The Five Best Exercises for Washboard Abs
The term six pack is a broad term and encompasses a rather accommodating level of abs development. If you’re fine settling for abs that show nicely with great lightening and a forced flex then skip away.
But if you want those v line abs that stand out no matter what – I’m talking abs that are so well developed, you can practically make out a six pack through your shirt – then this post is for you!
I call them ‘etched out abs’ and the key to getting them is to get very strong at the following five exercises.
Keep in mind, you have to already be lean for this to work. How lean is lean enough? Around 7-11% body fat. If you’re in that range then these movements will work their magic…
1. Hanging Leg Raises
My go to abs exercise. When you work up to doing sets of hanging leg raises with straight legs, controlled form and a full range of motion, your abs will be very well developed and strong. Make sure to keep your abs constantly engaged by not going all the way down. This is very important.
I also make sure to go well above parallel, but I don’t bring my feet all the way up to the bar. Once you start to pull with your lats, you’re taking tension off your abs and placing it onto your back. You want to keep your body upright and avoid leaning back. If this exercise is too challenging start with the legs bent version.
2. Dip Bar Leg Raises
Dip bar leg raises are similar to hanging leg raises, except it’s a slightly different stimulus. Due to the nature of the movement, it’s a lot harder at the top portion of the lift. Dip bar leg raises are a wicked movement to really engage your entire abdominals. There’s really no need to do crunches or sit up movements. These exercises don’t even come close to the strength and muscle that gymnastic style leg raises build.
When you do leg raises properly, with a full range of motion, you will be strengthening the entire abdominal region, top to bottom. Interestingly enough, most people are extremely weak at these types of movements. By progressing on them, you will be able to build awesome core strength and your abs development will reach a whole other level that crunches or sit ups could never accomplish.
3. Abs Wheel Roll outs
It’s not enough to just do advanced leg raises, we also need to build the deep, inner abdominals known as the TVA. Get strong at this exercise and you will injury proof your body, greatly improve core strength, core stability and functionality, as well, you will support a rigid and compact midsection. These isometric style abs movements where the spine stays in one place, also promote great muscle tone.
4. Renegade Rows
Renegade rows are the best exercise for oblique stability. This type of anti rotational strength that renegade rows build is incredibly applicable to throwing a punch. A punch isn’t just in the arm, it’s in the entire body and most of the power is transferred through the hips and core.
By building strength on this movement you’ll have way more core and rotational power to utilize in sport like movements and punches. Renegade rows also build the TVA and promote a rigid tight core. On top of that, this exercise is very useful at building the core stability for the one arm push up.
5. Side to Side Bent Knee ups
Side to side bent knee ups are my go to exercise for bringing up my V cut. You’re going to really work those lower abs and get an absolutely killer burn. I like to do these for very high reps with short rest periods. Aim to perform about 10-20 reps per side on these.
I like to do these rest pause. My first set I go for 10-20 reps per side, followed by mini sets of 3-6 reps per side with only 15-20 seconds rest in between. Aim for one high rep activation set plus 4 mini sets with minimal rest (15-20 seconds tops). Once you start doing rest pause side to side bent knee ups regularly, you will be blown away at your abs progress.
These exercises are everything you need to develop an amazing six pack… But if you want to learn how to take your ab development to the next level, you have to focus on building up the v line muscle, which is a true sign of elite ab and core development. There are certain v line exercises that target this muscle and really help it develop. But first, I would focus on getting really strong on the exercises in this article and then transition into working on your v line muscle.
Finish off with some Bridging
To promote healthy posture and a injury free back, always finish off with some hip or back bridging. These movements ale encourage great spinal alignment. I recommend doing about 2 sets of a hip/back bridge hold. For the hip bridge do 2 x 30 second holds. If you can do a back bridge aim for 2 x 15 second holds.
If you want a full abs workout routine, be sure to check out my Cardio Abs and Mobility routine which breaks down exactly how you can enhance you fat loss efforts while building an amazing set of abs in the most simple and effective way possible.
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Hey Greg. What you say are strength standards for renegade rows. They aren’t a key lift but interesting to know.
haven’t really thought about it and I haven’t done the exercise in a longtime so don’t have any recommendations off the top.
I’ll go as heavy as possible then
Sorry, Greg — one more nuance on doing bent-over rows instead of cable rows. There are cases where a gym might only have maximum 20 kg dumbbells (hotel gyms are often concerned about liability so in making their gyms safe they remove all heavy weight, barbells, etc.).
