The Adonis Belt – The Key to Perfect Leanness

My flagship program, Movie Star Masterclass, is the most effective fitness program to slice off fat, gain perfect muscle proportion and look like an absolute Movie Star.

I want you to forget about body fat percentage. Let go of it completely. I want you to integrate a much more effective and reliable tool for tracking leanness. That metric is the waist measurement. Why am I so fond of the waist measurement? It’s simple and it’s unmistakably reliable.

With body fat testing, you simply have no way of knowing if you’re getting an accurate measurement. Even the most accurate and elaborate devices can be off by as much as 2-3% body fat. In fact, I just scored 4.8% on the Bod Pod test and in reality, I’m more around 7.5-8% body fat.

The waist measurement is the perfect tool for evaluating leanness and fat loss progress. When you get your waist down to ‘adonis belt status’ you simply will have the perfect waist proportion for your height. And the result will be a perfectly low body fat. When you maintain this ‘adonis belt measurement’ while building some solid strength and muscle, you will look damn good.

So forget about body fat percentages. The waist measurement, within the context of your height and weight, tells you the whole story.

How To Calculate The Adonis Belt Measurement

For a solid lean and aesthetic physique, you want to get your waist measurement (taken at bellybutton level) to around 44-45% of your height. This is considered quite taut, especially when it’s combined with solid muscle throughout your shoulders, back and chest.

Most lifters don’t look very good because they’re carrying too much fat and they have a few inches to lose off their waist before they have a good level of definition and proportion. If you look at Hollywood actors when they get in shape for movie roles, invariably they have slim waists. The result – sleek low body fat and exceptional muscle tone.

In fact, dropping a couple inches off your waist can drastically change your physique. Automatically you’ll appear much leaner and more defined, your muscles will pop out more and your face will take on a more angular – model like look. Simply look at the picture below:

Adonis Belt

On the left I was about 185 lbs with a 33″ waist. On the right I’m around 175 lbs with a 31.33″ waist and a chiseled adonis belt! Not to mention, my chest is more square like, my face is more angular and I have a much stronger shoulder to waist ratio.

This Is The Power Of Solid Muscle And The Adonis Belt

Now it’s possible that you have the perfect waist measurement, but still lack impressive definition. Invariably, this predicament is the result of lacking strength and muscle mass. When you build a lot of strength and muscle, your waist will naturally be thicker than a skinnier version of yourself.

If you have a small waist, yet lack great abs definition, it’s because you’re under muscled. In this case, if you keep your waist the same, and build lots of strength and muscle, you will look much more defined. When I work with my coaching clients on lean bulking programs, I ensure they gain strength and size while keeping their waist measurement the same.

This results in a much more impressive physique with a noticeable boost in definition. You want to measure your waist first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Breath out your air and keep your abs relaxed, don’t suck in and don’t push out. You’ll need a cloth tape measurer and you want to take it around your waist at bellybutton level.

If you measure your waist later in the day, when you’ve been eating or drinking, your waist will be a little bit bigger. For the greatest accuracy and consistently, you need to do the measurement first thing in the morning.

What Is The Best Direction For You To Take?

Find out where you are right now. Maybe you have a few inches you need to drop off your waist, that should be your first priority, before even thinking about lean bulking. Alternatively, you may have a slim waist but you may be 10 or 20 lbs below your ideal weight. In this case you’re going to want to focus on lean bulking – gaining size and holding that perfect measurement.

What is important to note is that unless your waist is within half an inch of the ideal kinobody measurement – you’re going to want to focus on fat loss. Get fat loss out of the way. Then you can slowly and gradually add muscle size, while looking sleek and defined throughout the entire process. If you focus on adding muscle when you already lack definition, you’ll end up looking soft and bulky.

Gaining muscle is a long and slow process. Trying to bulk up in 4 months and then cut all the fat off transpires in very little real muscle gains. Instead you want to focus on leaning down to your ideal waist measurement and then allow for a couple years to pack on some quality muscle.

During the muscle building process, you should take it slowly and ensure that you stay lean. You can work through the three physiques while you stay lean and pack on muscle – warrior, Greek god and superhero.

