I’m Ripped, But Now What?
Editors Note:
Kinobody introduces guest author Paul Cruz, who I found from his website Smile PUA. Paul is an expert at women, dating and pick up and his website cuts through all the nonsense, getting right to the core of what works in attracting beautiful women.
I’m Ripped, Now What?
Like many of you I have been following the advice here on Kinobody to transform my body.
Now I tell people I started taking care of myself for the health benefits but let’s be honest the primary reason we’re trying to pull off the Brad Pitt in Fight Club look, the David Beckham look, or the Chris Hemsworth in Thor look is because we know women like it.
For many men, getting in shape results in more comments on how great they look – but it doesn’t necessarily result in getting laid more.
Conversation Starters
Women are wired to seek out a healthy man to reproduce with. So women have always been attracted to the lean guy way before movies and magazines with ripped guys were created! So how does the ripped guy use this to his advantage? Since you already look better than the average guy you can separate yourself even more by making a better first impression using what I call “direct game”. So if you’re out with your friends there is no need to ask to buy a girl a drink if you want to talk to her.Scenario
You – “Hey I was walking by and I thought you were cute.” Stick out your hand to shake hers. “My name is ______.”
Her – Probably a smile then a giggle “My name is _____.”
You – If she is with her friends. “Hey do you guys mind if I talk to your friend for a second?”
You – The next thing I suggest is tell her what you liked about her before moving to another topic. “I really like your style it’s much more put together than the other women here. So what are you up to besides picking up hot guys?”
Remember to smile while doing this.
So that is a great example of a high risk high reward way to start a conversation with a woman. By stating that you’re interested in her immediately you’re forcing her to make a split second decision whether she is attracted to you or not. Remember though you’ve been doing HIIT and Intermittent Fasting so you look good which means she will be attracted to you!
Remember Other Women Want You
The next thing to remember is being a guy that women are attracted to means women are going to expect other women to be interested in you. So play into that stereotype!
If you’re out talking to a hottie and walk away for a minute go talk to another chick. If she sees you it’s ok because you’re a man and you’re here to f%^k.
Women want men that other women are interested in.
Touching Is Important
The difference between a friend and the guy she has sex with is touch. This is as simple as when you walk up to start a conversation putting your hand on her shoulder or touching her elbow for a second. When she touches you put your hand on top of hers.
How many times have you been talking to a chick and she touches your chest?
Put your hand on top of hers when she does that. If she touches you just copy that, but just remember it has to get physical!
Invites Help Convert Phone Numbers
A little secret that most guys don’t know about is what we call “seeding an event”. Basically you’re talking to some hottie and you might mention how next Saturday your friend is throwing a party somewhere or you might mention that you’re going to try some new restaurant with friends earlier in a conversation.
A couple of minutes later you want to grab her phone number you can use that event when grabbing her number.
You – “Hey give me your phone number so you can check out that new restaurant with us.”
Now you don’t have to actually bring her to whatever you mentioned but you can use that to set up your first date if you need to. The majority of the time I actually invite her to something else.
If She Is In Your Place Then It Is On!
Now there are obviously exceptions to this rule but the majority of the time whether it is the first night you met or after your first or second date if she comes back to your place then she is thinking about having sex with you! Basically man up and make a move at some point after she walks through the damn door! After all you’re a sexy beast so she knows it’s going to get hot and heavy while she is there!
As we all know meeting women is more complicated than this but these are some little tips that can help most guys and help you put your ripped abs to use! Just don’t be the douche lifting his shirt up in the club while posing for pictures!
About the Author
Paul Cruz a.k.a. Smile is an entrepreneur and life coach with an emphasis on dating based out of Denver, CO.
His website SmilePUA.com is quickly becoming one of the top websites for dating and lifestyle advice for men looking to improve their lives.
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@ Greg
You make a good point about getting in shape results doesn’t necessarily result in getting laid more. My question is if you wouldn’t mind answering, did specifically following the adonis workout which is suppose to create the body that suppose to create the ideal male body, help you in that department. Did it change the way women looked and/or perceived you? I’m starting Visual Impact monday…..
Well I really liked the principes behind the Adonis Index but I didn’t feel the workouts were more effective than other routines at achieving the AI ratio. But yes, developing a great deal of muscle in combination with a slim waist definitely gets you more attention from girls. If you can be yourself and confident then you can do extremely well with women.
Direct is definitely the way to go. Everything else is just a waste of time….
Since my boyfriend returned from Afghanistan he has gotten into working out. He follows a very strict diet and exercise routine and says he is living life as an alpha male now. In bed he gets very rough and tells me that is part of being an alpha male. He also yells in bed sometimes. This is a little difficult to talk about but is there a way he can be an alpha male without acting like this? I think he might be hurting our relationship.
