’s not overly buff or shredded by any means. After all, I’ve seen actors bigger than him and I’ve seen actors more shredded than him. But what you have to understand is that Christian Grey is a manifestation of what women crave in a man on a very raw level.
Every aspect of him is crafted to turn women on. All the way down to his demeanor, assertiveness, vocal tone and yes, physical shape. If women desired a muscle-bound bodybuilder, well Christian Grey would have been described quite differently.
How TO Build a Jamie Dornan body
The Jamie Dornan workout will focus on promoting a great looking body. Broad shoulders, square chest and great looking legs. The key exercises in our arsenal are weighted pull-ups, incline presses, shoulder presses, and Bulgarian split squats. Among a few other movements.
These will build a very nice aesthetic. Traditional training compromised of plenty of squats, deadlifts, and flat bench will work well at building strength and size, but it won’t result in a ‘breathtaking body’.
To achieve a beautiful physique, you need to focus on key areas (upper chest and shoulders) while avoiding overdeveloping easy to grow muscle groups like the lower body.
Here’s a workout I would use to build a Jamie Dornan Body.
- Seated DB Shoulder Press: 3 sets (Reverse Pyramid)
- Weighted Pull-ups: 3 sets (Reverse Pyramid)
- Close Grip Bench: 3 sets (Reverse Pyramid)
- Cable Lateral Raises: Rest-Pause
- Sumo Deadlifts: 3 sets (Reverse Pyramid)
- Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 sets (Reverse Pyramid)
- Hanging Leg Raises: 3 sets of 6-15 reps (2 mins rest)
- Abs Wheel Roll outs: 3 sets of 6-15 reps (2 mins rest)
- Back Bridge Hold: 2 sets of 10 seconds (1 min rest)
- Incline Barbell Bench Press: 3 sets (Reverse Pyramid)
- Low Incline DB Bench Press: 3 sets (Reverse Pyramid)
- Incline DB Curls: 3 sets (Reverse Pyramid)
- Rope Push Downs: 3 sets (Reverse Pyramid)
- Jump Rope or Incline Walking: 30 minutes
- Standing One Leg Calf Raises (on a block): Rest-Pause
- Hanging Leg Raises: 3 sets of 6-15 reps (2 mins rest)
- Abs Wheel Roll outs: 3 sets of 6-15 reps (2 mins rest)
- Back Bridge Hold: 2 sets of 10 seconds (1 min rest)
On your rest days, you can either rest completely, or alternatively, you can get some light exercise and play sports, go walking, do yoga, practice martial arts…
The options are endless. The idea is to avoid any formal working out and especially avoid any heavy lifting that would interfere with recovery.
NOTES on the Jamie Dornan Workout
Reverse Pyramid means you’ll be performing your heaviest set first, followed by progressively lighter sets for higher reps. I recommend resting about 2-3 minutes between sets.
Your first and heaviest set should be for 4-6 reps, your second set should be for 6-8 reps and your final set should be for 8-10 reps. I recommend reducing the load by about 10-15% for each set.
Learn more about Reverse Pyramid Training here.
Rest pause means you’ll perform your first set for 12-15 reps. Followed by 4 additional sets of 3-5 reps (with the same weight as the original set). The key is to rest only 15-20 seconds between sets.
By keeping the rest periods very short, you can only perform a fraction of the reps on your sets as the original set. This type of training allows for maximum muscle fiber recruitment with a lightweight.
You can learn more about this technique by reading the Muscle Pump of the Gods article.
Every workout you should be striving to either increase the weight or push for another rep. A workout is only as effective as the strength gains in produces. If you’re not adding weight or reps each session, you’re doing it wrong!
Why Is Christian Grey Attractive To Women?
In the book, Christian Grey is described as lean yet muscular and broad-shouldered. At one point in the book, Anastasia says, “he is not merely good looking – he is the epitome of male beauty, breathtaking.”
Interestingly enough, guys tend to get warped into believing they have to build a ton of muscle to look good. This is certainly not the case. Muscle bound rarely makes the cut.
“Lean, chiseled and exceptionally well dressed” certainly did make the cut in the case of Christian Grey. A lean and muscular physique is considered very attractive and stylish, whereas, a meathead look – generally – is not.
What’s more, one of the biggest benefits of getting in great shape without overdoing it is that people associate you with several positive traits and stereotypes.