This Is The Key to a Taut Waist

There are no magical techniques to achieving a taut waist, or what I like to refer as the ‘adonis belt’. Having a slim waist comes down to getting to a low body fat. This is through proper nutrition and intermittent fasting. When you eat to strip off any and all excess fat, you will create the ‘adonis belt’.

Training your abs with hanging leg raises, abs wheel roll outs and renegade rows will build up the musculature in your midsection – injury proofing your body and maximizing abs development and definition. That said, you can’t train yourself to have a smaller waist.

You can only eat to have a smaller waist. What does that look like? Averaging less calories than your body requires over the course of the day, consistently, while being able to enjoy yourself so you actually stick to the program.

This Is How I Eat For An Adonis Belt

Black coffee in the morning, couple pieces of fruit when I get hungry, big servings of beef, lots of veggies and pounds of delicious potato wedges (all while holding a calorie deficit). This approach is exactly why my clients email me within the first few days of starting their program and are wondering how they will get lean on so much food!

Yet, like clockwork, within the first two weeks of the program, they will drop 1-2″ off their waist. And their lifts will have shot up 10-15 lbs across the board! If I wasn’t coaching these clients firsthand, I would have a hard time believing it. But anyone of my clients can attest to the results.

One of my latest clients, Jens, a Doctor from Sweden, has been on the program for two weeks. In that time, he’s dropped his waist from an average 34.5″ down to 33″ (not bad for his 6’1 stature). He’s also added 16 lbs to his incline bench and weighted chin ups!

Note – Results are usually heightened for the first two to three weeks of the program.Then it usually slows down to one inch off the waist and 10 lbs on key lifts each month. You simply can’t make extreme progress for very long, otherwise everyone would be walking around like Hercules, and I’d be doing a 150 lbs chin up with one arm by now. Sadly, I’m not; I use two arms ;)

Want A Complete Program On How To Get The Adonis Belt?

While I have plenty of free resources to getting lean and building a great physique, they simply don’t compare to my full blown courses and especially not my coaching program. If you already have the ideal waist or are within an inch of it. I would get on my Greek God Program and start gaining some serious strength and muscle to maximize your aesthetics.

If you have 2-4″ to drop off your waist and you want to take it slowly, while building muscle to reveal crazy definition – I would work through my Warrior Shredding Program.

Finally, if you have a lot of fat to lose (5+” off the waist) or if you want to lean down really quickly, I’d suggest my Aggressive Fat Loss Course.

My flagship program, Movie Star Masterclass, is the most effective fitness program to slice off fat, gain perfect muscle proportion and look like an absolute Movie Star.


  1. […] a perfect example of Greg O’Gallagher’s experiment with the BodPod. He got a result of only 4.8 % body fat (pretty much stage ready,) when in reality he’s more […]

  2. Tom Atwood on April 29, 2016 at 3:16 pm

    Hey Greg, Your programs have been great. I’m going on 20 months of rotating between Warrior Shredding and Greek God programs and have lost 67 pounds (taking it a bit slower than others, but enjoying the journey). I know I should have focused on leaning down quicker at first, but I am using the spring and summer to do so with AFL and walking while the weather is nice. Question: on my measurements, my shoulders and chest are a few inches bigger than they should be when I get my waist to the goal 45% mark (32″ for 5’11”). I know the measurements will come in a little as I lose more fat, but should I be concerned about my shoulder and chest measurements?

  3. Tyler Ettner on September 10, 2015 at 10:30 pm

    Hey Greg you are seriously a huge role model to me and have helped me completely transform my life by combining fitness and lifestyle together into a system that works great for me! However, I have one question that I could really use some help with.

    Though I am at a very low body fat and carry a decent amount of muscle and strength, I do not have the taut waist that I desire. My abs are quite defined but I am often quite bloated due to the large and fantastically filling meals that IF allows me to enjoy. I eat a very healthy diet of mostly vegetables and animal protein and take enzymes regularly, but still get too bloated to be completely comfortable with my physique. Even just drinking a Perrier will bloat me out several inches and just make me look soft. Any thoughts on how to remedy this issue?

