How I Got Into My Most Shredded Condition Ever

  This Is How I Got Into My Leanest Condition Ever I remember it quite vividly, it was the summer of 2011 and I had just watched the cult classic film, American Psycho starring Christian Bale. Suffice to say, I was blown away by Bale’s physical conditioning for his role of the serial killer and…

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How Actors Get Shredded For Movie Roles

How Actors Lose Weight for Movie Roles  What’s the actors diet to prepare for movie roles? There’s no secret that when actors need to get shredded for the movie screen they adopt low calorie diets. Why? Well because low calorie diets work, if you can just battle through them. In fact, one of the first diets I…

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Unlocking Your Strength Potential

Unlocking true strength

  How to Unlock Your Strength Potential  1. Become as present as possible during your workouts.  To become present during your workouts means that you cut off any outcome dependency that you may have when you enter the gym. This means that you lift for the pure enjoyment and pleasure of it. This means that…

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The Truth About Fat Fasting

As intermittent fasting explodes with popularity, more and more people are making the conversion from fasting to fat fasting. Fat fasting involves consuming pure fat during the fasting portion of the day. The most notable strategy is to add a few tablespoons of butter and MCT oil into your coffee. This protocol has been popularized…

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The Muscle Pump of The Gods

Muscle Pump of the Gods In my last workout article, I talked about pump training vs. strength training and why the key to building a phenomenal physique is to focus on getting stronger on key movements. Let me just say, the importance of training for progressive strength gains cannot be over-emphasized. It is the very…

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Pump Training vs. Strength Training

What is Pump Training & Strength Training  Pump training consists of lifting light weights for a high number of sets and reps with short rest periods. The goal is to deliver a wicked pump to the working muscles to trigger an increase in muscle growth via sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. This type of muscle growth increases the…

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