Protein Intake for Getting Lean – A Simple Strategy

Greg O'Gallagher and beautiful girl walking on a boat.

Getting enough protein is crucial for successful fat loss and muscle retention when cutting. However, many struggle to hit their daily protein target, especially while fasting or on lower calorie intake. Let’s dive into the details on protein while cutting – why it matters, how much you need, and tips to easily reach your goal…

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How to Get Down to 10% Body Fat or Lower

how to reach single digit body fat percentage

Here’s how to break through 10% body fat. Let’s say you’re at 15%, maybe you’re at 20% or 30% body fat. You start cutting, and somewhere along the lines, you hit a plateau. For most people, that plateau is usually around 10% to 14%. You have something called your body fat set point. When your…

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My First Experience with Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting Just browse my YouTube channel, and you’ll see that a good portion of them are related in some shape or form to intermittent fasting. After many of my viewers pressed me on the question, I decided to share with you my personal story that put me on the intermittent fasting train. I have never…

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Do Low Calorie Diets Crash Your Metabolism?

I recently did a speech at a speaking engagement in Miami for a self-development conference where I got the opportunity to answer some great fitness questions. And one popular question I got was, do low calorie diets crash your metabolism? More and more do we hear these horror stories about people’s metabolisms crashing and getting…

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The Five Keys to Effortless Fat Loss

effortless fat loss

In this post, I’m going to share with you how to achieve a lean and chiseled Summer body, well, effortlessly. Now, not effortless in the literal sense of the word. Because, after all, commitment and diligence is involved in achieving an amazing body. But rather, effortless in the sense that you will feel completely, and…

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Kinobody Intermittent Fasting Explained

Intermittent Fasting Explained

Understanding fasting I’ve been talking about intermittent fasting, publicly, on Kinobody, for the last 7 years! In that time, I’ve seen so many amazing results and positive testimonials. Now interestingly enough, I’ve had a lot of people ask me how to handle their friends and family that don’t understand intermittent fasting and want intermittent fasting…

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9 Strategies on How to Do Intermittent Fasting

In this post, we’re going to discuss how to do intermittent fasting properly and strategies to make fat loss downright effortless. Now, I’ve been utilizing intermittent fasting for the last five years. That said, it’s only been the last 1-2 years that I’ve really seen amazing results. This post will outline the best possible way on…

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