    Thanks for looking at my question and putting out the content that you do, it has truly inspired me on my fitness journey!

  4. Igor on March 6, 2015 at 5:42 pm

    Hey Greg,

    Did you had to slow down your chest, lats and shoulders development so you don’t go over the 1.4x waist rule for chest and 1.618x waist for shoulder?

    And what about surpassing those proportions, would you have a less attractive look?

    • Greg on March 9, 2015 at 1:53 pm

      Yeah I had to slow down actually. If I surpass it, I’d look a little silly. Just too cartoonish, too chessy muscular. Not as sleak.

  5. Nick on February 26, 2015 at 1:15 pm

    Hi Greg,

    Thanks for this.

    My measurements give me a 43-44% of height but the size of my hips is really messing up the way my torso looks. I have a 33.5″ hip measurement.

    Been trying to figure out why. Looking at transformation pics most guys drop significantly in their hips as well as waist. This gives them a natural V to their upper or Y shape over all. My body looks more like an 8, going in at the waist and coming out sharply at the hips rather than at the top of the legs if that makes any sense. It kind of looks more feminine in a way. Not good.

    Im lean, 70.3kg, around 8-9 bf, but only have first 2 rows of abs so currently still on the kino body cutting diet after 6 weeks. Planning to bulk when Im happy with definition. Previously I was on other programmes for about 7 months. My hips look like I’ve pretty much hit bone and don’t look like they will drop any more.

    In your experience do hips drop over longer periods of time or are they more or less stuck there and also what would you recommend to improve this kind of shape?



    • Greg on February 27, 2015 at 12:20 pm

      Interesting…. If you’re already very lean, there may not be much you can do. That could just be your bone structure… Dropping a little more fat and building more muscle may be able to help, though.

  6. Igor on January 30, 2015 at 12:37 am

    Here you say to aim for waist 44-45% of height and to measure on the morning, empty stomach. At the Perfect Male Body article you’ve said to aim for 45-47% of height without talking about measuring in the morning. Is this difference caused by the circumference gained after eating, so here you’ve put 44% to predict the circumference from eating?

    • Greg on January 30, 2015 at 1:03 am

      45-47 is good enough to look decently cut, but if you want to look very great – 44-45% is where it’s at!

  7. Austin on October 23, 2014 at 8:25 pm

    Hey Greg I can only cook food once a week so I do it in bulk and I have been using Jiff peanut butter for my fats for months but I read in Mike Mathews Bigger Leaner Stronger that peanut butter tends to have a lot of junk and trans fats in it. Since I can’t really use cooking oils what is an inexpensive option you recommend I replace it with? Can I just get a big cheap container of salted peanuts from shurfine or something like that?


    • Greg on October 24, 2014 at 2:05 am

      You could buy natural peanut butter. Or yeah nuts or peanuts would work. Really anything to hit your fat numbers would be fine.

  8. Tony on October 9, 2014 at 1:08 pm

    Great info, as usual. I have a quick question. I am beginning your warrior shredding program. I calculate the macros, as you describe. I don’t count the veggies, and I eat A LOT of them to feel full. However, I tried to calculate the actual calories consumed by working backwards, and they come out to almost maintenance levels because of trace amounts of carbs and fats that are not taken into consideration plus all the veggies. Should I pay more attention to calories overall, or stick with counting macros the way you teach. Thank you.

    • Greg on October 10, 2014 at 2:26 pm

      Stick to the plan as set up and see how your weight changes. If you’re leaning down and dropping fat and your waist is going down, then keep it going. If you aren’t losing fat then you will have to reduce the calories. IT’s as simple as that. But you may be surprised that you lean down very well even without counting the trace stuff.

  9. Marcin on October 9, 2014 at 2:40 am

    Hi Greg, I bought the Greek God program, and had great results with it!
    But I’ve been so busy filming lately that I neglected my training :(

    My training looks like this:
    3 times a week Greek God weight training + 3 times a week cardio.

    So now my question: which training is better for fat loss? Traditional cardio like treadmill or rowing machine, or circuit training/similar overall body routines with light weights, quick sets with a lot of reps? all the time continuing gg weight training and, most important, sticking to your diet!

