The Superhero Body Workout

The Superhero Bulking Program is Finally Here!

I am so excited to finally release this superhero body workout for all my followers! This program is unlike anything else out there. I have no doubts.

First, I have to apologize for the long delay. I wasn’t being lazy, I just wasn’t ready to release it until I thought I had an absolute game-changer on my hands. Thankfully, that day has come.

That said, this superhero body workout program will only be available for seven days (for now). By August 27th, the doors will be closed.

The reason for this is simple: I want to get my most loyal readers a chance to get this superhero body workout program before everyone else. This way, I can answer their questions via email or forum (oh that’s right, there’s a Superhero members-only forum, too!).

After the 7 days the doors will be closed for a few weeks. This will allow me to make any necessary bonus content for the course and to have everything ready for the public release.

This goes without saying, but if you purchase the program within the 7 day window, you’ll be getting a BIG discount as well as any and all future bonus updates.

How Does this Course Differ From My Greek God Program?

The Greek God Program is amazing for gaining rapid strength on key lifts and building great muscle density. When you want to take your physique to the next level and achieve Superhero muscle development, you need to incorporate more volume and a phase oriented lifting routine.

This new superhero body workout program has 8 months worth of workout routines to systematically bring up each muscle group to superhero status.

Superhero Body Workout


More over, this is more than a fitness course. It’s about creating the Superhero Lifestyle. I teach you how to allow this “fitness stuff” to fall into the background of your life. (In fact, “Living the Superhero Lifestyle” is one of the bonuses.)

This way you can stay shredded and move closer to Superhero development effortlessly.

I also include some of the TOP dating and style experts to get a Superhero edge on becoming a well-rounded man that conquers at life. This is really the full package – and MUCH more than just a fitness program.

Can You Really Get a Superhero Body with this Program?

Of course! You can get some pretty damn awesome results.

However, keep in mind this muscle building program is designed for natural lifters. And building muscle naturally takes time. That said, most guys that switch to this style of training see rapid changes in a matter of 3-4 weeks.

And because you’re phasing specific muscle groups, you can really see the changes. In fact, I’ve been following this course to reach my best physical condition of all time. Just take a look at the video below…


Get Access Today!

Superhero Body


Head over to to learn about this muscle building program and get started today!

This thing is packed with tons of value and between the fitness manuals, lifestyle sections, style guides and dating and sex podcasts, it has the power to dramatically boost the quality of your life.

In fact, if my younger brother wanted to live an incredible ‘superhero’ life, this is the course I would give him. It really is everything you need! Moreover, you’ll be able to share the journey with other guys in the interactive Private Members Forum.

Really looking forward to seeing you in the inside and hearing about your incredible results.

Read about the Superhero Body Muscle Building Program and get your copy by clicking here.


  1. Jose on August 30, 2015 at 12:26 pm

    Hey greg. I’ve been trying to order the program yet it won’t let me for some odd reason. Could you help out it would be great.

  2. Josh on July 24, 2015 at 7:17 pm

    This is me now !

  3. Josh on July 24, 2015 at 7:16 pm

    Ok so my bulk was 4,000 cals a day so I like I said I tried to go back to the same thang but it did not work .. Why please help ..

  4. Josh on July 24, 2015 at 7:13 pm

    My diet was 1575 cals a day my breakfast was strawberry soda and a snickers bar ). Meal 2 1 Dr pepper Meal 3 white burrito potato wedges fat free ranch with BBQ sauce . Meal 4 maple candy bar. Meal 5 butterfinger bar. Meal 6 a hand full of tootsie rolls

  5. Josh on July 24, 2015 at 6:58 pm

    Hi Greg I think it’s cool that you know what your talking about you are right on with the carbs, fats, protein. on how don’t cut none of them out so I have a question? I got down to 8% body fat but can’t do it again I was working out 3 days in a row and the 4 days off I did 20 min. Of cardio. my workout was db bench presses 2 sets ) one arm triceps ex. 2 sets ) one arm preachers curls 2 sets ) db squats 2 sets ) pull ups 2 sets) all with very heavy wight I up the reps every day . My diet was strawberry soda snickers bar )Ok so when I went to bulk I gain a shit load of wight and tried to go back to this and it did not work ? Why