If you become too big, people tend to label you with negative traits. This is one of the reasons why Hollywood actors opt for the lean and chiseled look for movie roles instead of the “meathead” look.
Stereotypes associated with a Lean, Chiseled and Well Dressed Man:
Successful, smart, socially savvy, athletic and health-conscious, self-disciplined and well rounded
Compare that to a big muscle-bound bodybuilder who tends to get labeled much differently…
Stereotypes associated with a Muscle Bound Meathead (well dressed or not):
Obsessed with his muscles, stupid, compensating, steroids, lives in the gym, one dimensional
I’m not saying that these stereotypes are true by any means. After all, you could be lean and well dressed, yet completely self-absorbed and obsessed with your workout routine and diet. (Know a few people like that?)
Alternatively, you could be huge, muscular and powerful, but have complete core confidence, be very caring, highly intelligent, successful and have a very well rounded lifestyle.
So by no means am I telling you to put any weight into these stereotypes. I’m just explaining that they exist and to be cognizant of that.
There Is A Point of Reversing Returns in Fitness
You see, in fitness and muscle building, not only is there a point of diminishing returns, there’s a point of reversing returns. What this means is that building a good looking amount of muscle and definition comes with a silver platter of benefits.
People associate you with many positive traits, whether they are true or not, and women tend to feel a lot more physical and sexual attraction to you.
Unfortunately, when you take things to the extreme and become excessively muscular, you actually reverse the positive effects and people associate you with negative traits and stereotypes.
Is Getting As Jacked As Possible Really The Best Goal?
When it comes to training, the idea isn’t to get a jacked as possible or as shredded as possible. It’s to build a natural, good-looking amount of muscle while holding a sexy amount of definition.
This is precisely when you get the greatest benefits! So if there’s one thing to take from this, stop obsessing with becoming the biggest guy in your gym. And stop being obsessed with having the lowest body fat.
Achieve a great looking physique, and focus on improving in other areas of your life while maintaining your shape. Work on your social skills, become more present (meditate or listen to Eckhart Tolle books), improve your body language, learn how to box, bring up your style game…
Once you have a good amount of muscle and leanness – you are already 100/100 in the physique department. So look at improving yourself in other areas.
A Breakdown of Jamie Dornan’s Body & Statistics
Jamie Dornan height is 6’0 tall and he weighs around 170 lbs with around a 31.5″ waist. His body fat percentage is a touch under 10%. As far as Kinobody Physiques, Jamie Dornan would fall into the Warrior category.
I’m estimating he has a 41″ chest and 15″ arms (flexed). He could have put on a little more muscle and he would have looked even better. That said, he’s portraying a very successful business owner. And a slimmer look is more believable.
This is also a physique that women find sexy. He’s not full of muscle. He looks fit and defined with a nice amount of muscle development. I highly doubt any woman is complaining that they wanted him to have more muscle.
Jamie Dornan diet
First things first… You need to lose fat!
To achieve the ‘Jamie Dornan look’ the most important aspect is having low body fat. This will allow for great definition and chiseled facial features. Ideally, you want to get your body fat just below 10%.
Getting to a low body fat is predominately achieved through proper nutrition for fat loss. When you have your diet dialed in, fat loss ensues. Cardio can speed up the process to some degree, but it’s more like icing on top of the cake.
There’s no need to aggressively restrict carbs or fats or ‘bad foods’. Getting lean is just about taking in fewer calories than you burn. Hands down, the simplest and most enjoyable strategy is to learn how to fast.
The Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting For Fat Loss
Intermittent fasting – Subbing breakfast with black coffee and eating a big lunch and dinner, free of mindless snacking, will allow for easy, sustainable and effortless body fat reduction.
This protocol is amazing for people with busy lives, who get up and go! Moreover, it’s amazing for people that prefer to eat 2-3 big meals than tiny meals every few hours. And it’s great for people that like to maintain heightened mental clarity.
If you want to learn more about fasting you can read my fasting articles on the site here, but your best bet is to invest in my Warrior Shredding Program. This program covers training, fasting, and nutrition in great detail to drop fat and build the warrior physique.
How to achieve the Jamie Dornan physique?
You Need To Build Dense Muscle!
When your nutrition is dialed in and you’re effortlessly dropping fat while supporting training, then you can focus on building muscle. Make no mistake, you can most definitely gain muscle while dropping fat.
