Posts Tagged ‘Muscle’
What To Do When You Are Losing Strength
You may be asking yourself: “Why am I losing strength in the gym?” Let’s face it – every workout is not going to be a huge personal record. This is something I addressed in a previous article: 3 Strategies On How To Hit Strength Gains Every Workout. During your training career when you become more…
Read MoreHow to Build Muscle During the Holidays In this article, I’m going to share with you the most effective strategies on how to build muscle during the holidays without spilling over in fat gain. With the Holidays rolling around, I wanted to set you up to take full advantage of the extra food and free time that’s coming your way……
Read MoreHow Skinny Guys Can Maintain Their Diets During Social Events
Physique Meets Style: Adding The Icing To The Cake
My names Tyler Holmes and for the last 6+ years, I’ve shared a profound interest in the world of fitness. For as long as I can remember, I’ve remained a large proponent of fitness and nutrition along with the various benefits – the two never fail to deliver. I’ve managed to reach phenomenal and personal…
Read MoreThe Real Reason Why You Can’t Build Muscle
You may be asking yourself: “Why can’t I gain or build muscle no matter what?” If you’ve been having a hard time putting on muscle and strength, you’re going to want to read this post. Face it, most advice around gaining muscle is flat out wrong! It’s not focused on gaining muscle, but rather, gaining…
Read MoreThoughts on Low Carb Ketogenic Diets for Fat Loss
A low carb ketogenic diet for fat loss may work for you, but for me and the many others, not in the least. I recently was asked to do a speech at my good friend’s business summit, Real Social Dynamics. What I really enjoy is answering your questions and turning that into the topic of…
Read MoreHow To Actually Build A Great Natural Physique
Building a great natural physique is very different than building a great physique while using performance enhancing drugs. In this post, we’re going to discuss a few different principles, principles that are ingrained in all the Kinobody Courses, that make building a great natural physique possible. What Will Your Weight Be As A Natural Lifter?…
Read MoreMuscle Gain and Intermittent Fasting
In this post, I discuss the intermittent fasting muscle gain benefits and how you can also stay lean while building muscle… Intermittent Fasting for Muscle Gain Fundamentals Before I get into the intermittent fasting muscle gain fundamentals, understand this: Intermittent fasting alone will not build muscle. BUT… the intermittent fasting muscle gain benefits are still…
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