    Thanks for your advice and keep up the good work!

    • Greg on October 9, 2014 at 11:02 am

      Definitely it would be better to do traditional cardio since circuit workouts will fatigue your muscles for your strength workouts

      • Marcin on October 10, 2014 at 9:32 am

        ok thanks I’ll go with that! Best!

  10. Miles on October 8, 2014 at 2:25 pm

    Hey Greg. I’m a big fan of your work and find your tips and tricks very useful. My query is that I don’t seem to feel ‘the pump’ or any progression on my back and biceps day? I’m currently doing 3 sets of barbell curls (reverse pyramid training) and some incline curls just to burn out the muscle. Then doing inverted rows for 3 sets of 6. And some pull ups at the beginning, as I previously stated I do not seem to be making any progress? Is there anything I can do/change to help myself? Thank you for your time and keep up the good work!

    • Greg on October 9, 2014 at 11:03 am

      Don’t worry about the pump. Focus on lifting heavier weights overtime. That is how you actually grow.

  11. Jason on October 3, 2014 at 11:21 am

    Hi Greg! As winter is coming up, bulking season is also coming;). I’m not quiet ready for the super hero program so I’ll go with greek god which I had tremendous results so far. I was comparing the nutritions strategies from both programs and wonder if I could mix them (nutrition from the super hero and greek god for weight lifting.) My goal is to eat pretty much the same amount of calories most of the days of the week. I also notice the the weekly surplus is less on the super hero program (1500 cals) than the greek god (1900 cals). Am I right? Thx in advance!

    • Greg on October 3, 2014 at 1:18 pm

      Yeah that’s right. It’s a smaller surplus for superhero – since more advanced lifters tend to gain muscle slower. But yeah, you can do the superhero nutrition with greek god program, that will work well.

  12. asd on October 1, 2014 at 3:36 pm

    Hey greg, nice post. It would be awesome if you add legs measurements to your calculator.
    Good job man

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 5:50 pm

      Yeah I’ll have to do some research on ideal leg measurements. I’d have people measure the widest point of the thigh’s, the lower thigh (right above the knee) and the calves. The hardest areas to build for most people are the lower thigh and calves.

      • Fred on October 3, 2014 at 8:37 am

        I have heard calves should be the same measurement as your flexed bicep. I believe that is greek ideal proportions which was used by sandow.

        • Greg on October 3, 2014 at 4:52 pm

          That’s pretty damn steep. Having calves within an inch of flexed arms is very good.

  13. Lagree on October 1, 2014 at 1:50 pm

    Greg, thank you so much for this new tool. helped me realize I am no where near I need to me to be to obtain my goals and why I am not seeing the results I was looking for. I have hope again!


  14. steve on October 1, 2014 at 12:09 pm

    Potato wedges?

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 5:51 pm

      Google them, they’re fantastic! I’ll probably do an article on them soon enough.

  15. Clay on October 1, 2014 at 9:57 am

    Great article Greg. I’m a fan now since January 2013 and I’m not lying when I say that reading your stuff made my life better and healthier. So thanks for that :D

    Have you ever considered making an article about Matthew McConaughey? He’s in really good shape when he’s not fasting himself to death for an oscar and I think the key-strategy to his physique is his taut waist (he doesn’t seem to have a naturally wide upper body) and his developed shoulder/lats.

    I think an analysis from you and some informations on how to approach that physique would make a really good article, don’t ya think?

    Cheers mate

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 5:51 pm

      Yeah that’s a great idea! I like to bang these actor articles out when they have a new role, that way it’s more relevant so I’ll keep my eyes peeled for any new roles he’s doing.

  16. Dave on October 1, 2014 at 8:21 am

    Love all your articles greg…you really make everything so simple.

    I am 5 ft 11 165lbs…I have been recomping for the last month and sadly haven’t been measuring my waist…I have a 33.5 inch waist and my lifts aren’t anything to write home about…should I slow cut down until I get to a 31.5 inch waist while hopefully increasing my lifts or continue to recomp?