  6. Gibbs on March 23, 2015 at 1:28 am

    Currently I am at 185 and I am 2 months in to your superhero program. I would eventually like to get to a lean 175. I’m 6ft and was wondering if it would be conceivable to get to that weight while still putting on lean muscle during the superhero course? Just curious that’s all

    • Greg on March 26, 2015 at 2:39 pm

      That will be very tough. You may be able to gain about 3-4 lbs max of muscle. But nothing substantial.

  7. Gibbs on February 16, 2015 at 9:07 pm

    Ignore my last comment about legs plz. I do however want to know if it’s possible to do the phases in a different order? I would like to do the arm phase before the shoulder phase if possible for example. But if the workout works best doing them in order than I will stick with that.

    • Greg on February 17, 2015 at 1:58 pm

      You can do them in any order you want! I usually do arm phase first.

  8. Gibbs on February 10, 2015 at 1:27 am

    I know you said earlier to add 5 lbs when you get to the top range of the set which I assume you meant that for rest pause. Does the same apply for reverse pyramid training or should we increase like you do in the Greek God program. Increase the last 2 sets by 5 lbs the next workout and then the next one after that increase the first set by 5 lbs? Let me know that doesn’t make sense…

    • Greg on February 10, 2015 at 3:56 pm

      No, I was talking about that for reverse pyramid training. For rest pause you’re not going to increase the weight as often. Follow the guidelines in the program.

      The greek god program uses a different set up. There’s no rep range, reps are kept the same.

  9. Gibbs on February 9, 2015 at 4:18 pm

    Ok awesome I’ll look into doing that this week then. Btw how much did you weigh after the superhero bulking phase? And how tall are you. Right now I’m 6ft 190 and want to add the lean muscle but have minimal fat that is realistic. Would prefer to have a weight to aim for though. I’m guessing I would need to get down to 180 or so but not for sure.

    • Greg on February 10, 2015 at 4:23 pm

      Interestingly enough, I pretty much maintained my weight and recomped on the superhero program. 5’10 and 175. I’d think you’d look your best around 185 and lean.

  10. Gibbs on February 7, 2015 at 12:36 pm

    I have been doing this workout for 2 weeks and have already seen noticeable results in my upper chest by the collar bone and my back! Was skeptical about doing only 3 days but I really enjoy not having to workout 5 times a week anymore. One thing I was wanting to develop is the lower v cut in the abs like you have. Is the once a week superhero ab exercises you have in the program enough to do that a long with nutrition or is there something else I could add? Thanks man

    • Greg on February 7, 2015 at 1:48 pm

      Awesome Gibbs! I’d add the same abs movements on saturday. That will speed up their development. And yeah, the superhero bulking program is really that effective.

      • Gibbs on February 7, 2015 at 1:53 pm

        Ok sweet man! If I workout Monday Wednesday and Friday would I just add in those abs on Friday instead of Saturday or are there similar ab exercises I could do from home?

        • Greg on February 9, 2015 at 12:56 pm

          Work on holding L Sits at home between two chairs. Get an abs wheel for home.

  11. Gibbs on January 31, 2015 at 2:59 pm

    So I started this work out last Monday and have a few questions that I could not find in the pdf’s you have for the superhero workout. 1. So when you get the top range of reps in a set do you increase the weight by 5 lbs the next day you do that workout? Also do we do the first group of exercises ie pull ups, shoulder press, flyes etc for 4 weeks and then switch to the substitution exercises for the last 4 weeks? Or do we just switch when we start to feel a plateau? Sorry I was a little confused on that and wanted to get it cleared up before I get too far into the workout. Thanks man

    • Greg on February 1, 2015 at 2:11 pm

      Yes increase by 5 lbs the next time you do that workout!

      Only switch when you plateau.