This is known as recomposition effect and I see it all the time with my clients and guys following my courses. When you eat and train properly, magical things happen.
For example, look at the transformation by Eli, below. He drastically transformed his physique in four months following the principles of my Warrior Shredding Program.
Intermittent fasting, proper nutrition and a focus on building strength on key movements for a great looking physique.
To build a body like Jamie Dornan, you need to focus on building solid muscle density. This comes from following the Jamie Dornan workout routine which revolves around increasing strength on key movements with a lower volume approach.
Two to three sets per exercise, moderate rep range with full rest periods will build strength and increase the size of the muscle fibers. This will lead to denser and more powerful muscles.
Performing several sets with high reps and short rest periods will trigger sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. This is muscle growth from more fluid in the muscles – creating a fuller but puffier look.
Will This Advice Really Get You That Physique?
Everything I talked about in this article, especially the Jamie Dornan workout I laid out, will allow you to achieve Jamie Dornan physique status. I have helped hundreds, if not, thousands, of guys get into the shape of chiseled Hollywood actors.
The beauty is, it doesn’t have to be a 3 hour per day ordeal. Nor do you have to subside on boring foods. Fast, lift heavy and eat big. That’s the strategy. Obviously, there’s a hell of a lot more to it, but at its core, that’s what it’s about.
When you get stronger and hit your nutrition numbers while fasting until lunch each day, magical things happen. Just take a look at Trent McCloskey, who built an amazing physique in a short time by following my programs.
Want A Complete Course for The “Warrior” Physique?
This article only scratched the surface. If you want a full-blown course to get chiseled and build the lean and muscular ‘Warrior Physique’ like Patrick Bateman or Christian Grey, pick up my Warrior Shredding Program.
The results are mind-blowing. You’ll drop fat and build muscle without feeling like you’re dieting. You’ll make the best strength gains of your life while getting leaner than ever.
It’s killer. It’s the program and concepts that I use to hold 7-8% body fat year-round while building strength. Make no mistake, this course isn’t just for the 20-something “young bucks”.
This Program Is Not just For Young Bucks
I get some of my greatest transformations from men in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. Guys who have been burnt out following extreme diets and workout routines that kill their testosterone and recovery abilities.
If you’re a 20-year-old with great genetics and sky-high testosterone, you can get away with making a lot of mistakes while still making good results. But if you’re an out of shape 45-year-old, you don’t have that luxury.
This is why my program is so effective, young guys make heightened results because they’re doing everything right. And the older guys make great progress while avoiding the mistakes that would have killed their gains and testosterone levels.
You can start by following the workout and tips contained in this article (which is an awesome starting point and will lead to some very, very good results). That said, there will be a point in time when you’re stuck and you’ve hit a plateau.
This is precisely why I have written my full-blown course called the Warrior Shredding Program, which is the other option for getting started… To give you the full map and teach you how to fish. Best of all, everything is instantly downloadable from the main guide to the bonus pdfs and workout videos.
So the choice is up to you.
Either way, you go – following the Jamie Dornan workout and the advice in this article or jumping straight into the Shredding Program – you now have the recipe to carve out the lean and chiseled body of Christian Grey…
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Hi Greg. This workout is fine to reach this physical ?
Yes, it is meant to achieve Jamie dornan’s physique from 50 shades
Hi Greg. I’m 6ft 153lbs and want to get to Jamie dornans size. What food regime shall I take to get to Jamies weight??
Also can you get to his weight just by doing body weight exercises??
Thanks greg
pick up the warrior shredding program. you’ll get into that type of physique with it. it covers everything. body weight will take longer
What if your 195 and want to drop to 175-180 should you be performing cardio every workout? How would you alter this workout to gain that physique?
No there’s no need! You just need to start eating at a calorie deficit.
Hi Greg just 2 quick questions.
What is the best method for lateral raises and bent over flyes, is it the SS or the Rest pause?
And for the RPT in chest exercise, is it two sets or three? I’m currently doing your following your routine based on the Zach Efron neighbors workout..thanks
You can start with straight sets, then I’d recommend moving towards rest pause.
You can do 2 or 3. Up to you! If you’re cutting, 2 is good. If you’re focusing on muscle gain, go with 3.