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 5:52 pm

      I would definitely cut down first man. At-least get your waist to 32″ before thinking about lean bulking.

      • Dave on October 2, 2014 at 6:49 am

        Thanx for the reply greg. I really respect you answering so many questions.

        I’m not doing or thinking of doing a lean bulk yet…I have been doing a recomp? Do you believe in recomps? Or do you think I’m spinning my wheels?

        I’m eating @ a 20 deficit on rest days and 20 surplus on training days…seeing I am 5ft 11 and 165 I wouldn’t want to drop 10 lbs to get a 31 inch waist and be at a skinny 155…

        • Greg on October 2, 2014 at 12:57 pm

          Dropping 10 lbs of fat on a recomp is difficult. If you really just want to lose fat, I’d do a cut. Since to recomp and lose 10 pounds of fat, you’d have to gain 10 lbs of muscle which can take 6 months

          • Dave on October 2, 2014 at 5:11 pm

            You are a genius…why didn’t I think of that LOL thank you…a cut it is…I guess I’m gonna go 20 percent for 6 days and refeed 1 day.whats the point of refeed? Metabolic reset?

          • Greg on October 3, 2014 at 4:57 pm

            Refeed will help bring up leptin. Otherwise it can be hard to be in a deficit all the time.

  17. Vince on October 1, 2014 at 2:33 am

    Great article Greg! Measuring your waist is a lot easier and more effective then trying to calculate your body fat percentage! I always wondered about the definition thing, i didnt have much definition in my arms until i was getting stronger.

  18. ea on October 1, 2014 at 2:33 am

    hi greg! really want to make sure I following your program right.
    when weighing food I heard you say to weigh it raw. For fish that I buy frozen would I take the weight frozen or thawed? I know you can cook seafood from a frozen state. I am confused because when it is thawed there is tons of water that I can wring out if I squeeze the filet which would make it a lighter weight but I am not sure if that is ‘cheating’? would weighing it frozen be the correct measurement? Just frustrated as I don’t want to go over or under in calories/macros

    thanx buddy.

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 5:53 pm

      Great question, I don’t know if there is much of a weight difference between frozen or thawed. Maybe weigh it thawed one time and see how that compares to frozen. Don’t over complicate this stuff. You cal also find the ‘cooked’ measurement of a food.

  19. Rusty Moore on September 30, 2014 at 8:30 pm


    I did the the body fat scale last summer and was measured in at 19% body fat. Some bulky bodybuilder with a visible gut was measured right after me and came in at 12%. I had a slightly fuzzy six pack and I’m guessing I was closer to 11…the guy behind me was probably 22%.

    Funny stuff!


    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 5:56 pm

      ahhaha yeah I can’t stand those scales. I remember doing one of them and I scored like 20% body fat and the guy told me I should consider losing weight to be healthier. This is ironic for two reasons, I have a sick pack and he was fat as shit :).

      Great to see you posting on here Rusty :) A real honor.

  20. Lucas Cooper on September 30, 2014 at 5:45 pm

    Hey I also had a question about leangaining, do you suggest doing 5 days of surplus and 2 days of maintenance per week….or do you suggest the 3 weeks of caloric surplus of 500 which is followed by 1 week of caloric maintenance? Thanks, LC

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 5:57 pm

      Both can work. I prefer the 5:2 method. But I’ve made good gains with both. See what suits your lifestyle better.

  21. Lucas Cooper on September 30, 2014 at 4:51 pm

    Wow, such a good article! It is really a good starter article for anyone that wants to start getting into fitness through using your methods, Greg. I just took my measurements right now, I am 6’2″ with a 32.5″ waist (taken in the late afternoon after drinking water and having my break-fast meal at 12noon today) so my waist is probably around 32″. My ideal waist is 32.93″ so that means I should try greek god? And what articles of yours should I read to help supplement my lean-gaining? Thanks a lot.

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 5:59 pm

      Thanks man! Yeah Greek God would definitely be the way to go. That will have everything you need but you can go to the ‘start here’ tab and look at some of my muscle building and nutrition articles. Lots of great resources, but don’t over complicate it.