  12. matt on November 23, 2014 at 9:57 am


    After the 7 days the doors will be closed for a few weeks. This will allow me to make any necessary bonus content for the course and to have everything ready for the public release.

    Will u add some bonus-contents ?

    • Greg on November 24, 2014 at 3:35 pm

      Thank you for reminding me about this. I made two awesome bonuses for the program but they were never added. Will get that added in there this week. One is superhero cardio routines. The other is leg workouts for power and lean legs. What else would you like to see?

      • matt on November 25, 2014 at 3:58 am

        Greg, thanks for your response.

        thats awesome! i would appreciate some “bodyweight bonus content”

        I just have one more question on you. Can i do this Arm-Phase workout while cutting?


        • Greg on November 25, 2014 at 1:13 pm

          Yeah, but you’d need to drop the sets down to 2 for RPT.

          • matt on November 26, 2014 at 9:27 am

            greg, thanks for superhero bonus-contents but i think there is a problem with the second link.

            When I click on this link: Lowerbody Strength & Density Routine

            it shows me again only the cardio pdf. Can u please fix it ?


          • Greg on November 26, 2014 at 7:13 pm

            Good catch! I’m having my guy sort that out right now. Will have it fixed it no time, sorry about that.

  13. Cesar Salazar on October 18, 2014 at 9:28 pm

    Hey Greg, I’m trying to buy this program but can’t find it. When will it be available so I can get it?

  14. Guillermo on October 5, 2014 at 2:04 am

    Hi greg

    I have been in the gym for 2 years. I have some muscle but I am currently about 18 % bf i think maybe more well moreless I have to lose 23 lbs aprox. I want to achieve the superhero physique. What do you suggest? Doing first the warrior program then the greek god and finally the superhero?

    I asked because I started the superhero workout you posted (how to dual pyramid training) but i want to get really serious and buy one of your programs; i know you tell more in those. But i do not have enough the 3. So a cool aproach it is to buy superhero program and combined with agressive fat lose??
    2.- Do you have pack or discount to buy the three?

    • Greg on October 8, 2014 at 2:02 am

      I would suggest starting with one of my fat loss courses before going to the superhero bulking program. Aggressive fat loss to lean down quickly, or warrior shredding to lean down slower and build some muscle along the way. If you purchase one of my programs you’ll have the option to unlock everything at a discount.

  15. Nacho Rubio on September 18, 2014 at 7:42 am

    Hi, Greg and everyone!
    I recently purchased the SBP and am fascinated, incredible job, man!
    I just started training this week with great excitement (and pain, hehe…). I train at home and I think I’ve figure out how to adapt or tweak most of the exercises to my available equipment. I still have some doubts with presses though, since I don’t have a barbell… have to search variations of dips, ring push-ups, weighted push-ups, etc. I can still perform incline with dumbbells, but the maximum load I can put in my DBs is too low for flat bench press, so I’d like to ask you: how about single arm presses? Do you think they’ll do the job? Or should I continue with weighted dips (wide and/or going deep and incline)?
    Thanks a lot!

    • Greg on September 18, 2014 at 12:57 pm

      Hey Nacho, great question! I would definitely consider getting some adjustable dumbbells that you can add 10 lbs plates to. You should have the ability to work up to 100+ lbs dumbbells per arm. And yes, weighted dips and weighted push ups can be great.

      Single are presses are great, but they put a lot of tension on the core. So it’s not as effective at purely building the upperbody. But it can be a great movement. If you’re a lot weaker on one arm presses it means you have a weak core – but your upperbody won’t grow much if you’re using significantly less weight.

  16. Adam on September 15, 2014 at 4:45 am

    When will this be available again?

  17. Eric on September 7, 2014 at 5:20 am

    Hey Greg !

    You talked about it in one of Kinobody Elite’s monthly group call, and I wanted to know if you were really going to have another muscle building contest ? If so, you are waiting for the full release of the Superhero Program right?
    Just thought I’d ask because since I already bought the program, paticipating in the contest would be great additionnal motivation and I also think ending the transformation contest before the end of year celebrations might be a good idea :P

    Thanks for every thing, you’re definitely the best !