Hi Greg, just want to ask something…I am in the warrior shredding program and I want to focus more on building broader shoulders and arms..Can you tell me some exercises that I can add to my current routine and the days that I should do them. Your ideas will be much appreciated.
hey Greg im on the warrior shredding program at the moment. Just wondering if you can give me a few alternative exercises for when i stall, youve listed ones for the main moves such as incline press, chin ups and standing press but i need a few for flat bench press, barbell curls and tricep extensions
Flat Press – Close Grip Bench Press & Floor Press
Barbell Curls – Standing DB Curls, Incline DB CUrls
Triceps Extensions – Rope Push Downs, skull crushers
Hi Greg just a question I want to follow this program and I am currently on the warrior shredding which does me wonders. Do I need to follow the meal plan while on this new program?
Yeah stick to the same meal plan!
Hey Greg
So lately I’ve been spinning my wheels and it’s really frustrating seeing that I started lifting last year on January and I failed to see any noticeable changes in terms of my body composition. I can never stick to a bulk or a cut because I feel like really sluggish when I cut and I feel like I get too fat when I bulk thus I keep jumping back and forth which results in me looking the same month after month. I need help deciding whether I should clean bulk first or start a cut, THE RIGHT WAY. I’m currently 17 years old, 5’9″, and weighing in at 150lbs. You can say that I’m skinny fat, most likely around 15-20% bodyfat. The majority of the people typically advise me to clean bulk first because I’m already pretty light, then cut. However, others say to cut down to 10-12% bodyfat first, then recomp/slow bulk. In your honest opinion, what is the solution to my situation? I’m tired of being stuck in this rut. Thanks Greg!!
Focus on leaning down, but don’t diet too hard. Check out my program –
Focus on getting stronger while you eat to lean down.
Hi Greg,
I am 188 pounds 5.7″ and 25 years old. I want to have ripped body and don’t want to go above 165 pounds. I was wondering to combine 30 minutes treadmill running with my weight lifting workout for maximum output. I normally lift not heavier weights.
So what do you suggest?
Thank you.
Yeah that’s fine but I prefer people to do incline walking on the treadmill instead. You won’t drop fat until your diet is really dialled in. I’d suggest checking out my warrior shredding program.
I want to see my abs. How much lbs of fat should i burn? Here is a picture with me :
Around 10 pounds of fat.
Greg, what do you think about 20 degrees incline bench press? Is it to low to hit upper chest effectively? Cheers
I think it’s effective, but it’s very close to flat bench. So if you’re just doing flat bench and incline, I’d do at-least at 30% incline.
Hey Greg, what do you think about reverse grip flat bench press? I read one study and it says that it is 6 times more effective for upper chest than incline bench press and it uses anterior delts less. Worth of trying, isn’t it? And what do you think about doing low incline guillotine press in rest pause style few days after chest day? It hits upper chest so well for me…
I’ve actually done the reverse grip bench for a few months in my routine! From my experience, I felt it didn’t hit my chest as hard as regular bench varieties. I actually felt it in my anterior delts very hard. But I’d say go for it and see how it works for you.
You have to be careful with guillotine press because it can really be hard on the rotators. But if you’re going light it should be fine so I think that will work rest pause style. Go for it then!
Hey Greg, I just finished the first week of this routine and really like the ways of RPT and rest pause training. Time spent in the gym is low while the intensity is high, just how I like it!
My question is: How much different are the contents of the Greek God muscle building plan in comparison to this article? Is it worth it?
I’m a somewhat skinnyfat teenager who really wants to get strong and beach-ready. I’ve been lifting weights for a while but nothing really seems to work. Definitely considering investing in one of your programs.
I hope you have the time to answer,
Simply put – the greek god program goes much deeper and provides routines, plans and concepts to last you years, not just a couple months!
Hey Greg!
Long story short, after aplying your Greek God principles and testing them out I found that I really enjoy doing a Push/Pull split (lifting 3 days a week, alternating them), similar to the Strenght and Density routine but with legs on both days and 1/2 aditional exercises. Something like this:
Incline Bench Press 3x 5,6,8 (RPT)
Squat 3 x 8
Low Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 6-10
Lateral Raises 4 x 8-12
Tricep Pushdowns 3 x 6-10
Ab work
Weighted Chinups 3 x 5,6,8 RPT)
Deadlift 3 x 6
Chest Supported Row 3 x 6-10
Incline Dumbbell Curls 3 x 6-10
Rear Delt Rows 4 x 8-12
Grip work
What do you think of this setup for strenght and muscle gains?