  22. Radu on September 30, 2014 at 3:48 pm

    Great article Greg,

    it’s amazing how big of a difference leaning down just 2-3% body fat makes. Those pictures show it big time.

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 5:59 pm

      Yeah I think that was like 4% body fat difference. But still, pretty crazy.

  23. Robert C. on September 30, 2014 at 3:19 pm

    Excellent article. That’s the coolest name for the waist I’ve ever heard, Adonis belt, how the hell did you come up with, you genius?! Also, were you on creatine in the first pic. on the left?

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 6:00 pm

      hahaha thanks man! I think I heard the adonis belt name before. I think it’s a synonym for the v cut on the lower abs. Nope, wasn’t on creatine, just carrying a lot more size. I haven’t really used creatine consistently. I don’t really like taking supplements aside from fish oil.

  24. Drew on September 30, 2014 at 3:14 pm

    two questions:

    What do you think about stomach vaccum exercises for tightening waists and abs?

    I often hear that hanging leg raises target hip flexors more so than abdominals. How do you correct that to focus on abs.

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 6:02 pm

      I’m not sure how I feel about the stomach vaccum. My concern is that you don’t want to have you waist sucked in all the time. Training your waist to be pulled in more may be detrimental to proper breathing, speaking and diaphragm functioning. I wouldn’t bother messing around with it. Get lean and strengthen your abs, that’s it.

  25. Mike on September 30, 2014 at 2:27 pm

    Another brilliant article Greg! This addresses the comonly asked “Should I bulk or cut first?” question amazingly!

    Speaking of questions, I have a few I’d like to ask you about the Superhero Program:

    1. In the Shoulder and the Arms phases chest training is done on Mondays, whereas in the Chest and Back phase it’s done on Fridays. Is there any particular reason for that? Is it OK to train chest on fridays on the shoulder and the arms phases as well (monday is international chest day, so the benches are usually taken)?

    2. You said one could cut with the SHP in order to be able to bring up lagging muscle groups at the same time by cutting RPT sets to 2. Should the “pump training” sets be kept the same then or would that hinder strenght gains?

    3. On the Chest and Back phase would it be fine to replace the “fly” movement on Monday with another chest pressing movement (I was thinking Incline Dumbbell Press, done either rest-pause or SPT style) or would that extra pressing movement interfere with strenght gains on the 2 main RPT chest movements done on Friday?

    Thanks a lot for the article and the time you take to answer all questions!

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 6:05 pm

      Yeah the reason is that by training chest on friday you get more rest. You have a full three days of rest from any upperbody work. So it makes sense during the chest phase to have chest work done on friday since you’ll be more fresh.

      2. Keep pump training the same, it’s not as neurally taxing.

      3. You can try that. I would prefer you do a hybrid flye/press. Bring the dumbbells down nice and deep and slightly wider than usual. Then instead of pressing them back up, rotate your hands to face them together and flye them up over your chest. When you lower the dumbbells, rotate your hands back into the pronated position, or traditional press position.

  26. Jay Camp on September 30, 2014 at 2:16 pm

    Hi Greg,

    I am having a few problems understanding this new method. I am about 5’8-5’9 and 178 pounds. My pants size is around a 32 inch waist and would that mean I need to cut down to about a 30 inch waist? I am just having trouble using these calculations as I am about a 16% Body Fat.

    Thanks for all your help in helping me achieve my goals. I have also told all my friends about this site and they are as happy as I was in first discovering Kinobody.

    Thanks Coach!


    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 6:06 pm

      Pant size is different than your true waist measurement. Get your real waist measurement.

  27. Randy on September 30, 2014 at 2:03 pm

    Greg you mean the meat and potatoes come at dinner after a day of black coffee and some fruit?

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 6:06 pm

      Yeah usually a late lunch and dinner with meat and potatoes or some carbs, perhaps corn tortilla’s or rice wraps.

  28. Chet on September 30, 2014 at 1:53 pm

    Well written article and good content. Keep it up!

    I was wondering how your chest is so aesthetic? Mine is a little bulgy and I completely stopped all chest exercises several months back. I’m actually pretty lean but my chest kinda weird looking.

    Thank you Greg!