    • Greg on September 13, 2014 at 12:38 pm

      Yeah I’m thinking about starting a superhero contest strictly for muscle building! It would have to be after the ‘official launch’. So contest wouldn’t kick off until mid october.

  18. Felix M Jansson on September 3, 2014 at 1:36 pm

    How many pounds can you expect to gain during the 8 month Superhero bulking program?

    • Greg on September 13, 2014 at 12:59 pm

      Depends how big you are now. About 12-16 lbs. If you’re already pretty damn jacked then 8 lbs would be the max, assuming you want to stay lean.

  19. Felix M Jansson on September 3, 2014 at 8:11 am

    I just wonder how many pounds of muscle you can expect to put on during these 8 months of the Superhero Bulking program?

    • Greg on September 18, 2014 at 1:16 pm

      It really depends on how close you are to your maximum muscular potential. If you’re a strong and experienced lifter 8-12 lbs of muscle. If you have a longer way to go to get close to your potential you can gain about 15-16 lbs of muscle in about 8 weeks.

      Doesn’t sound like a ton. But when you keep your body fat low and add 10 lbs of muscle, it makes a staggering difference. Gaining 20-30 lbs in a year or less results in a low of fat and lowerbody mass.

  20. Austin on September 2, 2014 at 5:52 pm

    Hey buddy when will this be available again? Would love to pick this up

  21. Tomas on September 1, 2014 at 6:28 am

    Hey Greg!

    In the program you recommend increasing the weight by 5lbs on all sets once the top range is hit for all sets. However, in your “The Perfect Storm For Maximizing Muscle Growth” video you recommend increasing the weight for each set individually once the respective top range is hit. Most other RPT users (Martin Berkham included) also recommend the latter. Which should we use?


    • Greg on September 18, 2014 at 1:27 pm

      It depends on the exercise. FOr lighter weight movements – you will have to increase 5 lbs to all sets, otherwise you’ll end up doing the same weight on some sets. For heavier movements, you can tend to add 5 lbs to sets individually.

  22. Ahmad on August 27, 2014 at 1:59 am

    Hey Greg. Starting your new Superhero program – bought it already. I saw that you have ratios/suggested measurements for waist, chest, shoulders and arms. I wanted to ask you what should be the ratio between legs and chest (or shoulders) to get a proportionate sleek look? Thanks in advance!

    • Greg on August 28, 2014 at 11:58 am

      Hey Ahmad. I don’t have any specific ratio’s for legs. But generally I’d say you want your thigh’s to be around 70% of your ideal waist measurement. So if your goal waist measurement is 32″ then you’d want your thigh’s around 22.5″ at the widest point.

      • Ahmad on August 28, 2014 at 12:07 pm

        Thanks Greg! Always very helpful.

        Is that waist at your naval point or narrowest point?

        Also, right now my thighs are too big relatively to my waist. Should I cut first to get that proportion before starting superhero program I recently purchased?

        • Greg on August 28, 2014 at 12:18 pm

          Navel. You can do the superhero bulking program but I’d suggest doing an interval/sprint session instead of the lowerbody workout.

  23. Andrew on August 25, 2014 at 11:49 pm

    Hey Greg,
    Just purchased Superhero program, look awesome. I’m currently doing the Greek God Program, which I’m loving. Just wondering in the Superhero program you only have pull ups, but in the Greek God you have both. Which do you prefer, as chin ups feel better on my wrists, appreciate your thoughts.
    regards Andrew

    • Greg on August 28, 2014 at 12:11 pm

      I think both are great movements. Why limit yourself to one.

      I would start with pull ups and when you hit a plateau then I’d go to chin ups. You’ll make better gains utilizing both movements into your program.