Thanks a lot!
Yeah that can work just fine! I would maybe just do 2 sets on squats and deadlifts. And stop a couple reps shy of failure so you don’t get burnt out and you don’t get too sore. You don’t want your legs or hips to be sore when you’re doing legs.
[…] on male bodybuilding this week. I am a fan of Kinobody,where last week Greg Gallagher offered up something that at least got me thinking. What I thought was: I am glad I'm a discus thrower! How to increase one’s […]
When you say to keep adding weight each workout (1-2 lbs), and we are doing reverse pyramids, is the weight added to the last set (the lightest), all three sets or which ones?
If you’re only adding 1-2 lbs then add weight to all sets.
What is your opinion on crossfit for building a lean ripped physique?
I don’t think it’s the most effective route to put it nicely :)
Hey Greg, I need your advice :) I wanna start 3 days a week routine (it’s hard for me to recover when workong out 5 days a week) but my question is: can I do lateral raises and rear delt flyes two times a week since I want them to pop out more? I would do them on shoulder day and plus lateral raises on chest day, rear delt flyes on back day? Cheers and thank you mate :)
Yes that works very well! Many of my workouts incorporate that strategy actually.
Hi Greg,
How’s it going man?
I have a question about strength progression using your Greek God Program: What weight should I use in the 2nd and 3rd sets if I lose a rep in the first one ?
There are days when I lose a rep in all three sets so I want to hear your take on this.
Drop the weight by 10% still. If you’re losing a rep, I’d suggest switching the exercise variations. As you get more advanced, you’re going to want to spend time on a 3 day split. IF you stay on a two day split too long you’ll get burnt out quite fast.
I see.
So if for instance I lose a rep this workout and the next workout I still can’t get back to 5 reps I change the exercise variation.
Thanks man!
Exactly! That’s often a sign that you need a fresh stimuls. Too much neural fatigue doing the same exercise for a long period of time for heavy lifters.
The gym I go to doesn’t have the ab wheel, what would be a good replacement ab exercise?
Plank on a stability ball is quite effective!
How much protein is needed to maintain muscle on a cut? I don’t care about being more full, I just wanna save muscle.
Around 0.82g of current bodyweight would do the trick. You can probably get away with less if you’re over 20% body fat.
How much protein is really needed to maintain muscle? You said you were doing great with 120g but in your programs you recommend to go really high up.
Going pretty high actually helps with staying full. But you really only need 0.82g per pound of bodyweight.
Hi Greg. So I am trying to lean down, my overall physique goal is Chris Evans as Captain America (you should do an article on him ;)). I am a bigger guy, 245 lbs at 6′ with many years of trying to get as big as possible under my belt. Should I continue to lift as heavy as I can while eating fewer calories or should I also cut down on my weights to get that Captain America look?
You don’t have to cut down on the weights. But I would stay in the 5-12 rep range now. Going below 5 reps is simply too taxing.
You can drop the volume – 3 workouts per week, 4-5 exercises, of 2-3 work sets each.
And yes, cals should come down. 12 cals per pound of target bodyweight
Thanks for the reply, much appreciated.
Hey Greg I was just wondering
1) what level of physique and body fat percentage is this :
2) the guy in video is 6ft4 so what measurments do you think he has and what strength level and what are the measurments someone aiming for something similar should aim for ?
I have very similar insertions/genetics to the guy in the vid so it’s somewhat realistic of a goal.
1) He has a greek god build. Though his waist is especially slim.
2) I doubt he’s 6’4. Doesn’t seem that tall. But if that’s the case – 30-31″ waist, 42-43″ chest, 15″ arms
Thanks for the reply Greg !
So for someone who’s 6ft1 I should aim for the measurements in the greek god program but reduce the waist size ? If you could give me some measurements and strength goals to aim for that would be cool.
The reason I’m slightly confused is because the waist measurement is the key measurement in the greek god program but I actually have ( similar to the guy in the video which is what I meant when taking about genetics ) a small waist which means if I’m going for the measurements in the program would have to go up around 3.5-4 inches. So I was hoping to get your feedback on what measurements someone like me should aim for and what strength level ( I’m assuming greek god strength form the program ) ?
