How to Motivate Yourself for Success with Tai Lopez

  On my last trip to LA, I had the opportunity of meeting and connecting with Tai Lopez. Funny enough, he actually has been following me on instagram for a while. I was pretty thrilled to learn that. I initially came across Tai Lopez from his Lamborghini ads all over Youtube. I don’t think I…

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The Six Benefits of Bodyweight ‘Mastery’ Training

The benefits of bodyweight training workouts are actually quite massive and profound! This post will seek to explore the motive behind working with bodyweight exercises to build strength and to build a great body. First things first: the main goal of working out is progressive overload – to increase your strength. You can build strength with…

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The Three Problems with Muscle Building Programs

Build muscle stay lean – that’s the goal! Unfortunately, very few people ever achieve the physique they are truly after when they embark on a muscle building program. This is for three primary reasons, which I explain below… Problem #1: Most Programs Encourage Excessive Overeating Here’s the truth: most muscle building programs welcome excessive eating with open…

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How To Do Fasted Training For Morning Workouts

In this post, I want to address how to do fasted training properly if you workout in the morning. Can you do intermittent fasting workouts in the morning? The worry that most people have is that they will impede their progress if they don’t consume a post workout meal after a intermittent fasting workout… Ultimately, what is…

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How I Prepare for a Photoshoot

Recently, I’ve been doing quite a few photoshoots, and I’ve had a number of people ask me how I get ready for them. Most fitness models and bodybuilders are known to take drastic measures getting photo ready. Typically, they’ll do carb depletion, increase cardio and training, and of course, water and sodium manipulation… And the list…

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