Just tell him plain and simply that you’re not into the rough stuff and it freaks you out. That if the two of you are going to get it on then he needs to be more caring and compassionate and less aggressive and dominant. Perhaps tell him that some girls might like what he is doing but you’re not one of them.
If he keeps being rough then you need to stop the banging until he realizes it’s not a joke. If he doesn’t change then you may have to let him go.
Did somthing happen to him mentally in Afghanistan for him to act this way? Sounds like potential domestic violent behaviour, you should really sit down and talk to him. Nothing wrong with a little consenual aggressiveness like light to moderate chocking, smacking, hair pulling,etc. But if its to the point it scares you and makes you feel uncomfortable, thats not cool. Thats not how “alpha” acts. This word gets used way too loosley and lost its meaning. Only thing for me that matters to me when it comes to my woman is watching her face and the way she looks at me when shes about to gush during sex. This is what makes ME an aplha in her eyes and what she thinks of me is the only thing that matters. Experience and knowledge is what makes an Alpha, Not bruteness, in my opinion.
my whole point of getting ripped is to get attention from girls. the only issue is that i am still incredibly shy around them. i’d figure if i hit the point where i have a serious six pack or at least the confidence swagger to get girls i would. my goal is to have a ryan gosling body hybrid with adam levine.
hopefully the ryan gosling workout with that best ab workout works for me
Start small Drew. Work on confident body language and holding eye contact with girls a little bit more. Make conversation with them. Start slow and ease your way up.
Honestly bro, having a great physique has nothing to do with getting woman, its just a cherry on top of the cake. Theres ALOT more to the game of seduction. Knowing how to read body language, signs, keeping eye contact is probably the biggest thing I can say when dealing with woman. Listening to them and playing off thier words and rolling conversations, making them laugh, smileing, flirtatious touching: these are the key traits to getting a woman. Even if you look good, woman can detect your cofidence is bullshit if your not projecting it sincerley and thats a huge turn off. Another thing I’d point out is that once you have a woman and its time for sex or any kind of intimacy, if you want to keep her around and make her think of you, or make her want to have sex with you, you gotta know what your doing in bed. Trust me, I’ve been there. Sex with a woman is about what YOU can do for her. Thanks to Greg and Rusty Moore I have the body I want, but I can honestly say its secondary or even non existent when it came to picking up woman, or sex.
Hey Greg,
I’m not sure if it is the alcohol or supplements but my erections aren’t as strong on weeknights compared to weekends. Is this common with training and taking supplements or is it all in my head? Women I pick up don’t notice but I can tell I’m not as hard as I am when alone. 22 here, 6’2, 166.
If you keep your calories low during the week then your sex drive may suffer slightly. Alcohol will negatively effect you in that regard. Perhaps there is a little performance anxiety too. To be honest I’m not really sure because this isn’t my area of expertise. But supplements shouldn’t effect your ability to get hard.
They will if you’re taking pre-workouts with a lot of stimulants. Especially avoid jack3d. One of it’s key ingredients 1,3 dimeth is known to cause ED. If your problems persist cut out preworkouts entirely. Coffee works just fine anyways..
A very good article Greg. For me though, working out is for the strength and body performance, the good looking physique is more like a plus, which brings up next question i want to ask: I wonder if you has any study on stretching and it’s effect on sport performance. I have read you article about bridging, I wonder if you do any other stretches as well. :)
I only do 3 stretching movements that I learned from a book called convict conditioning 2. They are the back bridge, L sit and twisting stretch.
@ Greg
Obviously there are exceptions to every rule and you’re 100% correct using your personality is important. There are a lot of things that I tell my clients not to do that I do all the time because it’s more congruent with who I am as a person. Just like there are many different ways to get in shape there are many different ways to pick up women you just have to find what works for you. Except for working towards the front lever I think there is only one way to work towards that damn thing!
Nothing more attractive than a guy who values taking care of himself. That’s what a fit, healthy body really says to me. It sends the message that he’s got his priorities around a healthy lifestyle, and I find that really sexy.
I feel the same way about women. A slim and fit girl is sexy and radiates confidence. A girl with a cute face but flat butt and muffin top is a total turn off.
Gregory, I think Paul is calling you a douche xD
hahha! Perhaps he is. There is a reason why the situation lifts his shirt up at the club and beach. It gets him attention and some girls are going to respond to it positively. With that being said, other girls will be totally unimpressed by the deushness.
I used to jump into groups of girls all the time when they were taking pictures and I would lift my shirt up and pose with them. Half of them love it and the other half thought I was completely full of myself.
I think it’s better to use your personality to attract girls and everything else is a plus.
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