Lastly, for the greek god program you say to aim for greek god strength at a certain bodyweight but what bodyweight should that be current or something like current bodyweight + 15-20 lbs ? I’m probably overthinking this but I find it easier to stay consistent when I have clear goals to aim for.
Thanks again and sorry for the long question.
Don’t worry about getting your waist bigger. Simply strive to hit the key lifts. ANd strive to get your ratio’s there. Chest 1.4x waist. Arms 50% of waist.. ect.
Thanks for the reply Greg !
I have one more question for someone who’s 6ft1 with a similar genetic build (small waist and joints) what measurments should I aim for ? And what bodyfat percentage is that ? Im guessing around 9%.
Jamie Dornan is around 9% I’d say. You could go for a 31.5-32″ waist, 43-44″ chest, 16″ arms… That would be very solid.
Just wondering what routine would be more suited to building strength during a cut. I know the warrior shredding routine is specifically designed for a cut, however, you also state that the Greek God routine can be used during a cut, which would you consider more beneficial?
As I understand, the Greek God is higher frequency for each workout as opposed to the Warrior Shredding Routine which is similar to the above (less frequency).
Long term I prefer the warrior shredding program for cutting. But I’ve made great results cutting for 8 weeks with the strength and density program in GG.
Hi Greg,
you recommend the Sumo Deadlift in the workout above. Don`t Deadlifts make the waist/hip wider?
Would be the RDL a better option to control this issue?
And in extension. Should the leg training be all out or rather a little bit lower in intensity?
Thank you, love your work.
I doubt deadlifts make your waist that much bigger. If you’re doing them just once per week with low volume this is not something to worry about. The only times someone has a very thick waist from deadlifting is when they’re using drugs, they’re overweight or they’re using drugs and overweight.
Hi, for getting his 6 pack abs, are there any other ab exercises I can do that you recommend or is what you have listed good enough?
This will get the job done. I’ll be showcasing more abs movements in one of my up coming courses.
Hey Greg. What should the calorie intake be like for someonewho is following this program?
If you’re cutting i’d suggest around 11-12 cals per pound of bodyweight.
Hey Grey,
I am a complete rookie starting ur greek god program. I was wondering if it was
ok to start off with mega: level 1 instead of the strength and density split
because my first main goal is to put on as much size as possible (i have no problem
focusing on strength and general athleticism later, but i really want to gain some size first).
I think it would be similar to visual impact phase 1 no?
I’d really suggest starting with strength and density first. Build up some fast strength for at-least 6-8 weeks before MEGA. You’ll still gain plenty of size on strength and density.
Hey Greg im really interested in starting this workout although i noticed theres no rear delt exercise. could i add a rear delt exercise to the chest and arms workout and swap one in for one of the incline presses or would you recommend keeping both incline presses. thanks man
I’d keep both incline press movements, the volume will help build more size. You can go a few months without direct rear delt work. It’s not the end of the world. I’d just add 2 sets at some point. You could do them on any workout day. Up to you.
Hey Greg I have a couple of questions
1) what would you recommend for calves when following the greek god program adding it to one of the workout days like at the end of workout A or hitting them at the end of each workout with abs ?
Example, workout A with RPT standing calf raises at the end then resting 10 minutes then abs
Or workout A rest 10 min then calves and abs and then after workout B rest 10 min then calves and abs ?
I’d rather do them at the end of the workout then on rest days so I was wondering what would be better.
Thanks for all the awesome content
Yeah you can do them at the end of either workout. Either of those protocols will work.
I notice you have incline bench and low incline DB bench. This is the first time I’ve seen you implement this. What is the reason?
If you want to emphasize a very square looking chest, it’s better to do incline (30-40 degrees) and low incline (about 15-20 degrees). This will hit the upper chest harder with less hypertrophy on the lower chest.
Hey Greg what have your results been like on chest day with the barbell version of incline press followed by the dumbbell version? Has your chest development lagged at all not including flat benching? In the last two years I’ve concentrated a lot more on incline pressing and have really liked my development and was curious if you even thought flat pressing was necessary in a routine that also incorporated standing presses and dips?
Flat pressing isn’t necessary for some people. It depends on your current development and what look you’re going for. If you’re after more of a square look, you can ditch flat presses.But if you struggle to get your chest to pop out, I would keep flat in.