  24. Amos on August 25, 2014 at 4:41 am

    Hi Greg!
    Regarding superhero bulking, If im going to workout on mon wed fri and have calorie deficit days 2 days a week, would there be a better effect if i’ll have those calorie deficit days on saturday and sunday so that those calorie deficit days would be consecutive and the calorie surplus days would be consecutive as well (mon to fri)? Or it does not matter as long as i have it on rest days. maybe on tuesdays and thursdays


    • Amos on August 25, 2014 at 4:45 am

      PS: i just thought that being in calorie surplus from mon-fri and being on calorie deficits on saturday and sunday will lead to a better shift storing food to muscle glycogen and losing fat whenever i go from a deficit to a surplus and vice versa :)

      your thoughts would be very much appreciated

    • Greg on August 28, 2014 at 12:31 pm

      Good question! I prefer 5 consecutive high calorie days and 2 consecutive low calorie days. I feel this does a better job at turning on the fat burning / muscle building switches.

  25. Ewan on August 24, 2014 at 11:49 am

    Hey Greg! Just wondering what equipment is needed for the superhero bulking program as my gym isn’t exactly that well equipped. Thanks.

    • Greg on August 24, 2014 at 1:08 pm

      Bench, dumbbells, barbells, cable machine, pull up bar, dipping belt.

  26. Aaron on August 23, 2014 at 10:45 am

    Hi Greg!
    How should my workout routine look like if Im going to incorporate RPT and RP?
    like this?
    Back (RPT)
    Back (RP)
    Shoulders (RPT)
    Shoulders (RP)
    Triceps (RPT)
    Triceps (RP)

    or doing all RPT exercises first before doing the rest pause exercises?
    Back (RPT)
    Shoulders (RPT)
    Triceps (RPT)
    Back (RP)
    Shoulders (RP)
    Triceps (RP)


    • Greg on August 28, 2014 at 12:56 pm

      I would do all RPT movements first.

      That said, you probably don’t need two movements for triceps. Since triceps will be hit hard from standing presses. So I’d do

      weighted pull ups (RPT), standing press (RPT), Rope push downs (RPT), Cable Rows (rest pause), lateral raises (rest pause).

  27. John on August 23, 2014 at 4:33 am

    Hey Greg,

    I’ve been lifting weights seriously for around 6 months (what you’d call an intermidiate lifter I guess) but I’ve made little muscle gains, the reason for that being that i wasn’t tracking macros and as it turns out I was eating a lot less than I should be for lean bulking during those months.

    I’ve done your warrior shredding routine and the Strenght and Density from the GGMBP and built up to the following weights (strenght gains probably would have been better if I was eating enough from the beggining):

    5’8, 132 pounds
    Weighted Chins: 42 pounds + BW for 5 reps
    Standing Press: 81 pounds for 5 reps
    Incline Bench Press: 156 pounds for 5 reps
    Sumo Deadlifts: 187 pounds for 5 reps

    I’ve bought your Superhero Program and I’d like to know if you think I could start it or not (and if not, which routine/program would you recommend me to follow?).


    • Greg on August 23, 2014 at 9:46 am

      You can start it and work through it. But at some point I would go back to the greek god program to focus on rapidly improving lifts.

  28. Aaron on August 23, 2014 at 1:22 am

    Hi Greg!
    For the RPT on biceps and triceps, what is the recommended rest in between sets? 2 or 3 minutes?


    • Greg on August 23, 2014 at 9:46 am

      yeah about 2 minutes. 3 if you really need it.

  29. Emmet on August 22, 2014 at 11:29 am

    Hey man love the website, I am wondering whether I should buy the Greek god programme or your new superhero one, I’m after the bigger male model body type like Matthew terry and David Gandy. I’m new to weight training, I have only been doing calisthenics but have got to a fairly advanced level with it, what programme would you advise?

    • Greg on August 23, 2014 at 9:50 am

      Well considering superhero right now is 30 bucks off, I would get that course. But if your strength lifts are still low, and you can’t incline press more than bodyweight for reps, you’d be better off with greek god.

  30. Paul on August 22, 2014 at 3:20 am

    Hi Greg,

    I really want this program but was wondering. Basically I have started a new job which means the gym is super busy in the evenings when I can get there. I can get to the gym on weekends though and at home I have dumbbells, a pullup bar, rings hung from my bar. I was wondering if I would be able to follow this program with what I have? Perhaps training at home 2 days a week and the gym once a week? Or training at the gym saturday and sunday and working out at home once or twice in the week??

    thanks :)

    • Greg on August 23, 2014 at 9:52 am

      Yeah you won’t be able to follow the program with access to a complete set of free weights. So either you deal with the zoo of people or you follow a different routine.