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 6:07 pm

      Hmm I’d need to see a picture. I’d focus on just doing incline presses for a while. Even some incline flyes too.

  29. Guillermo on September 30, 2014 at 1:23 pm

    Hey man, great stuff! Quick question though. What do you consider to be the waist? 1 inch above the navel/belly button or 1 inch below? Thank you!

  30. Drewvy on September 30, 2014 at 12:41 pm

    Quite a big difference between the 33″ and 31″ waist. I am surprised b/c, at first glance, they look identical.

    Love the video. Thank you for the motivation and excellent information.


  31. mcdman on September 30, 2014 at 12:30 pm

    Greg – love your stuff… especially the podcast. you are addressing a question that I have had. regarding the waist measurement at the “belly button level.” the thing is, that’s not my widest point. my “girth” is about 1 1/2 inches greater just below my belly button level. so… which do I use – the belly button level or at the widest point?

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 6:15 pm

      Interesting, you could use the widest point, just below, because that’s where you’ll likely lose fat. In your case I would track both of those.

  32. Barrett on September 30, 2014 at 12:26 pm

    Im 20 years old, 6’3”, 175lbs, with a 33” waist. Ive been following the American Psycho workout for 1 1/2 months. This article says a couple years of packing on muscle to get the abs you want. Are you telling me that In order to get the 6 pack and obliques thta I want it will take 2 years MINIMUM? I exdpected something along the lines of 6 months- 1 Year Max on the right plan.

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 6:16 pm

      No, you can definitely get a sick pack as soon as you get down to a low body fat (7-10% body fat). But it will take a couple years to gain a high level of muscle mass and strength.

  33. Blair Esplin on September 30, 2014 at 12:17 pm

    Great article! I would like to point out one thing though. In order to get lean and tight the waist of a man who is quite tall but has a relatively small bone structure will often end up a fair amount under 45% of height. Though you can thicken your waist somewhat by building muscle, pelvis size plays a role in ultimatemate waist size.

    One question. At what level do you measure your waist? At the navel or at some other level?

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 6:17 pm

      Good point, these won’t apply to everyone. If you need to get lower to have great abs definition, then do so. That said, I have found these to be very accurate for most people. Yeah measure at the navel.

      • Blair Esplin on October 2, 2014 at 2:22 pm

        I’m 6’3″ tall with a 31.5″ waist at 9-10% fat. When I get down to 7-8% fat my waist is about 29″. That’s nearly five inches under 45% of height. I need more lean mass overall, but that comes slowly for me.

        • Greg on October 3, 2014 at 4:57 pm

          These measurements won’t apply to everyone. But yeah, 29″ is way too small at 6’3. Definitely have a lot of mass you’re gonna wanna build. Goal would be to be around 190 lbs with a 33″ waist or less.

  34. David on September 30, 2014 at 11:53 am

    Hey Greg,

    I’m 6 feet tall with a 31 inch waist at 161 lbs and there is no sixpack showing but my biggest problem is my hips. If a measure 1-1.5 inch below my navel if have a circumference of 34 inch.

    I hope you can help me with two questions if you like:

    1 Should I begin leanbulking or continue to cut?
    2 Any advice in regards with people with wide hips and sixpack abs? Am I one of those people that has to get to 7% bodyfat to see his abs.

    I have both the Greek God and Shredding program but I can’t really find a solution to my problem in those books. (Already lost 67 pounds over the last two years following your blog, thank you for that from my soul. Another option is maybe it’s my skin with is in good shape but not supertight.)

    Thanks in advance Greg should you have the time to answer my questions.

    • Greg on October 1, 2014 at 6:19 pm

      I’d be curious to see a picture of your abs. Perhaps you store your fat a little lower. If you don’t have a sick pack yet then I would continue cutting. But as you gain muscle and add size, your waist may naturally thicken up with great definition.

      Yeah you may need to get leaner to see your abs, but you also need to gain a lot of muscle. You should be around 175-180 lbs at a lean state.

  35. Ed Taylor on September 30, 2014 at 11:27 am

    Greg, Where do you advise measuring? At the bellybutton?

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