If you usually workout in the morning is IF still a good option or should you eat right after? My goal is to gain lean muscle and lose some fat mostly in the belly and upper body
It’s still a good option!
5-6 Low calorie days than 1-2 high calorie days vs. 1-3 low calorie weeks then 1 high calorie week.
What do you think is the best approach when cutting?
Whichever is more enjoyable for you to stick to :)
Hey Grey,
not really related to the article, but do you use any hair products to style your hair? I
think it looks great and was wondering if that was just genetics or if theres a way to
get a similar kind of look. thnx
I actually use nothing. I’m sensitive to a lot of fragrances so I don’t use anything, besides a little water at times.
He puts coconut oil in his hair!
That would be way tooooo greasy
Hey Greg! Love all of your work man, keep it up. Was super pumped on to see on instagram earlier than your cookbook is out fairly soon (whats the ETA!!!?), I’ll be picking that up for sure.
1)What are your thoughts on neutral grip chin ups? Unfortunately the way both pullup bars at my gym are constructed, I can’t really do shoulder width grip chin ups (I could use the power rack I suppose, but the chain might dangle too much when doing them weighted). The grip is either too narrow so its too much biceps emphasis, or too wide so it’s uncomfortable to do. Neutral grip seems to be my best option, and I’m really liking that movement as well. Can really *feel* it in my back
2)Just built up to doing 3×8 on bodyweight neutral grip chins. If I start doing weighted, what’s the best way to progress? Was thinking maybe of starting at 25 lbs first set, then maybe BW for the final two. Not really quite sure
3)Just a suggestion, it might not be a bad idea to perhaps have some tutorial vids on YouTube on what you emphasize as ‘key lifts’. I know you have some workout vids on your channel etc, but an in depth ‘how to’ on certain exercises and they way you prefer it done might not be a bad idea.
Keep up the awesome work!
Thanks Matt!
Not sure exactly the date, but i’m working on it, and a few other projects.
1. I love them! They’re awesome.
2. Yeah that will work. Maybe just start with 20 lbs on your first set.
3. Yeah I like that. Will work on that.
Great article Greg! Recently picked up your GG program and I was just wondering, the picture of you on the sales page at the very top; is that physique attainable just doing the strength and density routines or is it also a product of MEGA training? And what would you say your BF % in that shot is? That is literally my ideal physique/end goal.
That will require a mix of strength and density and the mega workouts. I’d say my body fat is around 11% there.
Hey Greg!
I know you (and the general fitness community) agree that begginers should aim for a maximum rate of weight gain of 2lbs per month (or 0,5lbs per week). However it’s nearly impossible to accurately track the weight increase from one week to the other because of all the factors other than fat and muscle gain that can influence weight.
So, my question is, how can we use weight as progress measure? Also, which other indicators other than weight and strenght gains do you like to use to track muscle gain?
I’ve been using average weekly weigh ins (whcih implies weighing myself every morning) to try to make weight a more accurate indicator, but how should that weekly average vary from week to week? Would it be a good idea to shoot for the same 0,5lbs of average weekly weight gain?
I’m sorry if this sounds a little confusing, I just want to be able to track my muscle gains more accurately.
Thanks and happy new year!
This is why I recommend people focus more on strength gains then weight. Weight is hard to track when you’re going slowly.
You can also use the damage control method. Eat at a good surplus and if you start to gain a little fat, throw in some low cal days. Or give yourself room to gain about 1″ on your waist. When you hit that, go on a cut for a month.
I really like this split a lot. If you’re in a pinch you can easily do the Saturday workout at home with a little improvisation. Nice work Greg. I’m definitely someone who was a meat head in the past and now at the age of 32 I’m training to have lean muscle and to be under 10% body fat. I’m married but I can easily say the gals love the lean, muscular, sub 10% body over the huge bodybuilder look. Wish I would have learned this in high school. My twenties would have been way more fun :)
HAHAH amazing!
Hey Greg awesome post man !