Do you then recommend holding the weight at the top for a few seconds or more to increase the challenge? Or some kind of pre-exhaust protocol? Thanks much.
I joined Elite and will also look into purchasing the bodyweight module.
No, in that instance, I would suggest performing challenging bodyweight movements.
Hey, Greg. A bit more on the issue of travel. What do you recommend if I am on a business trip and will not have access to consistent equipment (so progressive loading also is impossible)? Would you recommend just approximating the ideal workout as best I can and then picking up where I left off when I am back home?
Also, my regular gym does not have a cable row machine. How would you cope with that if the Kinobody workout calls for cable rows?
Finally, if I am looking at eating pre-cooked meat should I just tack on 25% more weight to measure it properly?
Do the best you can. Push yourself.
Do bent over dumbbell rows instead of cable rows. Yes add 25% if it’s already cooked.
Hey greg,
Thinking about one of your programs not sure which one and dont know my body fat percentage you seem pretty good at guessing…if i can send you a picture that would be great. Im 6’1/2″ and weigh 169 if i can send you a picture let me know how i could send it to you let me know please.
yah you can shoot a pic to
Hey greg,
Do you worry about not activating protein synthesis long enough with only three workouts per week? I’ve heard its best to work each bodypart 2-3 times per week due to elevation of protein synthesis for up to 48 hours.
I break this exactly down in my greek god program. But 3 workouts is ideal. And the perfect muscle frequency is once every 4 days. This is because the local neurons that fire a specific muscle group require about 4 days to recover.
Hi there,
I’m going on a 2-3 week vacation to Europe soon. Wondering what I can do to keep up with my diet? Any strategies for not losing too much muscle and gaining fat? I don’t imagine I’ll have access to a gym most of the time either
I’d suggest doing some intermittent fasting to maintain leanness. Eating 2 meals per day on a vacation is a great strategy for staying lean. Every 3 days work in some one arm push ups and pistol squats. It will help maintain muscle.
Greg if I enter kinobody elite, will I have access to some of your previous stuff you posted there?
Nope. But you can purchase the past months or whichever of them you want.
Ok, how do you do number 4 and 5?
Watch the video.
This isn’t the most relevant but it does have to do with getting lean enough to see my abs, do you think an aggressive diet during Ramadan will result in decent fat loss or would I just lose a bunch of muscle?
I should add that I am at a high bodyfat around 20% with a 35 inch waist but with ok muscle and strength.
You will definitely see decent fat loss.
Greg! Love your stuff! I seen you in a video smashin’ a heavy bag a while back. I love lifting but I also love hitting the heavy bag. How can I make the two work without burning myself out?
You can do like 20 minutes of heavy bag work on rest days. That won’t interfere with lifting. Do about 2 minutes of hitting with 1 minute of rest.
I work 6 to 7 days a week and lift pretty heavy. I’m not a beginner with lifting by any means and I model my workouts after your stuff so training wise everything seems spot on. Thanks to your ways of course! :) I hit the bag pretty hard and I just fear not being able to recover. With all that in check do you still think 20 mins on off days would still be ok?
Thanks again and in advance!
Yes dude, that’s fine. My approach is to lift only 3 days per week. You can do boxing on rest days, it’s a lot different than heavy lifting.
Hey greg! I love this. I have been doing this workout right after my strength sessions.
I had a question about micro loading just to clarify.
1. You should be adding 1.25 on each side of the bar totalling 2.5 every lift correct?
2. On weighted chins should you be adding 1.25 every workout or 2.5?
1. yes, exactly!
2. 2.5
Greg, why so much rest between sets? I’m tight on time, it’s no big deal to make it 1 min. on rest between sets is it? Also, I’ve always heard/read to make the rest time short when working abs, like 30 secs. What’s your thoughts on that?
Do you ever add on some weight for ab roll-outs? VIA weight belt/vest or barbell with weight plates? Ha, I believe Pavel calls the roll-outs, the evil wheel. It’s evil alright!!
And also, when are we going to see you in a video doing the roll-outs standing? :-D
I like 2 minutes rest, otherwise you will be too fatigued to progress to the harder leg raise variations. People say short rest for abs because they do super easy movements. Just do 2 sets if you’re strapped for time.
Weighted roll outs are great! I dont do standing, haven’t worked up to them yet.
Hi Greg!