      • Paul on December 2, 2014 at 2:45 am

        Hi, I ended up buying your program and reading through it I can easily adapt it to the equipment I have at home using bodyweight and my dips station, pullup bar, DB’s and my BB… Just takes a bit of imagination. I will keep you posted on my progress.. I’m following more of a prison training mentality too – Those guys in prison are massive & ripped with limited to zero equipment and a crap diet (Of course some of them are on roids, but thats no different to the outside!)……

        All the best – I will keep you posted :)

        • Greg on December 3, 2014 at 3:11 pm

          Awesome that approach can work very well. Let me know how it goes :)

  31. Anthony D. on August 22, 2014 at 1:34 am

    Hey Greg,

    Awesome physical condition. I’m in your greek god guide workout and I do have some questions. How many grams of fish oil should I take per day? And do you think taking ZMA is a good idea?

    Thank you!

    • Greg on August 23, 2014 at 9:53 am

      6-8g of fish oil per day. ZMA is fine, if you’re deficient in it. I would just get straight up zinc and magnesium. Way cheaper.

      • Anthony D. on August 23, 2014 at 5:28 pm

        So how many grams of Zinc and Magnesium would you suggest?

        Thank you!

        • Greg on August 23, 2014 at 6:01 pm

          Prolly 30mg of zinc and 400mg of magnesium. Somewhere around that.

  32. Kevin on August 22, 2014 at 12:54 am

    Hey Greg program looks good. Just had a couple of questions, if we buy the program now will we get access to the upgraded/tweaked version when you have had a chance to incorporate all the feedback? Also is this superhero workout similar to the MEGA and Superhero workouts in your earlier programs with all the other extra material?

    • Greg on August 23, 2014 at 9:54 am

      Yes and the next update is going up in the next couple days.

      It’s similar to MEGA from GG but quite different. Since there’s 4 different phases of MEGA lifting in superhero, each with a different goal.

  33. Mal on August 21, 2014 at 6:28 pm

    Hey Greg.

    What would happen if a complete beginner were to try out this program? Couldn’t they just reduce the loads to customize to their (lack of) fitness level? Or reduce sets, reps, and so on?

    I’d probably buy this based on the bonuses alone, but I’m definitely a newbie lifter, so maybe I’m not ready yet?

    Or is it more about proportions?

    • Greg on August 23, 2014 at 9:55 am

      That’s exactly right. That said, I just feel a newbie will faster on more of a simplistic routine based on just a few key movements. That way they can advance on their key lifts faster. But you can pick up the program now, while the discount is in place, and then follow it after.

      • Mal on August 23, 2014 at 10:24 am

        Appreciate the info!

        Since I want to lose weight and get lean, the Warrior Shredding program is probably my best bet.

        But would you say 12 to 16 weeks on that is a decent enough jumping off point into Superhero Bulking? So basically I’d do Warrior Shredding from September to December and then January onwards would be Superhero Bulking.

        • Greg on August 28, 2014 at 12:56 pm

          Yeah that will work very well!

  34. kk on August 21, 2014 at 5:10 pm

    Hi there,

    Wondering how many phases are included in this program. I.e lots of workout programs include 3 phases of say 6-8 weeks each. Is this program only one phase, which is to be done after say another phase. Or is this an all encompassing workout plan that I could do for 3-4 months that would include a strength phase, a density phase and a cutting phase? Hopefully that made sense.


    • Greg on August 23, 2014 at 9:56 am

      There’s 4 phases, each 8 weeks long. And there’s two different workout routines for each phase.

  35. Carter Good on August 21, 2014 at 3:15 pm

    Hey Greg!