One thing about this movie though is that the whole premise of a rich businessman who has something not totally right about him reminds me a bit of american psycho ( I actually watched the movie after seeing all the references on here and I got to say I can see why you really like it, it was amazing to watch)
1)my question is about christian bales physique in that movie ( his best shape ever in my opinion ) my goal currently is something similar to his in that movie and I was wondering what do you think his stats were in that movie assuming he’s 6 ft – 6.05 ft like google states
2) and for someone who’s 184-185 cm tall so a little under or around 6ft1 what strength level and measurements would you recommend someone to aim for ( I really only need waist,shoulder, arms and chest since leg size is something that’s probably gonna be a little bigger than recommended for me since I play martial arts and that actually does a lot for leg size when doing it with a weighted vest) I do have small joints though and do look bigger than most people with similar stats though so not sure how accurate the measurements would be but id appreciate your help.
3) lastly, for someone who’s around 8% ( I can see some vains on my lower abs ) and currently following you greek god program since I still need to gain strength what level of strength do you recommend and how should I approach my diet like you recommend in the program or maybe something closer to the recomp ? Thanks
Ps: just wondering if there was any news on the stephen amell ep of the road to ripped podcast ? It’d be cool if you could have before the new season of arrow since it would get more attention that way.
Thanks again
1) Christian bale is 6’0, yep that’s right. AP he was around 175 lbs with about a 31″ waist. Arms would have been 15-15.5″ and chest about 42″. Body fat about 7.5-8%. So he was a little leaner and a little more muscular than Jamie Dornan.
2) You’re looking at being about 180 lbs with a 31.75-32″ waist, 15.5-16″ arms and 42-43″ chest.
3) Follow the recomp in the program if that’s what you want. You should be doing chins with 100 lbs for 5, that’s the goal. Incline Press 240 for 5.
In touch with Amell. It’s going to happen, just takes time.
Thanks a lot for the reply ya I was just thinking that if you could release the EP before season the second half of season 3 it’d probably get more attention and get more people acquainted with the site since I think your one of the best fitness sites around.
On that note I did get most of guys from my dojo who are around my age on the kinobody train so that’s cool except we add a little more leg work due to the nature of the sport.
Thanks again
Hi Greg.
How many weight I need to use for each exercises of this workout and what measurements would you recommend me if I’m 5’9″ to stay lean as Dornan?
Hey Greg.
A quick question
1-recently i started cutting again (as for the last 6 months i was bulking …seeing your bulking protocol..But i ended up looking sloppy by November..i dont know ..its probably my waist grew in size by 2-3inches…no progress in weights whatsoever..But recently seeing you videos like-Gain Muscle Without Bulikng …i am beginning to engross the fact that Eating maintenance is enough to become Strong & Muscular like you and Tyler…
I started Cutting and eating 1800 cals(600-700cal deficit as i was 17% BF) on 15 December with 85Kg..By 22December..i was weighing 84.4kg ..and continuing the diet with exactly same foods i was weighing 83kg by 29December.
Now my question is Will my progress rate of dropping Fat would come to a Halt soon…and if I m doing anything wrong Please suggest what should i do.?
2-My gym doesnt have 28.5kg dumbells..i have got 2.75lb rings which i wear in hand when i want to Seated Shoulder Press 27kg(each)..So do u thiink i should switch to 30kg Db’s as soon i am able to do 27kgx5 or should i go for 28.5kg first and make progress to 30kg..
Please suggest away to make my 25kg dumbells to 28 kg.
A mistake which i did today was..i was waering both my 2.75lbs rings on one hand to make 28kg on one hand with 25kg on the other..The result was a great failure as i couldnt do 1 rep of Seated Shoulder Presss due to balance problems.
3-In your Latest Workout for Jamie are positing Cable Lateral Raises ..instead of DB’s…
So is there a certaing benchh mark till which we should continue DB’s lateral raises for ex 20kg each hand..and then shift to cable Lateral raise…or should we Hence forth shift to Cable Lateral Raises.?
4-I was following Shoulder,Chest ,Tri’s and Back,Trap,Bi’s…routine of workout alternately..So should i shift to Shoulder,Back,Tri’s and Chest ,Arms instead as you say in this workout.
Dude, you have to keep these questions here shorter and to the point. Remember, I’m answering up to 100 questions per day – from comments, emails, fb messages…..
What kind of supplements would you recommend when following a routine like this?
I’m not a huge supplement guy. But stuff like fish oils, vitamin d and maybe a greens supplement can be quite helpful. There aren’t really any solid fat burners other than caffeine that will make much of a difference.