Great article as always! Im soon going to have 1-1.5 hr of intense muay thai sessions once a week because i want to put to use my kinobody strengths. Since i cant commit to having more than 3 intense workouts because of work schedule, what are your thoughts on only lifting 2x a week and do intense muay thai once a week? My strength is currently at the greek level and my strength gains would be at a slower pace. How would you schedule the workouts?
Wed-muay thai session, abs
Fri- back/biceps/legs
Fri- Muay thai session, abs
Also, does doing muay thai or boxing or even jiujitsu build muscle? do they trigger the fast twitch because most mma fighters and boxers have great muscle definition or do they just burn fat? Lastly, i suppose muay thai sessions won’t interfere with recovery since i will only be lifting 2x a week.
thanks a lot!
You can do muay thai session on your rest days that’s fine. I just don’t recommend any heavy lifting more than 3x per week. So you could do 2-3 strength sessions and 2 muay thai sessions per week. That’s perfectly fine.
No – muay thai or jiu jitsu will not promote muscle growth unless you’re very, very weak.
If im only going to lift 2x a week and do muay thai 1x a week, how would the week look?
M- workout A
W- workout B
F- muay thai session
M- workout A
W- muay thai session
F- workout B
Also, for lean bulk, do i go above 500 cals when i have muay thai sessions or should the calorie surplus be higher or lower?
The second one would work better. Yah if you’re lean bulking you’ll want to go up 500 calories three times per week. So muay thai session would be perfect.
Great info as always mate!
Two questions:
Any form tips for the Abs Wheel Roll outs? I LOVE them, but feel that sometimes my abs could be more engaged than my back while doing them.
Secondly, who’s the bloke in the warrior shredding program pic there? Name?
Really push your hips forward, this will bring in a harder abs contraction. If your abs aren’t strong enough you will put strain on your lowerback. Make sure not to go any further down than you can handle. No idea, I picked up that shot on a stock photo website.
I tried this ab workout last night and its awesome! Woke up this morning really feeling it! Excited to do keep doing this routine, good job Greg!
Thanks Vince!
love this abs workout!, think iv seen it in one of your other post.
im pretty lean but i have a big chest like its round and not flat on the upper part(like models, iv also seen some of your worrier pics when you are like that) any tips on how to deflate my upper chest.
thanks :)
You’ll probably just need to get to a lowerbody fat. That’s definitely what is going on. Lean down a bit and you’ll notice a difference. Also just do 1-2 sets for chest. Only two exercises.
Wow impressive and inspiring!
Thanks Kelly!
hey greg. does kino elite contain diet strategies as well, or is it only workout routines? thinking about joining. thanks!
I focus just on workout strategies but discuss diet and meals in the Q&A calls each month.
What do you think about grouping calves with abs on a rest day? Since calces require so much work for a lot of people, myself included, i think theyd benefit from the extra volume. Ive been doing them at the end of my B workout but let me know what you think! Thanks. Im enjoying the kinobody elite workouts!
Yah calves can be done on rest days, that won’t interfere with recovery.
Hey greg, great article as always. Their is one thig I wanted to point out to you. When doing leg raises, if one does lift their lower back up it does put more tension on the back… But it also places more tension on the lower abs. When the legs are above parallel this tends to happen. Try going feet to bar, then lowering your legs to parallel then raising them back to the bar. A lot of tension will be on the lower abs. For most people the lower abs are what lacks. Not because they are not putting in the work but because they lack lower ab specialization. It’s something that is not focused on because mainstream fitness is all about crunches and the like… Great article greg. Keep them coming
Hi Greg
What about hypopressive abs? I’ve heard a lot about them to reduce waist perimeter, and every time I see Pilates fans I’m amazed about their flat stomachs. Also I’ve seen a lot of old school bodybuilders like Arnold and Frank Zane that had amazing poses with hollow stomachs and very thin waist. What’s your opinion about them?
I’m not familiar with that. But I think you have to be careful with some of these movements. You don’t want to hold your stomach in throughout the day. It doesn’t allow for proper breathing and powerful speaking. You want to breath to your lower abdomen. And a lot of these techniques work against that.
Awesome post Greg!
I’ve been lifting heacy, compound lifts, and left the ab work out for quite a while, and still got nice looking abs.
I’ve just thrown some ab work back in a couple of times a week, hanging leg raises for sure, and a couple of other complimentary exercises. I teach renegade rows in my kettle bell classes, I guess I need to start doing some at home too!!!
Thanks for a good post with some useful exercises.
BTW, how often do you train your abs these days?
Best Wishes – Steve
I’ve been pretty lazy with my abs. Maybe just once per week.