Toxic Plastics & Muscle Growth: How Phthalates Impact Your Body Composition
Phthalates are sneaky chemicals that mimic estrogen in your body. They lower crucial testosterone levels, which can blunt your muscle growth and ramp up fat storage – especially around your midsection. Phthalates are found everywhere, from plastics to personal care products to pesticides. In this article, you’ll learn simple strategies to decrease your exposure to…
Read MoreDaniel Craig is the Most Ripped 007… is he the Best?
I’m excited for the new James Bond movie, No Time to Die. You gotta love James Bond. Stylin and badass Exotic locations. Cool cars AND beautiful women. It’s always fun to see who the new Bond girls will be. Ana De Armas is one of the Bond girls this time around. Ana is a 33-year-old Cuban actress and…
Read MoreFast Twitch Training is the New “Cardio”?
If you have been following me for any time, you probably notice that I don’t do a lot of traditional cardio. My two main modes of training… Lifting weights for building strength and dense muscle Walking for overall health and fat loss The problem with prolonged traditional cardio like jogging or bicycling is that it…
Read MoreThis “Running Guru” Died While Jogging…
Did you know the man responsible for launching the jogging movement died while jogging? He was only 52 at the time and had a heart attack while jogging on a back road in Vermont. His name was Jim Fixx… …and he wrote a book called, The Complete Book of Running. It was published in 1977. This…
Read MoreWhy Recovery Is More Important Than Working Out
Training and nutrition are major tenants to building the body of your dreams. But your actual dreaming — i.e., sleep and recovery — is king. Here’s why…
Read MoreWhy You Must Train Your Mind Before Your Body
Almost everyone wants an aesthetic physique. But how do you start? How do you keep it for life? By mastering your mind, only then can you master your body.
Read MoreThe Ultimate Kino Warrior Morning Routine
Your morning dictates the rest of your day. What day do you want? Want one that kicks ass and takes names? Use these guidelines to supercharge your morning!
Read MoreThe 10 Best Halloween Costumes for Muscular Guys
Halloween is right around the corner. If you’re putting all your effort in building an incredible physique, you can’t ruin it with a poor Halloween Costume. This year I don’t want you struggling to find something to wear or pick something that puts your physique in the shadows. In this post, I’m going to share…
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