    I have adopted intermittent fasting into my eating and have really enjoyed it! I like to wait 5-6 hours after waking up to eat and then have 2-3 bigger meals. I am going to be a sophomore in college and an RA. being an RA, I have free room and board, so I eat in the dinning halls on campus. My campus has pretty healthy options, but I am a little concerned about the protein options. they have a grill that one can get chicken and steak, but they aren’t super lean sources. I believe the chicken is thigh meat, and the steak is eye-of-round. I spent the whole last year tracking my macros and I want to start “eye-balling” my food at school because tracking really took over my life. I was just wondering what tips you would have for me to get enough protein w/o going overboard with the fat from the fattier meats? Thanks again for all of your content and help! keep spreading the truth brother!

    • Greg on August 23, 2014 at 9:59 am

      Great question! If your protein sources are very fatty, then you want to eat lean protein sources for the rest of your meals – chicken breast, low fat cottage cheese, egg whites… Do that and you’ll be fine and balance out the fat intake.

  36. Kris on August 21, 2014 at 7:03 am

    Hey Greg.

    Perfect body.

    You wrote in comment below film “The Superhero Physique at 8% Body Fat “:

    ” I don’t go that high in protein anymore. I feel better leaving more room for carbs and fat. Plus you only need about 0.82g of protein per day for maximum benefit”

    Do You mean that 0,82 g per pound is always ok? Even when that amount of protein would be less than 30% of calorie intake per day?

    Should protein intake be a certain participation in whole calories intake ( for example 30%). Could I eat the same amount of protein no matter if I eat 2000 or 3000 calories per day ( rest of calories take from fats and carbs?)

    Is 0,82 proper amount also while bulking and cutting?

    Is protein intake depend on bodyfat level?

    I am 6,2, 200 pounds and about 17% bodyfat. I

    Is it correct to take 164 g of protein per day? If my bodyfat will be 10% and weigth the same ( 200 lbs) protein intake also would be correct at that level – 164 g? Is it correct when despite the fact I eat 2000 calories or 2800 calories?

    Do You count only animal sources of protein all whole sources ( for example oat contains 11 g of protein in 100 g, should I count it?)

    In Poland popular source of protein is cottage/curd cheese ( 20g of protein, 0 fat and 3,5 of carbs – per 100 g) Is it good source of protein?

    • Greg on August 21, 2014 at 12:17 pm

      Hey. Protein doesn’t have to be a certain percentage of calories. As long as you’re getting 0.82g per pound you’re fine. Someone at a higher body fat will have a lower requirement for protein. Ideally you want to count protein from all sources but I do some simplification rules.

      • Kris on August 22, 2014 at 4:01 am

        Hey. I am active guy. I ride a bike 1-2 a week, I swimm 1 a week and I run 1 a week.

        I also lift weights 3x week as You recomends.

        Are Your programs ( Warriar shredding, Greek God and Superhero) good for me or only for people who train only in the gym without other activities?

        I love bike, swimming and running and I don’t wont to quit this activeties.

        • Greg on August 23, 2014 at 9:51 am

          Yes you can be active outside of the workouts, just don’t do any heavy strenuous training outside of the 3 lifting days.

  37. Al on August 20, 2014 at 10:39 pm

    Very Exciting to finally have your Superhero Program out Greg!!!!

    Question. Can we jump right into Superhero after achieving Warrior?? Dont mind doing Greek God, but honestly I rather just go into Superhero since that is the ultimate goal. Thoughts??

    Also, Im glad that you included a men’s style section. What a priviledge it is to gain that insight from a real pro!!!

    Just fyi, you might want to check out Corey Wayne on youtube, or on It truly is revolutionary info on dating, marriage, and relationships in general. Really good stuff. No joke!!

    Thanx Coach!

    • Greg on August 21, 2014 at 12:23 pm

      Hey Al! Thanks, I’ll be sure to check out Corey Wayne. And if you have a good level of strength and muscle then you can go straight to superhero.

      • Alex on September 4, 2014 at 12:31 pm

        You also should check out It´s a little bit radical, but it´s also about getting to a lean and strong physique and talk to girls to get a better sex life.

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